Coach Kill to Focus on Epilepsy Treatment: Tracy Claeys will serve as the acting HC

Those who are worried about losing recruits ... just because Kill isn't on the sidelines doesn't mean he can't be on the phone or even visiting prospects. Don't make it sound as if he's in a coma or paralyzed. I'm sure he can still do plenty of things for the program.

Yea right, especially all those offensive play makers....

You tool...they are a coaching staff. They came to play for all of them. You think if Claeys sees _________ (offensive player) not hustling or doing something he shouldn't, Claeys won't say something. Your damn right he will, and the player will pick it up a gear too. You have no idea about TEAM sports, or at least football. But troll on...

You tool...they are a coaching staff. They came to play for all of them. You think if Claeys sees _________ (offensive player) not hustling or doing something he shouldn't, Claeys won't say something. Your damn right he will, and the player will pick it up a gear too. You have no idea about TEAM sports, or at least football. But troll on...

players have very, very little interaction with coordinators and position coaches on the other side of the ball.

What is wrong with some of you? Tracy Claeys will have a minimal role in recruiting offensive players. He's a career Defensive Coordinator. Why would he be luring talented half backs form jersey to this team? You obviously don't know anything about recruiting or how a football team operates. I would bet money Claeys doesn't even know the names of 20% of the offensive players that don't play.

This just sucks. Kill couldn't win at this level, now we get his career back-up standing in for god knows how long.

If dumping kill after this year sets us back (which I don't buy) so be it. At least we'll know what we are getting. With Kill, no matter how hard he tries, we are always waiting for the next seizure or leave.


For all we know Coach Kill could be back before the NU game next Saturday. Just let the issue play itself out and...just for once...hope for the best.

He did that two years ago and look at the situation we are in now. If he has any respect for the university he will make sure he is actually ready to come back before he does it again.

This just sucks. Kill couldn't win at this level, now we get his career back-up standing in for god knows how long.


Are you a troll, or just dumb? Kill has only had two full recruiting classes, since he was hired in December 2010. Any seniors and most if the true juniors are not his recruits. Jesus Christ this program isn't likely to get turned around in a little over two seasons. I'm hope Kill gets his health issues sorted out and is able to coach at least into year four or five to truly see what he can do.

Are you a troll, or just dumb? Kill has only had two full recruiting classes, since he was hired in December 2010. Any seniors and most if the true juniors are not his recruits. Jesus Christ this program isn't likely to get turned around in a little over two seasons. I'm hope Kill gets his health issues sorted out and is able to coach at least into year four or five to truly see what he can do.

You decide. He's ripping Kill on the day he takes leave for health problems and he's quoting GeeGee. Only a picture with a him holding a light saber would make it more obvious. :)

Coach may surprise a lot of us and come back strong yet during this season. If not, it creates a difficult situation for the AD. Does he look for a new coach late? Or does he let everything drift, hoping next season will be better for Coach Kill? I would hope, given the rather sad history of choosing coaches here, that Teague would - if Kill cannot come back - keep this fine coaching staff together for another year, with Claeys. This would give Teague a full year to scout around and see who might be interested with the option of keeping Claeys on permanently, depending on how they do next season. Personally, I'd like to see what this group could do in a fourth year. The big concern, of course, is the impact on recruiting.

Coach may surprise a lot of us and come back strong yet during this season. If not, it creates a difficult situation for the AD. Does he look for a new coach late? Or does he let everything drift, hoping next season will be better for Coach Kill? I would hope, given the rather sad history of choosing coaches here, that Teague would - if Kill cannot come back - keep this fine coaching staff together for another year, with Claeys. This would give Teague a full year to scout around and see who might be interested with the option of keeping Claeys on permanently, depending on how they do next season. Personally, I'd like to see what this group could do in a fourth year. The big concern, of course, is the impact on recruiting.
This is how someone would speak of Alabama assistants, not unproven a assistants at Minnesota.

Those who are worried about losing recruits ... just because Kill isn't on the sidelines doesn't mean he can't be on the phone or even visiting prospects. Don't make it sound as if he's in a coma or paralyzed. I'm sure he can still do plenty of things for the program.

While I'm all for Jerry getting healthy and coming back, your are dead wrong here. What the hell does a medical leave mean to you? Do you think that means he only does half his job (recruiting) from whatever hospital he's staying at? Please. He's on a LEAVE OF ABSENCE. That means he will be doing no work while he's gone. And that his job is protected until he comes back (FMLA) unless he goes over the required amount of days away.

All that said, most recruiting is done by the assistant coaches, so not sure how this will affect anything. I'm more worried about how it affects the team on the field. They could either come together and do something special or they could come apart at the seams. Guess we'll see next week...

One silver lining to recruiting concerns...considering we already ranked dead last in recruiting in the conference last offseason, our ranking can't fall any further than it already is.

While I'm all for Jerry getting healthy and coming back, your are dead wrong here. What the hell does a medical leave mean to you? Do you think that means he only does half his job (recruiting) from whatever hospital he's staying at? Please. He's on a LEAVE OF ABSENCE. That means he will be doing no work while he's gone. And that his job is protected until he comes back (FMLA) unless he goes over the required amount of days away.

All that said, most recruiting is done by the assistant coaches, so not sure how this will affect anything. I'm more worried about how it affects the team on the field. They could either come together and do something special or they could come apart at the seams. Guess we'll see next week...

Did you read the press conference notes that said Claeys would talk to kill often?

I would bet money Claeys doesn't even know the names of 20% of the offensive players that don't play.

Name the dollar amount and I'm in. Any dollar amount.

I value opinions on this board, but yours suck major donkey balls.

Did you read the press conference notes that said Claeys would talk to kill often?

Yep. But the post I was referring to was suggesting that Kill will be calling recruits from his hospital bed, which is an absurd assertion.

Yep. But the post I was referring to was suggesting that Kill will be calling recruits from his hospital bed, which is an absurd assertion.

The absurd assumption is that Coach Kill is relegated to being bed-ridden in a hospital during his leave of absence.

Am I the only one happy it's Claeys & not Limegrover... :cool02:

The absurd assumption is that Coach Kill is relegated to being bed-ridden in a hospital during his leave of absence.

Who made that assertion? And why are we even discussing this. I'll go with the assumption that a leave of absence means no work. You guys can think what you want, I could care less.

Who made that assertion? And why are we even discussing this. I'll go with the assumption that a leave of absence means no work. You guys can think what you want, I could care less.

Did you even read the post that you wrote?

Did you even read the post that you wrote?

Yep, and again I never said he was bed ridden. You did. I just said he wouldn't be calling recruits from a "hospital bed". But whatever. Feel free to get the last word, I'm done discussing...

Yep, and again I never said he was bed ridden. You did. I just said he wouldn't be calling recruits from a "hospital bed". But whatever. Feel free to get the last word, I'm done discussing...

O.K. got it. In your eyes, operating from a hospital bed during his leave of absence is not bed ridden.

Do we even know if he's in a hospital room? We don't have any idea how Coach Kill is addressing his epilepsy nor do we know where he is going to try work this out. What we have is a large amount of speculation simply for "watercooler" conversations. What we do know is that Coach Kill is taking time off to address the seizures he's been having and seek a workable solution to allow him to do his job with minimal disruption. The timing may suck, but anyone who has dealt with medical issues knows that our bodies don't give a d@mn about our social life and career. Coach Kill is doing the right thing and I have full confidence that the medical community and Coach Kill will find a working solution.

Agreed, being in a hospital room is not the same as being bedridden.

Do we even know if he's in a hospital room? We don't have any idea how Coach Kill is addressing his epilepsy nor do we know where he is going to try work this out. What we have is a large amount of speculation simply for "watercooler" conversations. What we do know is that Coach Kill is taking time off to address the seizures he's been having and seek a workable solution to allow him to do his job with minimal disruption. The timing may suck, but anyone who has dealt with medical issues knows that our bodies don't give a d@mn about our social life and career. Coach Kill is doing the right thing and I have full confidence that the medical community and Coach Kill will find a working solution.

No, no. We know that the U SAYS Coach Kill is taking time off to address the seizures he's been having and seeking a workable solution... they have said it before, but it wasn't true.

There are more questions today than there were two days ago. Smart money is on Minnesota having pushed Kill to do this. Will he be back in a few days? A few weeks? Next season? You probably won't know whether you have a working solution for months...

Questions, uncertainly around a football program and the future of its leader aren't a good thing, but hopefully Kill is truly going to concentrate on coming to terms with his condition.

Perhaps Kill's guys are unique in that they strive to know all 100+ players associated with a program. I know for a FACT that Mason's assistant coaches on Defense did not know the names of walk on players on the offensive side of the ball back when I was at the U.

So, tell me my "opinion" about Claeys is wrong, that's fine, but its a very informed opinion. Other posters are agreeing with me.

Think about it, why the hell would Claeys need to know the name of the walk on 5th string TE? If he is spending time learning that, well, I don't know what to tell ya.

As far as I can tell, Kill hasn't been seen in public for over a week. If he can't do his on presser to announce his leave, what makes some of you so certain he'll be knee deep in the program while he's "away".???

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