Did something happen after the game?

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With success, the humility leaves and the pricks come out of the woodwork. Coaches, players......and obviously fans. Same would be true with us. Shame.

The badger players are the most classless pieces of crap. Team takes on attitude of its coach!!

What actions durning the game would make this statement true? Badger players where not the ones chirping (Tinsley) after plays. All Wisconsin did was come out and kick ass. Now you may go ahead and call me names.

What actions durning the game would make this statement true? Badger players where not the ones chirping (Tinsley) after plays. All Wisconsin did was come out and kick ass. Now you may go ahead and call me names.
Not gonna call names, just saying interrupting a post-game tradition is pretty classless.

Oh come on! I understand you are upset, but you are making this a way bigger deal than it is.

Cutting down both goal posts is a tradition that as far older and better than the post-game sing-a-long that Brewster started a couple years ago for you guys. Half the time your own players don't even stick around to do it. We would expect you to do the same thing in Madison should you win there.

Part of the storied rivalry- you've done it. We've done. It will continue to be done.

They went over, took down the last post like it's been done for countless years and that was it. It's not like they went over and started talking trash and picking fights. Another team/player took care of that...

Whatever happened to the adage "Win with Class, Lose with Dignity"?

What actions durning the game would make this statement true? Badger players where not the ones chirping (Tinsley) after plays. All Wisconsin did was come out and kick ass. Now you may go ahead and call me names.

You're missing the point. It was the postgame fricasee in the east end zone that has everyone riled up.

At least Royston got in the way and told them to GTFO. No once cared enough to do it the last time.

Dr.Don said:
Whatever happened to the adage "Win with Class, Lose with Dignity"?


I think it is safe to say they defended the goal post from the axe better then they defended the Badgers offense.

I don't think there can be any eyewitness accounts on this from Gophers fans. There were not any lft in there.
I was there. Although it's not uncommon for fans of the home team to bolt early when their squad is getting torched. If you need another example, take a look at the Kohl Center at the end of last night's game. Looked like a ghost town.

And Bielema won with dignity last year you are saying? Waiting for your answer.

I'm sure you can find the attendance figures. Wisconsin, in their worst hour, still averaged more than Minnesota does in bowl seasons. Morton's last year was around 45K fans average. As season ticket holders, I can tell you, it was thin late in that season. But it wasn't 15K. Nor does any of this matter. Wisconsin has always had enthusiasm for their teams. Only in the Morton years was it "Minnesota-like" in the stands. People like to exaggerate....makes the hero's story look even better. Wisconsin was a sleeping giant....Alvarez knew that, and came.

The Minneapolis and Madison sports market are completely different. When any team does not win, people do not show up. Wisconsin attendance and Minnesota attendance was same before Alverez arrived. Wisconsin sold more season tickets however to people who never attended. If the badgers were located in a market and political environment like Minneapolis, the giant would have had a much more difficult time waking up. Alverez had the benefit of a University president that changed the culture of athletics. Minnesota now has the same vision with President Kaler and Jerry Kill. It was difficult when Alverez took over and Kill has the same road ahead. There may be a giant sleeping here too and that would be good for the conference which includes Wisconsin.

It seems to me that if we've got a problem with what Wisconsin does when they win, then we should stop them from winning. It was nice to see that the axe proved enough motivation to fire up one Gopher team (the hockey team went on a tear after the axe showed up at the Kohl center). Wisco can't chop down our goalposts if we are the one holding the axe.

And Bielema won with dignity last year you are saying? Waiting for your answer.
He certainly won with dignity. His only mistake was his reasoning for going for 2. He should have answered with the Woody Hayes classic "Because I couldn't go for 3".

Just as I thought. Roybean doesnt know class.

It seems to me that if we've got a problem with what Wisconsin does when they win, then we should stop them from winning. It was nice to see that the axe proved enough motivation to fire up one Gopher team (the hockey team went on a tear after the axe showed up at the Kohl center). Wisco can't chop down our goalposts if we are the one holding the axe.

When the team eventually wins an Axe game at Camp Randall (and it WILL happen someday), I want them chopping away at the north goal post until the cops pull them away.

The last time we did win at wisky, (Tutu Atwell's freshman year when he caught a t.d. pass in the final couple minutes of the game...) badger fans complained and cried bloody murder about the way the "...classless Gopher Players celebrated with the axe..."

; 0 )

I'm sure you can find the attendance figures. Wisconsin, in their worst hour, still averaged more than Minnesota does in bowl seasons. Morton's last year was around 45K fans average. As season ticket holders, I can tell you, it was thin late in that season. But it wasn't 15K. Nor does any of this matter. Wisconsin has always had enthusiasm for their teams. Only in the Morton years was it "Minnesota-like" in the stands. People like to exaggerate....makes the hero's story look even better. Wisconsin was a sleeping giant....Alvarez knew that, and came.

Another quote from a Bucky fan that makes me want to puke.

i will give this guy 1/32 ounce of credit for at least acknowledging that football actually existed before Alvarez.

In response to the OP, this shouldn't have been an issue. Thankfully for both teams, when the Gophers, Royston/Moulton or whoever (or is it whomever), approached the Badgers at the goalpost they took it towards the stands and their fans. I could see it brewing from my seats but there wasn't much to it. Although, there was a guy standing above the 213/214 exit that took offense to it. He also didn't like the Badgers praying on the field after the game, he was a bit over the top for sure.

It's a rivalry tradition, you win on your rivals field and you get to cut down their goalposts. If anything, it should reasonate better with the younger players, having to watch them cut it down right in front of you. Again, if you don't like it, win the game and cut theirs down.

He certainly won with dignity. His only mistake was his reasoning for going for 2. He should have answered with the Woody Hayes classic "Because I couldn't go for 3".

How was Brewster classless but Burt had all the dignity? Looked like they both had the same reactions toward each other. Both looked like crybabies and Bieliema had some wimpy excuses to try and save face. To say one coach looked like he had any dignity after that exchange is incredibly short-sighted.

When I was a student in Madison during the late 60's and early 70's the Badgers averaged about 50,000 fans per game with a losing team. In fact, from 1967 through 1969, the team won 3 games and tied one, losing the rest. Big games would fill Camp Randall. There wasn't a winning season until 1974.
Average Camp Randall attendance:
1951 46,151
1952 51,953
1953 51,652
1954 53,491
1955 53,491
1956 53,503
1957 47,683
1958 55,263
1959 53,317
1960 59,956
1961 47,143
1962 55,877
1963 61,223
1964 60,718
1965 56,428
1966 51,725
1967 52,495 (0 - 9 - 1 record)
1968 43,559 (0 - 10 record)
1969 48,898 (3 - 7 record)
1970 56,223
1971 68,131
1972 70,454
1973 60,400
1974 71,630
1975 73,962
1976 70,898
1977 72,682
1978 71,443
1979 73,979
1980 71,360
1981 71,640
1982 71,060
1983 69,787
1984 74,681
1985 71,613
1986 68,052
1987 59,256
1988 49,297
1989 41,734
1990 51,027
1991 49,676
1992 61,378
1993 75,507
1994 77,328
1995 78,222
1996 77,949
1997 77,880
1998 77,428
1999 78,081
2000 78,711
2001 78,333
2002 78,023
2003 78,486
2004 82,368
2005 82,551
2006 81,368
2007 81,747
2008 81,088
2009 80,109
2010 79,862

Oh come on! I understand you are upset, but you are making this a way bigger deal than it is.

Cutting down both goal posts is a tradition that as far older and better than the post-game sing-a-long that Brewster started a couple years ago for you guys. Half the time your own players don't even stick around to do it. We would expect you to do the same thing in Madison should you win there.

Part of the storied rivalry- you've done it. We've done. It will continue to be done.

They went over, took down the last post like it's been done for countless years and that was it. It's not like they went over and started talking trash and picking fights. Another team/player took care of that...

I was thinking about this as I drove home today, knowing that Gopher fans would be playing the "class-less" card (have I mentioned yet today that "class" is the single most overused word on sports message boards?), as they did two years ago. Obviously, I'm biased, but the cutting down the goalposts is a tradition with much more history that the post-game singing (I can't remember seeing that before Brewster and I've been going to these games since 1971).

ANYHOW, my question is how will the Gophers combine the two traditions when they win the Axe? Do you sing first and then parade the axe? My guess is that the adrenaline would kick in and the Gopher team would go for the axe, have fun with it, and then sing. Saying that, it seems logical that the axe ritual takes precedence over the singing. Maybe the Gophers played with tradition by not allowing the axe to cut the goalposts down before they sang? I can tell you that the axe-goalpost thing HAS been going on since 1971.

Of course it's tradition to chop down the posts. I don't think anyone has a problem with that. I know I don't.

I guess my point is use common sense. The Badgers could see that obviously the entire Minnesota team was standing in front of the student section waiting for something. Just stop and wait a minute until the MN players listen to the song and leave the field....then do what you want with that side of the field.

Not going to get in a hizzy over it.....it's really the least of our program's problems at this point in time. But those Badger players could have used a little common sense & just paused for a minute. Over & done with as far as I'm concerned.

I've only been to a couple of the games during my many years of fandom (and it's been a long, long time). I always thought the chopping was relatively recent as in post-1990. I thought they just used to take a victory lap with it home or away. I could be wrong.

Anyway, I'm with Dr. Don.

When I was a student in Madison during the late 60's and early 70's the Badgers averaged about 50,000 fans per game with a losing team. In fact, from 1967 through 1969, the team won 3 games and tied one, losing the rest. Big games would fill Camp Randall. There wasn't a winning season until 1974.
Average Camp Randall attendance:
1951 46,151
1952 51,953
1953 51,652
1954 53,491
1955 53,491
1956 53,503
1957 47,683
1958 55,263
1959 53,317
1960 59,956
1961 47,143
1962 55,877
1963 61,223
1964 60,718
1965 56,428
1966 51,725
1967 52,495 (0 - 9 - 1 record)
1968 43,559 (0 - 10 record)
1969 48,898 (3 - 7 record)
1970 56,223
1971 68,131
1972 70,454
1973 60,400
1974 71,630
1975 73,962
1976 70,898
1977 72,682
1978 71,443
1979 73,979
1980 71,360
1981 71,640
1982 71,060
1983 69,787
1984 74,681
1985 71,613
1986 68,052
1987 59,256
1988 49,297
1989 41,734
1990 51,027
1991 49,676
1992 61,378
1993 75,507
1994 77,328
1995 78,222
1996 77,949
1997 77,880
1998 77,428
1999 78,081
2000 78,711
2001 78,333
2002 78,023
2003 78,486
2004 82,368
2005 82,551
2006 81,368
2007 81,747
2008 81,088
2009 80,109
2010 79,862

MAN do you need a hobby. You clearly have too much free time.

This thread is riddled with nonsense. It's to be expected with the bottom feeders who are Minnesota Gopher football trolls.

But lets justy hash out some of it:
#1: I don't have any issue with them "chopping down the goal posts". I did think it was a little odd that they couldn't be patient and let the Gophers finish their tradition. But it was no big deal and no one is making a gigantic deal out of it.

#2: Whoever the idiot is that said Brew wasn't classy last year is out of his mind. He pulled their idiot coach aside and told him he was being an ahole. I don't care about people running up the score, but at the same time, he should have had the courage to admit it and Brew's reaction couldn't be classified as tacky.

#3: Those attendance numbers are absurd. I'll show you Badger morons a little something, now take note:
TCF Bank seats 50,805 people and last year the Gophers average 49,513 people per game = 97% capacity...do you guys really think TCF was filled up to 97% capacity for all of their home games? Of course not, do you know why? It's because the official attendance is often not the actual attendance. Shocking, I know. That's what happened at Camp Randall during those seasons.

Furthermore, even using the official attendance numbers:
From 1987-1992:
Camp Randall was officially at:
87- 77%
88- 64%
89- 53%
90- 66%
91- 64%
92- 79%

When TCF's official (the announced, which is bloated to begin with) attendance is that from capacity, let me know. Until then, keep trolling internet message boards.

You know, I have been a Gopher fan since I was eight years old. I have listened to every game with my dad over the years, and I have endured the good and the bad. What really gets to me is how Wisconsin fans come on our site and kick us while we're down. Where is the class or sportsmanship in that?
Hating whiskey more than ever.

Loblaw....thanks for clearing thing up. If Wisconsin's capacity was 50K for home games, they'd be working on two decades of over 100% attendance. With the benefit of having your Stadiette, there still is light support for Minnesota.

About Brewster....a couple things. Time for you guys to come to grips with the fact that Bielema was letting big mouth Brew know who daddy is. Far too many jabs fed to recruits by Brew. You need to be thankful to Bielema for Brew's demise. He's as responsible as anyone for your fraud, big mouthed coach being run out of coaching.

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