Coach Kill to Focus on Epilepsy Treatment: Tracy Claeys will serve as the acting HC

Can we all calm down enough to quit hitting each other with how dumb we can be. As a group, we can really miss the obvious and overstate the obvious in an almost unfathomable fashion. Then we moan and groan at all the conjecture and opinion, as if the world depended on the outcome. As a person who has done all of these sins on GH, I recommend we all back away from the cliff of despair and try to find our way out of the weeds.

1. Almost all of us want program success, independent of who is coach.
2. We want to see progress, independent of who is coach.
3. We want to see Jerry Kill healthy and coaching.
4. We envy successful programs.
5. We think there is a formula for success, as tricky and elusive as it may be.
6. We love football so much we crap out footballs, cleats, and mouthguards.
7. A large group knows one another on the board. An even larger group knows nobody on the board, but what they write.
8. The program may or may not have an image problem. Okay, even I don't believe that.
9. We may or may not win more games (I am not suiting up!).
10. I am proud that mine is not bigger than yours. If yours is bigger, it isn't my image problem. It's yours. So take that big guy.

See how I did that! At the end, I got my shot in. Or, was it that I shot my... wad, which is a a phrase relating to musketry, not self abuse.

But I digress... What was the topic again?

I was in a local Chevy dealership in Charlotte yesterday and ran into a guy wearing a Big Red tee shirt. I told him good luck, that we would be playing them in a few week. When he found out I was from Minnesota, he immediately expressed sympathy about Coach Kill.

Amazingly, he knew all about his background, his illness and the loyalty of his coaching staff. His last comment was that he hoped Kill was back soon because he really could get the Gophers back where they belonged.

Kill is very obviously well respected and way beyond Gopher loyalists. I wish him the best of lick and hope he's back on the sidelines soon

Did you read the conversation, or just my post?

Just yanking your chain. Everybody is just too concerned that they haven't been properly understood. Two people digress to he said junk, it usually means they haven't attempted to hear out the other side. I flipped a coin. I chose you. Do you want to try from the beginning of civility or get down to verbal warfare for $100? But, I'll just step over to the side and read what comes next.

I was in a local Chevy dealership in Charlotte yesterday and ran into a guy wearing a Big Red tee shirt. I told him good luck, that we would be playing them in a few week. When he found out I was from Minnesota, he immediately expressed sympathy about Coach Kill.

Amazingly, he knew all about his background, his illness and the loyalty of his coaching staff. His last comment was that he hoped Kill was back soon because he really could get the Gophers back where they belonged.

Kill is very obviously well respected and way beyond Gopher loyalists. I wish him the best of lick and hope he's back on the sidelines soon

+1 - Thanks for sharing.

Also a +1 to Unregistered User - good catch, made me laugh.

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