Coach Kill to Focus on Epilepsy Treatment: Tracy Claeys will serve as the acting HC


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Nov 5, 2008
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Per U of MN press release:

Minnesota Director of Athletics Norwood Teague announced today that head football coach Jerry Kill is continuing to take time to focus on his treatment and better manage his Epilepsy.

As he has done in previous situations, defensive coordinator Tracy Claeys will serve as the acting head coach when Kill is away. Claeys is in his 19th year as a member of Kill’s staff.

Teague and Claeys will address the media at 3:15 p.m. today in the postgame press conference room at TCF Bank Stadium.

Statement from Head Coach Jerry Kill

“My wife Rebecca, myself and our two daughters want to thank everyone for their prayers and concerns during the last few weeks. This was a difficult decision to make, but the right decision. Our staff has been together a long time and I have full confidence in Coach Claeys and them during my time away. Every decision that will be made will be in the best interest of the players and the program. I look forward to returning to the Minnesota sideline on a full-time basis soon.”

Statement from Director of Athletics Norwood Teague

“Coach Kill is taking time to continue treatment and focus on managing his Epilepsy. Tracy Claeys will serve as the interim head coach until Coach Kill is ready to return. Coach Kill will remain in very close contact with the team and his staff and provide direction and support as needed. Our support for Coach Kill is unwavering and we look forward to his return to full-time coaching duties.

“This is a great group of student-athletes under the guidance of one of the longest-tenured and most respected staffs in college football, and there is no doubt in my mind that they will continue to move this program forward and make us proud.”

Statement from University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler

“Athletics Director Norwood Teague and Coach Kill are managing this health situation, as it relates to our football program, in the most straightforward and caring manner possible. They are acting in the best interests of this University, its alumni and fans and, most importantly, the student-athletes who have placed their trust in us. I eagerly look forward to Coach Kill’s return and wish him all the best.”

-Gopher Football-

Bummer. My guess is he's not back any time before the next bye, possibly not until the season is over.

Best of luck Coach Kill!

This sucks. I hope Claeys will be on the sideline then, thats where head coaches belong.

regardless if It sucks... it is the right thing to do... praying for him and hopefully they find the meds for jerry

I feel absolutely terrible for Coach Kill. I have a bad feeling he has coached his last game at Minnesota, but I hope I am proven wrong.

Probably for the best. Certainly for Kill and probably for the team as well.

Bummer. My guess is he's not back any time before the next bye, possibly not until the season is over.

I bet he isn't back for the rest of the year. He should target January 1 and stay back (no more missing time). If he can't make it back by then it's time to move on as a university.

Probably the right thing to do for all involved. Hopefully they do get it under control, but part of me isn't sure even Jerry or the school think he will. As others have said, I'd be surprised if he is back coaching again at Minnesota. Feel absolutley awful for him, but such is life sometimes. He has a family and friends who care a lot about him. I am sure they care more about having him healthy than his ability to coach.

I will also add, this makes me think it may be more likely there is truth to the Bohl rumor in a different thread.

Things are sure to be interesting as the season continues.

This is not a good sign. I really hope Kill can get it under control and return to the sidelines.

I think that this is the right thing to do. None of us know what happens behind the scenes, but by outward appearances there has been a change in how Jerry’s condition has been manifesting itself over the past few weeks. He tried to work through it, but hasn’t been able to bounce back as before, so he needs to focus on his health. If he and his doctors get things under control, he’ll be back. If they can’t, he won’t. It’s certainly not an ideal circumstance, but given where we are I like this better than Jerry quitting altogether, Jerry being fired or simply continuing forward with so much uncertainty about whether he will or won’t be available each week. It takes the daily pressure off the players and staff to answer questions about Jerry and how this is affecting the team and let’s them move ahead in something closer to a normal fashion.

Also, I got a sense something big was going to happen today because I've had trouble getting into the message board.

They've all made the decision that this is a necessary step to safeguard Kill's health. The only thing that "sucks" is the health problem that has forced his decision.

Have spent to much money, withstood to much irritation and spent WAY to much time here to say this but honestly, it's just a bloody game. I just hope he just gets well.

They've all made the decision that this is a necessary step to safeguard Kill's health. The only thing that "sucks" is the health problem that has forced his decision.

That's what I meant, mostly. I mean, it sucks as a fan of the team to have uncertainty, turmoil, whatever you want to call it - at least to me - but that pales in comparison to him getting better.

Bummer. My guess is he's not back any time before the next bye, possibly not until the season is over.

I feel absolutely terrible for Coach Kill. I have a bad feeling he has coached his last game at Minnesota, but I hope I am proven wrong.

I bet he isn't back for the rest of the year. He should target January 1 and stay back (no more missing time). If he can't make it back by then it's time to move on as a university.

Probably the right thing to do for all involved. Hopefully they do get it under control, but part of me isn't sure even Jerry or the school think he will. As others have said, I'd be surprised if he is back coaching again at Minnesota. Feel absolutley awful for him, but such is life sometimes. He has a family and friends who care a lot about him. I am sure they care more about having him healthy than his ability to coach.

I will also add, this makes me think it may be more likely there is truth to the Bohl rumor in a different thread.

Things are sure to be interesting as the season continues.

My god.

Good move, coach. Take the time you need to get well. The job will be waiting for you when you're ready. We all know you're a great
coach, and you trained your staff well. Let's rally behind another great coach, Coach Claeys, as he gets the Gophers to another bowl game!

I bet he isn't back for the rest of the year. He should target January 1 and stay back (no more missing time). If he can't make it back by then it's time to move on as a university.

One can quibble with the timing, but you bring up a good point. If this is still a question mark come January, we essentially have a lost recruiting year. Heck, we'll be lucky to keep the recruits we currently have. And if we wait until Jan 1 to move on to a new coach, this is a lost recruiting class, too. Flash back to the first class after Mason got S-canned.

That said, Kill deserves every chance to beat this condition, and these types medical adjustments take time. Teague (& Kill) will have really tough decisions to make if there's not been any progress by early December on getting the epilepsy under control. To me, that is more of a "fish or cut bait" date. OTOH, if Kill's prognosis is improving, or if there's at least hope, then it's worth trying to ride this out. Keeping Kill would be worth risking a recruiting class. Still, the whole situation sucks for everyone involved.

That's what I meant, mostly. I mean, it sucks as a fan of the team to have uncertainty, turmoil, whatever you want to call it - at least to me - but that pales in comparison to him getting better.

I know Gopher07, I know.

This is a good thing. They need to figure out the right medication and once they do that, we'll have our great coach back. It doesn't seem like Coach Kill has ever given his epilepsy management the attention he has needed to. It seems like he has always put the team first. As someone who think he rocks, I am glad he is putting himself first so he can get his health back. He deserves this and my gosh, I bet Rebecca is relieved. This might hurt recruiting in the short-term but in the long term, resolving his medication issues is so much more important. The players can learn how to deal with adversity and become better people as a result.

This really, really blows. I hope Coach is back ASAP!

One can quibble with the timing, but you bring up a good point. If this is still a question mark come January, we essentially have a lost recruiting year. Heck, we'll be lucky to keep the recruits we currently have. And if we wait until Jan 1 to move on to a new coach, this is a lost recruiting class, too. Flash back to the first class after Mason got S-canned.

That said, Kill deserves every chance to beat this condition, and these types medical adjustments take time. Teague (& Kill) will have really tough decisions to make if there's not been any progress by early December on getting the epilepsy under control. To me, that is more of a "fish or cut bait" date. OTOH, if Kill's prognosis is improving, or if there's at least hope, then it's worth trying to ride this out. Keeping Kill would be worth risking a recruiting class. Still, the whole situation sucks for everyone involved.

They probably need to make some sort of decision right after the season. Having Claeys as interim coach for next year isn't the end of the world, but probably hurts recruiting. In any case, they can't be trying to hire a coach in January after all the other moves have already been made. We've seen that movie before.

All the best to Kill and his family. He's a heck of a person, hopefully he'll be seizure free and riding the sidelines sooner rather than later.


Good move, coach. Take the time you need to get well. The job will be waiting for you when you're ready. We all know you're a great
coach, and you trained your staff well. Let's rally behind another great coach, Coach Claeys, as he gets the Gophers to another bowl game!

Well, sh%t now what? I hope the guy gets its figured out, but honestly, I think this is step one of a two part resignation for health reasons. Unless he really rallies in his medication plan and the team rallies on the field for Jerry, we're gonna see a new regime next year right?

How can you say this doesn't impact recruiting now? How can we say this isn't going to impact the game prep and decision making? Kids didn't come to the U to play for Tracy Claeys.

Well, sh%t now what? I hope the guy gets its figured out, but honestly, I think this is step one of a two part resignation for health reasons. Unless he really rallies in his medication plan and the team rallies on the field for Jerry, we're gonna see a new regime next year right?

How can you say this doesn't impact recruiting now? How can we say this isn't going to impact the game prep and decision making? Kids didn't come to the U to play for Tracy Claeys.

Just hope he rallies and gets better or this program is going to fall to new lows. Another coaching turnover would be devastating.

Well, sh%t now what? I hope the guy gets its figured out, but honestly, I think this is step one of a two part resignation for health reasons. Unless he really rallies in his medication plan and the team rallies on the field for Jerry, we're gonna see a new regime next year right?

How can you say this doesn't impact recruiting now? How can we say this isn't going to impact the game prep and decision making? Kids didn't come to the U to play for Tracy Claeys.

yeah they did.

Wish Coach Kill well but the sad thing for Minnesota is that this just adds more fuel to the fire for those recruiting against Minnesota. This recruiting class which wasn't that great to begin with will likely only get worse.

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