Cockran hit: Fair or Foul?

Right because gopherholers wouldn't be screaming about the same thing if that hit was on Leidner.

You're right. We should be complaining about the late hit on Leidner on his touchdown run (the one that wasn't even called).

It doesn't appear that the crown of his helmet ever hit the QB. Looks like more shoulder and arms.

It's tough to take someone series that says these kind of things.

"My opinion is correct and anyone who disagrees is an idiot!" I used say and think these type of things...when I was in junior high.

I agree it wasn't a good play by Cochran, but stop acting like your opinion is fact.

Hey guy who uses the word idiot, try watching again and tell us what part of Cochran hits him first? Is it his shoulder, or is it the crown of his helmet? What makes the initial contact? He lowers his head, he launches himself by leaving his feet, and he targets the head. Didn't say whoever disagrees is an idiot, just said they lack intelligence. Using the helmet and targeting the head is not tough, doesn't make you tough, or a great football player. It's unnecessary, can cause serious damage to one's brain, and shouldn't be tolerated. It can easily end a players career. Hit and tackle with the shoulder, and don't target the head. If you're going to use your helmet you might as well take it off, grab it with your hand, and swing it and hit the opponent in the head or chin with it. Why not? I doubt you'll ever get it. Although you did grow out of calling people idiots when they disagreed with you.

Let guys who want to hit like that play without helmets. Then let's see how long they last. The purpose of the helmet isn't to hit people with it, it's to protect the head/brain.

Protecting Qbs is one of the most hypocritical things football has done lately, not a flag, not a foul unless you are going to neuter the sport. A fullback or a TE shouldn't absorb the same hit for no flag. My opinion: Let the sport remain a collision sport and better educate player on risks, don't change the rules to favor glory positions like QB or WR

Ole, what makes you think it is ok to use the crown of the helmet to drill a guy in the head or the chin? The helmet is to protect the head, not to use as a weapon. Why are you in favor of violent hits to the head? Is that what the game is about for you? Isn't it a lot tougher (and smarter) to lay a big hit with the shoulder into the body, instead of the head/brain?

Based on how the NCAA and B1G wants this called, he should have ejected for targeting. He launched and made contact above the shoulders.

On further looks via slo-mo replay it seems pretty clear he led with his shoulder and missed his head completely or near-completely. It was a violent hit but not worthy of ejection as there isn't much evidence he intended to clock him helmet to helmet which he certainly could have done. There is a risk for any QB stepping into a throw with a DE aiming to truck you. It's a choice to either A) get rid of the ball while avoiding the sack B) take the sack and protect yourself or C) risk a big hit and deliver the ball.

TC is going to have a bit of a reputation, I believe he had a few vicious hits, at least one helmet to helmet on Martinez that wasn't called. He will need to work on getting lower to avoid the penalties.

Easily should've been tossed. No place for that. It's a chicken sh:t hit. Using the crown of the helmet and even launching himself. That should be tossed out of the rest of the game and all of the next game. Again, get that sh!t out of the game! Anyone who thinks any different lacks intelligence. That hit has nothing to do with toughness, it's cheap. I love The Gophs and I love Cochran, but there needs to be zero tolerance for that.

Lacking intelligence could be an area you are qualified to judge, but your judgment then becomes diametric. I may seem unintelligent in doing so, but disagree completely with your entire post. Guess I'll have to live with that.

Still image of Cochran hit


Someone with more skill may be able to post the image larger (for those that may not know, click on the image to make it larger). The still frame clearly shows Cochran's head down, crown of the helmet hitting Morris's chin, and him launching himself with his feet off the ground. This is textbook for what needs to be eliminated from the game. There is absolutely no need for this, these guys are exceptional athletes and can completely control how they hit a guy. It's completely in control of any football governing body, even down to youth leagues, to get this out of the game. All they have to do is create awareness and make sure proper suspensions are taking place. Hits like this should be subject to post game review without a doubt. We all know how much officials can miss during the game. In this instance the referee, who's primary responsibility in officiating is the QB, should be suspended as well. It is inexcusable to miss that call. Why am I so passionate about this? Because it's so obviously the right thing to do and has no place in the game of football, and because I have first hand experience in taking a hit like this. It's a defenseless player who is taking a severe hit to the head/brain by an extremely well engineered, hard object, moving at a high speed. Ole, this should apply to any player on the field who get's hit like this. One more time, the helmet is to protect the head and brain, not to use as a weapon. With some of the line of thinking on this board, we might as well just make guys who hit like this take their helmets off and play without them as a punishment/deterrent! See how long they keep hitting like this. I'll venture to say they never would. And yes, fandom is clouding some people's judgement, but this isn't an issue of fandom. It's an issue of doing what is right for these kids and this great game!

Looks to me like Cochran's head is hitting Morris' chest, not his head. It was a good call, but I don't think it was targeting.

Well, Someday, a lot of what you say is up for constructive discussion, but I'll gladly go along with your last two sentences.

Looks to me like Cochran's head is hitting Morris' chest, not his head. It was a good call, but I don't think it was targeting.

If you pause right at the start of 0:07 you can clearly see Theiren's head hit Morris's right shoulder and Theiren's left shoulder hit Morris right in the chest. The concussion most likely occurred not from the hit but when Morris hit the ground.


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Someone with more skill may be able to post the image larger (for those that may not know, click on the image to make it larger). The still frame clearly shows Cochran's head down, crown of the helmet hitting Morris's chin, and him launching himself with his feet off the ground. This is textbook for what needs to be eliminated from the game. There is absolutely no need for this, these guys are exceptional athletes and can completely control how they hit a guy. It's completely in control of any football governing body, even down to youth leagues, to get this out of the game. All they have to do is create awareness and make sure proper suspensions are taking place. Hits like this should be subject to post game review without a doubt. We all know how much officials can miss during the game. In this instance the referee, who's primary responsibility in officiating is the QB, should be suspended as well. It is inexcusable to miss that call. Why am I so passionate about this? Because it's so obviously the right thing to do and has no place in the game of football, and because I have first hand experience in taking a hit like this. It's a defenseless player who is taking a severe hit to the head/brain by an extremely well engineered, hard object, moving at a high speed. Ole, this should apply to any player on the field who get's hit like this. One more time, the helmet is to protect the head and brain, not to use as a weapon. With some of the line of thinking on this board, we might as well just make guys who hit like this take their helmets off and play without them as a punishment/deterrent! See how long they keep hitting like this. I'll venture to say they never would. And yes, fandom is clouding some people's judgement, but this isn't an issue of fandom. It's an issue of doing what is right for these kids and this great game!

Rather than point out everything I disagree with, I'll just say all of it. I've seen many replays and images -- larger than yours -- and would testify that I don't think helmet hit chin. Hard hit, borderline late, totally support his actions, think it should go on our highlight reel. I wish you and people of your mindset would go invent and follow a sport that suits your preferences (perhaps two-hand touch or competitive knitting) and stop trying to legislate both sides of the line.

I think the biggest safety change would be reverting back to leather helmets. Players will instinctively protect themselves. There would be some head injuries because bodies collide, but I think helmets have evolved to cause more injuries than they prevent.

Targeting is at the shoulder and above. Not just helmet/head contact. Leads with crown, hits at shoulder and above, and launches. This is targeting. Cochran is lucky to play the 1st half of the NW game. Hey Gopher fans we got a call to go our way! Sarcasm...

Rather than point out everything I disagree with, I'll just say all of it. I've seen many replays and images -- larger than yours -- and would testify that I don't think helmet hit chin. Hard hit, borderline late, totally support his actions, think it should go on our highlight reel. I wish you and people of your mindset would go invent and follow a sport that suits your preferences (perhaps two-hand touch or competitive knitting) and stop trying to legislate both sides of the line.

I think the biggest safety change would be reverting back to leather helmets. Players will instinctively protect themselves. There would be some head injuries because bodies collide, but I think helmets have evolved to cause more injuries than they prevent.

Maybe Brady Hoke can hire you at his next stop with this mentality. Football players used to die from hits and still get severely injured. The medical field is catching up with brain injuries. The game is at a crossroads with this and it isn't going away. We need to protect the gladiators, I mean players. The rule of thumb for the officials should be, when in doubt it's targeting. That's the only way to get it out of the game and get players to change their target.

If you pause right at the start of 0:07 you can clearly see Theiren's head hit Morris's right shoulder and Theiren's left shoulder hit Morris right in the chest. The concussion most likely occurred not from the hit but when Morris hit the ground.

Targeting is intent to injure. I see Cochran pull up at second 8-9. He puts his hand/arms out so as to not "follow through" with the hit. I really did my best to keep an open mind and tell myself that perhaps this was targeting. The pull up at the end did it for me. No targeting - just a smokescreen by Michigan to get the attention off themselves and on to opponents. They are scUM and I wish Kill would have run up the score.

The still frame above clearly shows nothing as it's from the worst possible angle to try assess helmet to chin contact

Targeting is intent to injure.
Nothing about intent to injure.

Rule 9-1-3: Targeting and initiating contact with the crown of the helmet. No player shall target and initiate contact against an opponent with the crown (top) of his helmet. When in question, it is a foul.

Rule 9-1-4: Targeting and initiating contact to head or neck area of a defenseless player. No player shall target and initiate contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent with the helmet, forearm, fist, elbow or shoulder. When in question, it is a foul.

Targeting is at the shoulder and above. Not just helmet/head contact. Leads with crown, hits at shoulder and above, and launches. This is targeting. Cochran is lucky to play the 1st half of the NW game. Hey Gopher fans we got a call to go our way! Sarcasm...

Neck and above. Shoulder to shoulder or chest is legal. Borderline late hit. Definitely questionable from our standpoint but the ref was right there. I understand that doesn't mean much, particularly with that crew, but do you think they would have somehow avoided ejecting our player after the way they called and didn't call that game?

Cockran did hit him a bit late, and I agree that the penalty for a late hit was correct - he probably could've stopped. I haven't watched a replay, but watching it live and then the replays that followed on TV, I didn't think Cockran's helmet hit Morris's chin - only his shoulder pad.

Also, as Rescooter pointed out, Cockran pulled up a bit after he hit him. He didn't drive Morris into the turf and land on him, he pulled off.

I think we should try to protect the players, but at the same time I'm questioning where to draw the line. I think the penalty was just in this case.

Rather than point out everything I disagree with, I'll just say all of it. I've seen many replays and images -- larger than yours -- and would testify that I don't think helmet hit chin. Hard hit, borderline late, totally support his actions, think it should go on our highlight reel.

I completely agree. The main force of the hit came from Cochran's left should on Morris's chest. Watch the video and you see that the shoulder hit right on the number, not the head or neck area as others are claiming. Also, I have yet to see a clear shot that shows Cochran's feet off the ground. It was a hell of a hit and I'm not sure it should have been flagged. Maybe it was late, maybe. If the announcer would not have acted the way he did nobody would be talking like this. In my mind it was a clean hit.

I think the biggest safety change would be reverting back to leather helmets. Players will instinctively protect themselves. There would be some head injuries because bodies collide, but I think helmets have evolved to cause more injuries than they prevent[/B].

Not that it will ever happen, but this is spot on. You see these style of unintended consequences everywhere in life.

People concerned about player safety -> More padded helmets -> Players feel they can hit harder because of increased padding -> More concussions

People concerned about bad health effects from drinking pop -> Companies create Diet Pop -> People drink more pop thinking it's healthier -> More adverse health effects
People concerned about affording college -> Easier access to student loans -> People take out more loans, Colleges charge more because they know students can take out more loans -> More student loan debt

If you remove the perception of risk, you often end up with severer consequences. Football's not immune from the laws of economics.

I completely agree. The main force of the hit came from Cochran's left should on Morris's chest. Watch the video and you see that the shoulder hit right on the number, not the head or neck area as others are claiming. Also, I have yet to see a clear shot that shows Cochran's feet off the ground. It was a hell of a hit and I'm not sure it should have been flagged. Maybe it was late, maybe. If the announcer would not have acted the way he did nobody would be talking like this. In my mind it was a clean hit.

Go back and watch the gif from the original thread on this topic. If you can watch that and say that you don't think he launched himself then you must own the thickest pair of maroon and gold color glasses ever. Honestly what it looks like to me is that he launched himself and realized at the last moment that he shouldn't have done it and tried to stop himself but of course it was too late at that point.

Up for interpretation if he should have been ejected or not but I guarantee if you flipped the jerseys nearly everyone on this board would be screaming we got jobbed by the refs and their guy should have been tossed from the game.

Go back and watch the gif from the original thread on this topic. If you can watch that and say that you don't think he launched himself then you must own the thickest pair of maroon and gold color glasses ever. Honestly what it looks like to me is that he launched himself and realized at the last moment that he shouldn't have done it and tried to stop himself but of course it was too late at that point.
he never left his feet, or perhaps got two inches off the ground - I can't tell from the video. Having a flat back and exploding through the hit is most likely the preferred technique by the coaches. It looks to me like a guy that knew the rules and was trying to not take the two steps that usually result in a roughing the passer penalty. He hit with his shoulder to the chest of the player. In my mind it was a well controlled hit by Cochran.

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