Did something happen after the game?

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I can't speak to what happened on the field, but I was unimpressed with the lack of class that the group of Badger fans sitting behind me showed toward the end of the game. Already up 42-13, they were screamming at Bielma to run up the score even more and "make it hurt". WI fans arrogance is incredible to witness each time they visit. I will add that before the game a group of 4 Badger fans ask me what the names referenced on the stadium wall. I explained that the names were the counties in the state of MN. Their response was, wow, you guys did a great job with this stadium, it looks wonderful.

Loblaw....thanks for clearing thing up. If Wisconsin's capacity was 50K for home games, they'd be working on two decades of over 100% attendance. With the benefit of having your Stadiette, there still is light support for Minnesota.

About Brewster....a couple things. Time for you guys to come to grips with the fact that Bielema was letting big mouth Brew know who daddy is. Far too many jabs fed to recruits by Brew. You need to be thankful to Bielema for Brew's demise. He's as responsible as anyone for your fraud, big mouthed coach being run out of coaching.

And yet he didn't man up to it and blamed it on the card.

I can't speak to what happened on the field, but I was unimpressed with the lack of class that the group of Badger fans sitting behind me showed toward the end of the game. Already up 42-13, they were screamming at Bielma to run up the score even more and "make it hurt". WI fans arrogance is incredible to witness each time they visit.
I find this whining laughable. I guarantee if by some miracle the roles were reversed, you would be praising Gopher fans for doing the same thing, so spare us the righteous indignation.

How was Brewster classless but Burt had all the dignity? Looked like they both had the same reactions toward each other. Both looked like crybabies and Bieliema had some wimpy excuses to try and save face. To say one coach looked like he had any dignity after that exchange is incredibly short-sighted.
Bielema had dignity because he didn't whine and cry like a 4 year old to the media about an irrelevant play in the game. In fact, the only reason any media took interest in that was because Punky made an ass of himself. Bielema could have given a better reason for the 2pt play, but he stood by his decision and never regretted it for a second.

Bielema had dignity because he didn't whine and cry like a 4 year old to the media about an irrelevant play in the game. In fact, the only reason any media took interest in that was because Punky made an ass of himself. Bielema could have given a better reason for the 2pt play, but he stood by his decision and never regretted it for a second.

You would know all about whining and crying.

no, actually I wouldn't seeing as how I have nothing to whine or cry about. Gopher fans have become experts on the subject, however.

You have plenty to cry about. Every time you look into the mirror, every time you wake up and realize what a piece of dog excrement you are, you have plenty to cry about.

It's been my experience that people who choose to frequent other team's message boards in an effort to revel and gloat about the results of athletic events that they played absolutely no part in are generally happy and well adjusted in every other aspect of their lives. See PantherHawk.

So the only thing you can take from the game is that the Badgers chose the wrong goal post to chop down first? If they would have gone to the goal post in front of the students, then nothing would have happened and it would have been OK?

If the school song was that important for the team to stay for then why did only 10 % of the students stay for it and 5% of the fans stay for it. I would cancel the tradition immediately when there is nobody left at the end of the game except the team. It is a very new tradition that was started in the new stadium.

Did anyone find it troubling that while the badger lineman was down on the field with a dislocated ankle so bad they needed to bring out the cart to haul him off, they then brought out the dance team to perform and entertain the crowd while he was lying still on the ground/field. Would that happened if they knew it was neck injury or life threatening? That was bit distasteful I thought!

So the only thing you can take from the game is that the Badgers chose the wrong goal post to chop down first? If they would have gone to the goal post in front of the students, then nothing would have happened and it would have been OK?

If the school song was that important for the team to stay for then why did only 10 % of the students stay for it and 5% of the fans stay for it. I would cancel the tradition immediately when there is nobody left at the end of the game except the team. It is a very new tradition that was started in the new stadium.

Did anyone find it troubling that while the badger lineman was down on the field with a dislocated ankle so bad they needed to bring out the cart to haul him off, they then brought out the dance team to perform and entertain the crowd while he was lying still on the ground/field. Would that happened if they knew it was neck injury or life threatening? That was bit distasteful I thought!

On the lineman, everyone who had a view at one time saw that he was moving. Also, they didn't go to commercial until there it was seen that it was a lower body injury.

It's been my experience that people who choose to frequent other team's message boards in an effort to revel and gloat about the results of athletic events that they played absolutely no part in are generally happy and well adjusted in every other aspect of their lives. See PantherHawk.

Agree. I have never been to a message board of another team except once or twice to ask a question during the off-season. I have a sad enough life to post here as often as I do. I'd have to be totally miserable to actually go to another team's board.

Doc, every tradition had to start sometime. If the coach wants the team to sing (and many, many other teams have this same tradition) we'll sing.

Bielema had dignity because he didn't whine and cry like a 4 year old to the media about an irrelevant play in the game. In fact, the only reason any media took interest in that was because Punky made an ass of himself. Bielema could have given a better reason for the 2pt play, but he stood by his decision and never regretted it for a second.

And I'm sure Brew doesn't regret telling BB that he is an a-hole either. Just because he stood by his decision, does not mean he won with dignity. They were in a verbal shouting match on the field. Like I said before, both coaches are equally to blame. It's unbelievable you can't understand that.


Bielema had dignity because he didn't whine and cry like a 4 year old to the media about an irrelevant play in the game. In fact, the only reason any media took interest in that was because Punky made an ass of himself. Bielema could have given a better reason for the 2pt play, but he stood by his decision and never regretted it for a second.
brent enema and dignity in the same sentence-WOW!

So the only thing you can take from the game is that the Badgers chose the wrong goal post to chop down first? If they would have gone to the goal post in front of the students, then nothing would have happened and it would have been OK?

If the school song was that important for the team to stay for then why did only 10 % of the students stay for it and 5% of the fans stay for it. I would cancel the tradition immediately when there is nobody left at the end of the game except the team. It is a very new tradition that was started in the new stadium.

Did anyone find it troubling that while the badger lineman was down on the field with a dislocated ankle so bad they needed to bring out the cart to haul him off, they then brought out the dance team to perform and entertain the crowd while he was lying still on the ground/field. Would that happened if they knew it was neck injury or life threatening? That was bit distasteful I thought!

If it isn't worth doing something if only the team is there, then we might as well just scrap the whole football program as that is the case with the games, not just the singing.

Singing Hail Minnesota was a tradition that started as soon as Brewster took over as coach, at the DOME, not just at the new stadium. As for the goal post chopping down, if they would have went to the home side first or waited until the team was done singing would have been perfectly fine, as others have said, the goal post chopping is a tradition as well, just the timing of it the last 2 games at TCF were just poor. The first one was worse as the team was already halfway through singing when the Badgers pushed through them to get to the goal post. I would say the same thing if it were the Gophers doing this to the Badgers, so it's not just being biased about the situation, just poor timing of celebration.

So let me get this strait...

You want the winning visiting team to continue the tradition of chopping down the posts, but...

You want the winnning team to halt the celebration, stand aside and wait quietly and patiently while the other team (sometimes... as it has been known to just not happen because the players choose when to and not to care to stay in it's storied 5 year existance) takes their sweet time and sings their alma mater before moping off the field (about 10 minutes in total time) and then the other team is supposed to continue to chop down the last goalpost afterward?

What world of retirement home delusion do you live in? This is not a chess game. These are amped up 20 year old kids.

Stop hiding behind the "you're-classless-if-things-don't-go-our-way" card and wake up to the reality of an exciting college football world. What you are proposing doesn't happen anywhere else in the country- particularly between rivals- and get this:


Do you really think that if the Gophers miraculously won in Madison that they would stand quietly off to the side while we sang Varsity and then waited for our team to leave the field before they took down our goalposts? Not a chance! And they shouldn't!

Minnesota fans continuing to scrap for the moral high ground is really entertaining. That's what you are left to when you've lost 15 of 17. Shoot me if we ever get to that point. Shoot me if I'm the one whining about such ridiculous things.

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