I love all the people in the thread who claim, "I never listen, but...." Like hell you aren't listening to KFAN. You know everything that was said on the show, but you don't listen?
I actually can't stand Barreiro, but you people are playing right into what KFAN wants.
You're right about "playing into their hands", nearly ever action movie has the hero willingly "walking into a trap".

You're probably wrong about everybody listening to DB's show. If you read the posts in this thread , the vast major of them are "commenting on comments".
I listen to KFAN every morning, have since the Bob Yates days. I even listened to the
Common Family, but can't listen to his "stand alone" show. Use to listen to Hartman/Barreio never liked them separately, I couldn't take them on their own shows. From October to early January I tuned in Barrerio's show, vowing to turn it off when he started dogging Gophers.
Seven straight times over the 90 plus days I tuned in at different times, twice even on the Sunday show,
every time he was in the process, or within five minutes of tuning in, Barrerio got into ripping them and often Brewster on a personal level! Actually the number of times I tuned in was more then seven straight, I only started counting after I became irritated by his obsession.
Then I quit cold turkey.
I like to listen to comedy and sports on the radio so I listen to Dan Patrick and Tony Kornheiser, who back now, both on the web. I would never tell anybody to listen to KFAN after 9:00 am. What's odd about Barreio, among other things, is he says that the Gophers haven't earned any coverage. Yet he gives it to them all the time, nothing that you'd like to hear...
I'd recommend talking and bitching about the guy all the time. Just one suggestion:
NEVER ever click on their website.