Defending Weber

If he would have hit open receivers more than they would have scored more points and the other teams offense would not be on the field.

Its obvious brewster thinks weber is the best choice of slim options at qb or else gray would be in. If brewster wasnt on the hot seat and had a little job security i would bet gray would be getting a lot more time at qb. Atleast to gain experience for next year after starting the season 1-3.

I'll be the first to admit that Weber often frustrates the hell out of me, but did you watch the SD and Northern Illinois games? Those losses are not on Weber. Was Weber supposed to be playing defense?

I'll agree that the defense was awful, but Weber had a couple very costly turnovers as well turnovers a year starter shouldn't make. So in that sense you could I don't think he was the reason we lost either game but the point could be made he didn't help our cause.


You just lost any QB-discussion credibility you had left. This is the most utterly ridiculous statement I've ever read in the history of Gopherhole. Ever - and as you know I'm not even a Weber apologist.

Based upon your tough criticism of Weber (basically it sounds as though you really dislike him as a qb), that must mean that the back up quarterbacks (or should I say THE current backup quarterback) really has to be incredibly bad. Everything related to Gopher Quarterbacks must be really bad. Everyone who has ever played qb for the Gophers must be really bad. I watched Foggy play. You people really wouldn't have liked him very well. I enjoyed watching him though. He wasn't such a great passer. He was really inconsistant passing the ball. AllAmerican Sandy Stephens would have been someone you people didn't think much of as a qb either. But, I loved watching him play offense AND defense. He didn't throw the ball enough to even rank anywhere near being a good quarterback by your standards. And, what do you base your standards upon? Certainly no one who has ever played quarterback or has flung a pass for Golden Gopher Football has been a good quarterback. That jc qb from California who qb'd the Gophers to that win over THE Ohio State in 2000 was certainly not a very good passer or qb. No quarterback the Gophers have EVER had would be good enough for such a tough crowd. I recall that nobody thought Asad was much of a qb. Or Cupito. Or Cockerham. Sauter had some nice games but he sure as heck didn't win very many Big Ten or any other kind of games.

Isn't it ironic that a truely bad qb like Weber holds all the records? But The U of M Fans don't qualify as being very good critics of quarterbacks. How could they? We have NEVER had a good quarterback in the history of our program. Doesn't the fact that Weber holds all the records PROVE that? And he has had four offensive coordinators, two head coaches, no offensive line and only one great receiver to have worked with. How BAD is that? NO other U of M qb had that many great coaches. He got to run the spread, the fisch and now the pro offense all under Brewster. He broke in under the Mason system. He could publish a book called "offenses I have had to learn..."

Personally, I respct Weber a LOT. In many cases, he has played the most key role for the Gopher offense during the previous three seasons and this season. I'd take a qb like Weber any day! After all, I am a Golden Gopher Fan and we have NEVER had a decent passing quarterback according to the standards that you folks hold Weber to. I must just be influenced by the "garbage time" stats he has compiled.

But, I will certainly defer to all of the expertise that everyone else has. So, I guess I must just not have learned after watching over 50 years of Gopher quarterbacks that even though Weber has done all that he can do with little to no support, no running game, no consistancy in coaching or offensive scheme, all his records mean nothing except that he was a really bad quarterback.

Ummmmm, wrong. Not many people around here complained about AA Khaliq, nor did they complain about Cupito much either. They were both pretty good QBs who could do some things with the football. Moreover, they won games. Ricky Foggie was another QB who people didn't complain about. They don't have to make ALL the plays. But they do have to make SOME plays in meaningful situations, not just pad your stats against prevent D against FCS teams.

For as much Gopher football as you claim to have watched, you really don't know what you're talking about here. I too have watched plenty of Gopher football, and unlike yourself I never got the opportunity to watch a high-quality Gopher football team except in 1999 and 2004. Instead, I was subjected to the Wacker years, the Gutenkunst years, and the Mason debacles. The only true excitement I ever could have for Gopher football was under Lou Holtz, a few years under Mason, and Brewster's second year until Decker got injured. And yet in all that time never did I feel that the QB was absolutely horrible and had no clue what he was doing. Weber makes me feel that way.

I'll be the first to admit that Weber often frustrates the hell out of me, but did you watch the SD and Northern Illinois games? Those losses are not on Weber. Was Weber supposed to be playing defense?

Your QB NEEDS to lead his team to more than 38 points at home against South Dakota (10 at halftime!!!!!!) and he NEEDS to lead his team to more than 23 points at home against Northern Illinois. Weber was not nearly seemingly as ineffective against NIU as he was inept against USD, but regardless, if he can't lead the team to good scoring outputs against poor opponents, then he IS just as much at fault in those two losses as the pathetic defense was.

One more thing - the coaches suck at gameplanning. When Weber actually does have a good game, which is infrequent at best, the coaches find some way to screw it up anyway, like run the ball four plays in a row when he actually is moving the ball down the field, or putting in Gray for a play against ISU for no reason on the potential game winning drive. The coaches seem to have zero knowledge of situational coaching, when to do what and why.

That said, it's quite possible that their gameplanning looks worse than it actually is because the QB can't do anything effectively. But if that's the case, then someone else needs to play the position. 2 1/2 straight years of poor play is enough time to know that he's not going to ever be a quality QB again.

The thing about Weber is that when he does connect it's usually to the wrong guy (missing a read), or it's off target and misses an opening, or it gets a guy pasted where he might have been able to slip away. Receivers can't generate YAC when they have to break their stride to catch some dead duck piece of crap too far above them, behind them, in front of them, under them, etc. And it's not like there's some kind of silver lining, like, at least he can zip it. His balls are slow and they sail.

You can't blame it on the supporting cast. All of our starting WRs are perfectly adequate. The WR position was no better under Mason and the passing scheme was mostly just rudimentary screens & fades. The OL was better, but also smaller and not optimized for pass blocking. Logan Payne was Cupito's best receiver but no better than Decker. Ernie Wheelwright dropped virtually everything thrown his way. Nobody else really pro-caliber that I can remember, correct me if I'm wrong.

You just lost any QB-discussion credibility you had left. This is the most utterly ridiculous statement I've ever read in the history of Gopherhole. Ever - and as you know I'm not even a Weber apologist.

Cockerham in 1999>Webers Career...

The thing about Weber is that when he does connect it's usually to the wrong guy (missing a read), or it's off target and misses an opening, or it gets a guy pasted where he might have been able to slip away. Receivers can't generate YAC when they have to break their stride to catch some dead duck piece of crap too far above them, behind them, in front of them, under them, etc. And it's not like there's some kind of silver lining, like, at least he can zip it. His balls are slow and they sail.

But what about those passes that are actually on target and his WRs drop?

What bugs me, is the Weber 'bashers' are not looking at his whole body of work. They are not looking at his play objectively. They look at his 780 good passes and only see the 40 bad ones.

What I'm trying to say, again.. Weber isn't the problem. There's about 4 or 5 other positions on this team that need to be harped on before Weber.

And considering Weber is 'projected' (or rather, on track) to throw for over 3,000 yards, have over 20 TDs and less than 10 INTs, with a completion % of 62, my point stands. He is, at this moment, one of the few bright spots on this team.

Ummmmm, wrong. Not many people around here complained about AA Khaliq, nor did they complain about Cupito much either. They were both pretty good QBs who could do some things with the football. Moreover, they won games. Ricky Foggie was another QB who people didn't complain about. They don't have to make ALL the plays. But they do have to make SOME plays in meaningful situations, not just pad your stats against prevent D against FCS teams.

For as much Gopher football as you claim to have watched, you really don't know what you're talking about here. I too have watched plenty of Gopher football, and unlike yourself I never got the opportunity to watch a high-quality Gopher football team except in 1999 and 2004. Instead, I was subjected to the Wacker years, the Gutenkunst years, and the Mason debacles. The only true excitement I ever could have for Gopher football was under Lou Holtz, a few years under Mason, and Brewster's second year until Decker got injured. And yet in all that time never did I feel that the QB was absolutely horrible and had no clue what he was doing. Weber makes me feel that way.

Darn it, AAK and Cupito had teams that could ram, cram and slam the ball all over any defense in the Big Ten. Does that make a qb look good or WHAT?????? And in the end, all you can do is look at the record books. Some people decided that Mason sucked so, they ran him out of town.

Weber has NO running game and NO decent offensive line. AAK and Cupito had good offensive lines.

You have got to look at who a qb has playing with him, what system, and what the circumstances are.

Weber will walk away holding the passing records. That's the bottom line. He had no running game to aid him. He had the worst offensive lines that I can recall. That was in part because the coach kept changing the offensive schemes and systems and just plain kept changing the offenses. Too many coordinators came on the scene. There has been ZERO stability under brewster. THAT is NOT Weber's fault. You people really have hated what brewster has done to the program just the way I have. But, you people try to blame Weber. I say "hog-wash" to that notion. You hated Mason and wanted a change...well, brewster has changed and changed and changed so often that the poor players haven't had a chance.

Weber is a HERO. The record books tell us that too. Who was the qb for the Michigan game in 2003???? That's right, it was AAK. How about the TT game in 2006????? Oh yes, Cupito. What greatness did Foggy lead this program to?????? You people wouldn't have liked Tony Dungy very much from a style or passing point of view. You wouldn't have liked any qb the Gophers have ever had. I have found things to like about virtually all of the Gopher QB's I have EVER seen. Only Sandy Stephens and Giel made All-American though. I doubt if you guys would have liked them either. But Sandy Stephens certainly had an incredible cast of supporting and starring characters to help make his job easier.

Any qb needs GREAT players around him to win the games.

I'm not a Weber hater but if Iowa, Michigan, WI or Ohio State were playing SD, they would have scored 60 plus. 38 is just OK for a big time school against SD (let alone lose). There is definitely something wrong with the offense as well. (coaching most of all)

Agreed. When score 38 on south dakota and lose its not the offenses problem

Darn it, AAK and Cupito had teams that could ram, cram and slam the ball all over any defense in the Big Ten. Does that make a qb look good or WHAT?????? And in the end, all you can do is look at the record books. Some people decided that Mason sucked so, they ran him out of town.

Weber has NO running game and NO decent offensive line. AAK and Cupito had good offensive lines.

You have got to look at who a qb has playing with him, what system, and what the circumstances are.

Weber will walk away holding the passing records. That's the bottom line. He had no running game to aid him. He had the worst offensive lines that I can recall. That was in part because the coach kept changing the offensive schemes and systems and just plain kept changing the offenses. Too many coordinators came on the scene. There has been ZERO stability under brewster. THAT is NOT Weber's fault. You people really have hated what brewster has done to the program just the way I have. But, you people try to blame Weber. I say "hog-wash" to that notion. You hated Mason and wanted a change...well, brewster has changed and changed and changed so often that the poor players haven't had a chance.

Weber is a HERO. The record books tell us that too. Who was the qb for the Michigan game in 2003???? That's right, it was AAK. How about the TT game in 2006????? Oh yes, Cupito. What greatness did Foggy lead this program to?????? You people wouldn't have liked Tony Dungy very much from a style or passing point of view. You wouldn't have liked any qb the Gophers have ever had. I have found things to like about virtually all of the Gopher QB's I have EVER seen. Only Sandy Stephens and Giel made All-American though. I doubt if you guys would have liked them either. But Sandy Stephens certainly had an incredible cast of supporting and starring characters to help make his job easier.

Any qb needs GREAT players around him to win the games.

your incompetence in evaluating football talent is hilarious. with the WRs we have now, with a good QB we're 2 or 3 n the Big Ten. thats how good the supporting cast is. watch the catches, every catch made is a stretch/leap/contortion to catch the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ty pass they were thrown. not only is this difficult but it doesnt allow the WR to make more YAC because teh defender catches up.

your incompetence in evaluating football talent is hilarious. with the WRs we have now, with a good QB we're 2 or 3 n the Big Ten. thats how good the supporting cast is. watch the catches, every catch made is a stretch/leap/contortion to catch the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ty pass they were thrown. not only is this difficult but it doesnt allow the WR to make more YAC because teh defender catches up.

El Toro PooPoo.

But what about those passes that are actually on target and his WRs drop?

What bugs me, is the Weber 'bashers' are not looking at his whole body of work. They are not looking at his play objectively. They look at his 780 good passes and only see the 40 bad ones.

What I'm trying to say, again.. Weber isn't the problem. There's about 4 or 5 other positions on this team that need to be harped on before Weber.

And considering Weber is 'projected' (or rather, on track) to throw for over 3,000 yards, have over 20 TDs and less than 10 INTs, with a completion % of 62, my point stands. He is, at this moment, one of the few bright spots on this team.

I don't disagree that there are 4 or 5 other positions that are just as bad as QB but the fact is QB has been and always will be a focal point of the fans. That being said Weber in my opinion is a problem yes hes completed 62% of his passes but what percent of those are against a soft prevent defense that is allowing him 20 or 30 yards per play and a couple meaningless TDs in which WRs bailed him out with some great catches. But bright spot come on.

Anyone who actually believes that Weber is a good QB hasn't watched many, if any, Gopher games over the last three years. He has been pathetic for some time. Yes, this team is bad at several positions and its coaching is sad, but Weber has single-handedly kept us from competing in a number of games. The fact that he will hold passing records upon graduation is very misleading...doesn't Bryan Cupito hold many of them now? (Cupito was the worst QB I have seen...until Weber came along) I'd take Abdul-Khaliq, Hohensee, Sauter, Gray, Dungy, Foggie, Fleetwood, Wynn, and several players that never saw the field d/t backing one or more of them up, give them four years as the unquestioned starter...and guarantee we are better than the team that just lost to South Dakota and Northern the Taj MaBank! This whole debate about wheteher Weber is a good QB is ridiculous and anyone who has watched him play that last three years knows that! The fact that he remains the starter either confirms what we all know (that Brewster has no business making decisions at this level) or what I am beginning to suspect (that Weber has something over Brewster that he is using as blackmail). Weber is a bad joke and we'll improve simply by having him graduate next year, regardless of who takes his spot under center!

Weber sucks...Any argument you have is thrown out the window. My proof, watch the last drive in the game today against NW....He is completly lost as a QB and as no idea how to lead a team.

Weber sucked today. I don't care about the stats. I counted at least 3 bad overthrows on easy passes in just the 1st quarter. He's a drive killer.

Stats only count in fantasy football, but if that is how you want to rate him lets look at last years stats.
In 2009, out of 115 Division I quarterbacks Weber ranked 105th in passer rating, 5th in interceptions, 76 in touchdowns, 4th in sacks taken, and 111th in completion percentage.
Pretty stellar huh?

But what about those passes that are actually on target and his WRs drop?
You mean like that deep would-be TD today where McKnight "dropped" it with the only hand he could reach it with because it was too far in front of him? Our receivers have never had significant drop problems under Weber, any more than any other team.

What bugs me, is the Weber 'bashers' are not looking at his whole body of work. They are not looking at his play objectively. They look at his 780 good passes and only see the 40 bad ones.
I'm sorry but your ratio is way, way off there.

What I'm trying to say, again.. Weber isn't the problem. There's about 4 or 5 other positions on this team that need to be harped on before Weber.
QB is a problem, kicking is a problem, most of the defense is a problem. They are all critical.

And considering Weber is 'projected' (or rather, on track) to throw for over 3,000 yards, have over 20 TDs and less than 10 INTs, with a completion % of 62, my point stands. He is, at this moment, one of the few bright spots on this team.
His numbers are inflated by:

1) playing for 4 years
2) garbage time against 2nd string defenses
3) spread offense his first 2 years
4) being the primary rusher his first 2 years
5) zero rushing help his first 3 years.
6) a solid receiving corps that has been able to stretch out to catch his garbage throws

Adam Weber is a bad QB.

End of thread

Weber sucks...Any argument you have is thrown out the window. My proof, watch the last drive in the game today against NW....He is completly lost as a QB and as no idea how to lead a team.


Anyone else sick of hearing how experienced he is?

Yeah, in losing.

Also by the way, Weber's stats were so good for his first couple years because, 1) He was running the spread (which I will admit, he ran fairly well), and 2) Because Eric Decker and Ernie Wheelwright were freaks of nature that caught every ball that was thrown in their vicinity.

Based upon your tough criticism of Weber (basically it sounds as though you really dislike him as a qb), that must mean that the back up quarterbacks (or should I say THE current backup quarterback) really has to be incredibly bad. Everything related to Gopher Quarterbacks must be really bad. Everyone who has ever played qb for the Gophers must be really bad. I watched Foggy play. You people really wouldn't have liked him very well. I enjoyed watching him though. He wasn't such a great passer. He was really inconsistant passing the ball. AllAmerican Sandy Stephens would have been someone you people didn't think much of as a qb either. But, I loved watching him play offense AND defense. He didn't throw the ball enough to even rank anywhere near being a good quarterback by your standards. And, what do you base your standards upon? Certainly no one who has ever played quarterback or has flung a pass for Golden Gopher Football has been a good quarterback. That jc qb from California who qb'd the Gophers to that win over THE Ohio State in 2000 was certainly not a very good passer or qb. No quarterback the Gophers have EVER had would be good enough for such a tough crowd. I recall that nobody thought Asad was much of a qb. Or Cupito. Or Cockerham. Sauter had some nice games but he sure as heck didn't win very many Big Ten or any other kind of games.

Isn't it ironic that a truely bad qb like Weber holds all the records? But The U of M Fans don't qualify as being very good critics of quarterbacks. How could they? We have NEVER had a good quarterback in the history of our program. Doesn't the fact that Weber holds all the records PROVE that? And he has had four offensive coordinators, two head coaches, no offensive line and only one great receiver to have worked with. How BAD is that? NO other U of M qb had that many great coaches. He got to run the spread, the fisch and now the pro offense all under Brewster. He broke in under the Mason system. He could publish a book called "offenses I have had to learn..."

Personally, I respct Weber a LOT. In many cases, he has played the most key role for the Gopher offense during the previous three seasons and this season. I'd take a qb like Weber any day! After all, I am a Golden Gopher Fan and we have NEVER had a decent passing quarterback according to the standards that you folks hold Weber to. I must just be influenced by the "garbage time" stats he has compiled.

But, I will certainly defer to all of the expertise that everyone else has. So, I guess I must just not have learned after watching over 50 years of Gopher quarterbacks that even though Weber has done all that he can do with little to no support, no running game, no consistancy in coaching or offensive scheme, all his records mean nothing except that he was a really bad quarterback.


Excellent Post!!!

Weber holding records is the result of:
1. minnesota not having that great of a QB history
2. playing 4 years
3. playing 4 years behind in every game
4. playing 4 years behind in every game scoring meaningless TDs

Nobody complained about AAK? Does nobody remember the Travis Cole Fan Club? Revisionist history is great.

As people have said...Stats are extremely misleading with this guy, he doesn't have the "IT" factor...he can't lead a team when it matters, throws the 3 feet over a guys head on a slant on the final drive...can't be doin that...

He's consistently inconsistent. He can throw a beauty like that second TD to Lair (I mean really, that was a beautiful pass), and then he can throw up an assortment of wobblers and wounded ducks and low balls and high balls and etc etc etc.

Adam Weber is a bad QB.

End of thread

Then jump in and show us a good one.

Oh, wait, you can't. Hell, you can't even show us your offensive mind's prowess as a coach.

Yeah. You are shooting your credibility down the toilet. Weber is wildly inconsistent, I'll give you that. He's not a great QB, I'll give you that. Depending on the day (or play in some cases), Weber is a good to very good QB. Other times he's mediocre at best. To sum his play up as a 'bad QB' is redonkulous.

BTW, my ratio is NOT off. He has around 780 completions (not including today's game) and 40ish INTs (again, prior to today's game). Weber's biggest problem is not having enough support (as I look in the defense's direction). Even without Decker or Wheelright (stone hands), he's putting up numbers.

Oh yeah, I forgot, stats are for losers. Wait.. Lemmie check something.. Yup, my shirt and hat said University of Minnesota Golden Gophers. Fitting, no? Funny how you say his numbers are inflated. Weird, he's played in 2 completely different offensive schemes, had some pretty horsecrap play at various positions around him.. And he's still putting up numbers. Number inflation is due to a consistent scheme or one year's worth of amazing play.

With logic like this

Then jump in and show us a good one.

Oh, wait, you can't. Hell, you can't even show us your offensive mind's prowess as a coach.

Yeah. You are shooting your credibility down the toilet. Weber is wildly inconsistent, I'll give you that. He's not a great QB, I'll give you that. Depending on the day (or play in some cases), Weber is a good to very good QB. Other times he's mediocre at best. To sum his play up as a 'bad QB' is redonkulous.

BTW, my ratio is NOT off. He has around 780 completions (not including today's game) and 40ish INTs (again, prior to today's game). Weber's biggest problem is not having enough support (as I look in the defense's direction). Even without Decker or Wheelright (stone hands), he's putting up numbers.

Oh yeah, I forgot, stats are for losers. Wait.. Lemmie check something.. Yup, my shirt and hat said University of Minnesota Golden Gophers. Fitting, no? Funny how you say his numbers are inflated. Weird, he's played in 2 completely different offensive schemes, had some pretty horsecrap play at various positions around him.. And he's still putting up numbers. Number inflation is due to a consistent scheme or one year's worth of amazing play.

When it thaws in January, it isn't because it is a warm winter. 33 degrees still is putrid. Adam Weber has the circular probability of error about the radius of a two car garage door. All within 2 sigma of the mean. His outliers are even further away from their intended targets. I don't buy the argument of changes in schemes or new coaches. That arguement makes me think he has a learning disability, which he clearly does not as his GPA is above 3.2. He is a quick and able study. So, that argument should be put to rest forever.

The real study is how he has reacted to an opponents scoring drive. I will review all his games and see how many points his team has scored after an oppenents scoring drive. This will tell me if he has fire in his belly or is a low octane QB.

Then jump in and show us a good one.

Oh, wait, you can't. Hell, you can't even show us your offensive mind's prowess as a coach.

Yeah. You are shooting your credibility down the toilet. Weber is wildly inconsistent, I'll give you that. He's not a great QB, I'll give you that. Depending on the day (or play in some cases), Weber is a good to very good QB. Other times he's mediocre at best. To sum his play up as a 'bad QB' is redonkulous.

BTW, my ratio is NOT off. He has around 780 completions (not including today's game) and 40ish INTs (again, prior to today's game). Weber's biggest problem is not having enough support (as I look in the defense's direction). Even without Decker or Wheelright (stone hands), he's putting up numbers.

Oh yeah, I forgot, stats are for losers. Wait.. Lemmie check something.. Yup, my shirt and hat said University of Minnesota Golden Gophers. Fitting, no? Funny how you say his numbers are inflated. Weird, he's played in 2 completely different offensive schemes, had some pretty horsecrap play at various positions around him.. And he's still putting up numbers. Number inflation is due to a consistent scheme or one year's worth of amazing play.
Any QB as good as Weber supposedly is, with the receivers he has, would take our bad defense as an opportunity to snuff out and/or shred the opponent, a la, say, Brett Basanez. Weber takes a bad defense and goes 3 and out.

Weber has been outplayed by EVERY QB we've faced so far this year. He CANNOT THROW. Even a large number of his completions are misthrown, which hurts and is not reflected in the "780 completions" nonsense. A large number of his INCOMPLETIONS are misthrown as well, as opposed to drops, which again, the stats don't reveal. With Gray, he has one of the better receiving corps in the Big Ten. He is under NO circumstances a "good to very good" QB. I agree with you that he is mediocre at best, which means bad on average. A "good to very good" QB can generally beat a ranked opponent once in a while. The only team that Weber can consistently beat is his own.

An example: The first play of the game today in which, under no pressure, he proceeded to throw the ugliest overthrown wounded duck piece of *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# I've ever seen to the sideline. It would have been a gimme if any FCS QB had thrown it. Followed by a completion to McKnight, then another piece of crap over Gray's head. Punt.

Next drive. Overthrows Gray again. Complete to Allen but short. Punt.

What is this, high school? Is it Horton's fault for not phoning him on the sidelines and telling him to try not to overthrow his fricking receiver again next time? Is it HOK's fault for designing the stadium so that the sun is in his eyes at the wrong angle?

Weber just has that special "je ne sais quois" about him. When Cupito broke the all-time passing yardage record set by AAK, nobody was under any delusions that he was anything special. When Adam Weber breaks it -- after more opportunity than any QB in Minnesota history -- he's the second coming of Drew Brees.

Weber can't lead a drive. He throws way too many wild passes which includes even many of his completions. He can't check down. He can't thread the needle. He can't keep the offense on the field. He throws game-killing INTs. He can't win games. If you would pull your head out of the stats book long enough to watch one you would see all of this and more.

Any QB as good as Weber supposedly is, with the receivers he has, would take our bad defense as an opportunity to snuff out and/or shred the opponent, a la, say, Brett Basanez. Weber takes a bad defense and goes 3 and out.

There are many QBs, even in the NFL that have gone 3 and out. I know, it's a surprising bit of info. But it's true. This doesn't even make sense.

Weber has been outplayed by EVERY QB we've faced so far this year. He CANNOT THROW. Even a large number of his completions are misthrown, which hurts and is not reflected in the "780 completions" nonsense. A large number of his INCOMPLETIONS are misthrown as well, as opposed to drops, which again, the stats don't reveal. With Gray, he has one of the better receiving corps in the Big Ten. He is under NO circumstances a "good to very good" QB. I agree with you that he is mediocre at best, which means bad on average. A "good to very good" QB can generally beat a ranked opponent once in a while. The only team that Weber can consistently beat is his own.

If you re-read what I wrote, I said that one some plays/days, he's a good to very good QB. That TD pass to Lair today was a beautiful pass. The TD pass to Gray against USC was a beautiful pass. Seemed like his whole game against MSU last year was a thing of beauty. But, I've already said that he's wildly inconsistent. But I don't feel that is where you can stamp a guy as an all-around 'bad' QB. Inconsistent is the best word I can use to describe him. Not 'bad'.

An example: The first play of the game today in which, under no pressure, he proceeded to throw the ugliest overthrown wounded duck piece of *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# I've ever seen to the sideline. It would have been a gimme if any FCS QB had thrown it. Followed by a completion to McKnight, then another piece of crap over Gray's head. Punt.

Next drive. Overthrows Gray again. Complete to Allen but short. Punt.

What is this, high school? Is it Horton's fault for not phoning him on the sidelines and telling him to try not to overthrow his fricking receiver again next time? Is it HOK's fault for designing the stadium so that the sun is in his eyes at the wrong angle?

I agree there were more than a handful of passes that sucked today. Including the last 2 he threw (both behind and off target). My only point is those 12 bad passes are the only ones people want to see.. seemingly only to justify their 'hatred' of the guy. I'm being as objective as I can, and I still don't see how he's this horrible QB. If he was so horrible, he wouldn't have the numbers he does. Despite his inconsistent play.

Weber just has that special "je ne sais quois" about him. When Cupito broke the all-time passing yardage record set by AAK, nobody was under any delusions that he was anything special. When Adam Weber breaks it -- after more opportunity than any QB in Minnesota history -- he's the second coming of Drew Brees.

Never have I (or any other poster that I've seen) claimed to call Weber a great QB. The only reason I use the stats that I do is to help make the point I pointed out above. Until another Gopher QB (hopefully Gray) breaks Web's records, I'll continue to use said numbers to validate his play.

Weber can't lead a drive. He throws way too many wild passes which includes even many of his completions. He can't check down. He can't thread the needle. He can't keep the offense on the field. He throws game-killing INTs. He can't win games. If you would pull your head out of the stats book long enough to watch one you would see all of this and more.

Many of these I can agree with most to some of the time. Again, my point is that he isn't the horrible QB so many claim he is. And to put our losses all on him is retarded. Because last I checked, our defense has averaged over 400 yards allowed and over 30 points a game. He isn't a part of the problem when we have this defense, bottom line.

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