Danny B and KFAN ripping on GopherHole, names posters


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Danny B is ripping us right now and said that Common talked about us earlier as well (I didn't hear it). He specifically called out tikited, MRJ, Rodent Rampage, and tjgopher.

Hey Danny B, thanks for reading - at least you are admitting it now.

Go Gophers!!

He's telling GHers to stay away from KFAN.

Ripping on the Gophers futility over the last 4 decades.

He whines a lot, a bit more than my two-year old. Odd.

Go Gophers!!

he pretty much just owned everyone here lol.

LOL! This is hilarious. Most folks on this board say that KFAN sucks and they stopped listening a long time ago yet there continues to be new threads about it almost every day. Apparently the majority is still listening :D

To steal a line from Barreiro...."What a bunch of frauds..."

Royston's Dad just came on and chimmed in on Danny B's ongoing assault on GH and Gopher football and went right at Danny B and brought up some great points. Good for Mr. Royston!

Go Gophers!!

Royston's Dad just came on and chimmed in on Danny B's ongoing assault on GH and Gopher football and went right at Danny B and brought up some great points. Good for Mr. Royston!

Go Gophers!!

Just heard, nice job!

He just called our comments cheap...thanks for the free press! ;)

He didn't own anyone. Barreiro tried to act like people are upset because he doesn't talk Gophers. That is not true. He talks Gophers quite frequently. My issue is that when he does talk it is nothing but cheap shots. There's no honest discussion of the program that takes place. I could care less if he doesn't want to talk Gophers or even say negative things about the football program. But if you are going to talk Gophers, do it in a meaningful and fair way. That's why I quit listening, even though I tended to enjoy a lot of his non sports content.

Funny how someone who's made a career out of pointing out the shortcomings of others gets overly defensive someone has the gall to criticize his employer or his show. What a small, small man. Seriously though, KFAN has to be a ratings juggernaut. I'm sure they've laid off so many employees lately because they're rolling in the dough.

P.S. Feel free to rip away, Dan. I'll never hear it.

I'd be embarrassed if my Dad called some radio show like that.

Danny B is ripping us right now and said that Common talked about us earlier as well (I didn't hear it). He specifically called out tikited, MRJ, Rodent Rampage, and tjgopher.

Hey Danny B, thanks for reading - at least you are admitting it now.

Go Gophers!!

Did he pronounce my name correctly?? Tiki Ted. I'll be sooo angry if he didn't:clap:

I'm like totally famous now.

LOL! This is hilarious. Most folks on this board say that KFAN sucks and they stopped listening a long time ago yet there continues to be new threads about it almost every day. Apparently the majority is still listening :D

To steal a line from Barreiro...."What a bunch of frauds..."

I'm not listening, I just rely on our elaborate KFAN spy network.

Danny B is ripping us right now and said that Common talked about us earlier as well (I didn't hear it). He specifically called out tikited, MRJ, Rodent Rampage, and tjgopher.

Hey Danny B, thanks for reading - at least you are admitting it now.

Go Gophers!!

We got plenty of clowns on the website who rip people for being Gopher fans, some, even on this thread. Now we got guys on drive time radio, complaining about Gopher fans, and the treatment they're getting on the site? Guys who make their living bitching and moaning about the lives and performances of public and semi-public people are bitching about the criticism they are receiving on a free website dedicated to what they consider is a team not even worthy of their contempt?

They're really doing that? On the air?

Beautiful. Really how could you make this kind of stuff up? :clap::clap:

Danny B mentioned more posters by name than Gopher recruits! What a journalist!

he was right Face it guys. When the gopher football becomes relevant they will get airtime. Face the facts.

he was right Face it guys. When the gopher football becomes relevant they will get airtime. Face the facts.

I don't think you can properly read.

The problem people have is not airtime, it's getting the FACTS right and doing their research.

Danny has always been very thin skinned. He can dish it out with a vengace, but he can't take any critisim. One evening as I was listening to him ripe the gopher about being irrelavant because thet didn't have the best record or wern't winning enough. It got me to wonder about how many times has Danny won his time slot? If he always finishes third (or whatever) can't you use the same logic on his show? He is "always a loser", "not a factor", "not worth the time" or whatever comments he labels the gophers. At least we would be using some facts (data) to make that conclusion.

Dear Danny boy,

I've never listened to KFAN so everything I know about you I've gotten from GH. You sound like a massive tool. Long after everyone's forgotten you existed the Gophers will be playing and we'll be cheering them on. Please continue ranting about a message board on your show, I'm sure I'll hear about it on here and it will reinforce my opinion of you.


I think you will find in life that the people that can dish it out the best are the same who can't take it themselves. I think a lot of times it's a defense mechanism. Jesse Ventura was the same way - he can talk a great game but if there is any criticism directed at him he becomes the most thin-skinned person I have ever seen.

We can gather from this tirade from Dan Barreiro that:
1 - Either he or somebody close to him reads the Gopherhole
2 - He is angry at some of the comments that people make on here
3 - I am not sure which posts in particular upset him, but those aren't the guys I would be venting against.

I am surprised that any of the stuff on here affects him very much, but he is pretty thin-skinned. If he does read the posts on here, he could probably learn a lot regarding Gopher sports and he could learn a lot about what people think of him and his radio station. Instead, I think it will probably make him more obstinate than ever and I fully expect him to continue to vent against the Gopher nation.

I think you will find in life that the people that can dish it out the best are the same who can't take it themselves. I think a lot of times it's a defense mechanism. Jesse Ventura was the same way - he can talk a great game but if there is any criticism directed at him he becomes the most thin-skinned person I have ever seen.

We can gather from this tirade from Dan Barreiro that:
1 - Either he or somebody close to him reads the Gopherhole
2 - He is angry at some of the comments that people make on here
3 - I am not sure which posts in particular upset him, but those aren't the guys I would be venting against.

I am surprised that any of the stuff on here affects him very much, but he is pretty thin-skinned. If he does read the posts on here, he could probably learn a lot regarding Gopher sports and he could learn a lot about what people think of him and his radio station. Instead, I think it will probably make him more obstinate than ever and I fully expect him to continue to vent against the Gopher nation.
Brilliant comparison with Jesse. Maybe developing a shiny scalp leads you to attacking others hoping that the world doesn't notice your shortcomings.

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