Coach Kill and MN kids


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Nov 20, 2008
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Since it will take longer to get a plan together on possible outstate kids to recruit, I think Coach Kill and staff(when they get here) should and will start with locking up the current commits and then move on to the remaining Minnesota kids. I'm sure Coach Kill will get plenty of reccomendations from the high school coaches when he meets with them on potential kids he should be looking at. Brewster came in with the same big talk of visiting every school and looking for diamonds in the ruff but the reality is he wasn't very interested in most MN kids and never took the time to find the Karl Klugs and Marcus Williams. I think Coach Kill is much more sincere and will give most of the in state kids an honest look.

I would first go to visit with Crawford-Tufts, Westerhaus, and Olsen and just make absolute sure they are still on board. Next I would make a drive to Rosemount and invite Mr. Bjorklund on an official visit and then meet with his coaches and study film on him so I would be ready to make him an offer on his visit. Next trip would be to Minnetonka to try to talk James Farrow into reconsidering Minnesota. MN has produced some great WR's the past few years(Floyd, Fitzgerald, Swift, Gilreath, Decker) but we have had very few big time CB's and Farrow will be an immediate impact player in college, both in the secondary and in kick return game. His dad was a Gopher(hopefully not a member of SGF) and he committed to us once already so you have to make him your best pitch and who knows, would work on him up until signing day. Tyler Marz would be worth a trip to talk too but I don't think he is the kind of kid who goes back on his word, but give it a shot. Anthoney Hayes never looked at anyone but Stanford so unless Harbough leaves, don't waste your time.

After that is a bunch of borderline kids on the edge of Big Ten/Big 12 vs. MAC, Dakota schools which every year there are about 10 kinds in this range. This is where coaches earn some of there money. Wisconsin and Iowa do a great job at evaluating these type of kids and I believe to succeed at MN, you have to do the same. You will never hit on them all but need to be right more than not and at least give them all a solid look and proper evaluation.

This year I would think Gandy from DeLaSalle will be at the top of your list. Opinions are always very split on the DLS running backs like Evan Williams and Alex Robinson, but you have to at least give him a very hard look, maybe he fits with there style, maybe not. Veldman from Eastview is another strong candidate at Safety. Is he fast enough for them, who knows but give him a good look. Heifort is another, is he another Karl Klug? Levine at EP, tough call, look at what Corey Frazier is doing at Rice, may get squeezed out if they load up on juco secondary players. Never seen the Jacobs OL from Delano, may not have room if they take Bjorklund. The osseo Kids Sonnefield and Jackson. I wasn't that impressed with Jackson at WR and think we can find better nationally and even though Sonnefield has committed to the Bizon, we could flip him easily but I would rather have Veldman at S. The big Lineman in St Cloud is too slow and not a big fan of Athey at EP even though he is a West Virginia commit. There is a running back in Brainard putting up big numbers but he would be a walk-on candidate.

Last, I would make a trip up to Glencoe-Silver lake just to make sure there aren't anymore VanDeSteeg's or Hoese flying under the radar, those are some tuff kids with alot of heart.

Glencoe Silver Lake has a kid named Trevor Lueders who could be very good. He played DE his junior year and had 19 or 20 sacks. This year he moved to full back and had over 1000 yards. He is a very good athlete and also is a tremendous student on the national honor society. I would project him as either a full back or linebacker in college. He will end up being a good player someplace.

One reason to have a good relationship with coaches is so that they come to you when they think they have a hidden gem. Not so likely that D-I talent will come out of a small school, but if it is there, you want to know about it, and you can't actively scout every school.

I thought Farrow is going JUCO cause his grades are awful.

This is an interesting thread and I agree with it.

Coach Kill will probably sign more MN kids than we typically will because it is just easier and quicker to get that done in a transition season. Luckily for us (and him), this is a season where there are a lot of really decent athletes who are sort of borderline U recruits. We talked about it in another thread, but here is a list of the guys that should get looks...

Levine - DB - Eden Praire:

Veldman - DB/WR - Eastview:

Joe Bjorklund: OL(progbably G) - Rosemount:

Some people seem to really like Heifort, I've never seen him play, so I'm not sure. Here is his highlight tape, and I honestly wasn't that impressed.

I'm not a big fan of Gandy. He isn't that back and he really is pretty average on speed. To me, he didn't seem like he was making crisp cuts or anything spectacular. I could definitely be wrong on him.

Leuder, I think, will be a preferred Walk-On

Olson, Tufts and Westerhaus seem like locks.

I've heard there is virtually no chance that Farrow could get into the U. He wanted to come here and it became evident that he wouldn't likely make it in.

This guy won't get ANY of the good MN players !!!! they will not be waitin around to see IF he can do a damn thing they wiil opt for winners like wisc, iowa mich, even northwestern this was a BAD hire and Maturi is an idiot!!

This guy won't get ANY of the good MN players !!!! they will not be waitin around to see IF he can do a damn thing they wiil opt for winners like wisc, iowa mich, even northwestern this was a BAD hire and Maturi is an idiot!!

Thanks for your reasoned input that seems to be based on so many facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EXCLAMATION POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Wyatt Pfeiffer from chaska is another one, good DE, probably was going to end up in thr MAC like his brother.

This guy won't get ANY of the good MN players !!!! they will not be waitin around to see IF he can do a damn thing they wiil opt for winners like wisc, iowa mich, even northwestern this was a BAD hire and Maturi is an idiot!!

Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 94

I'm more convinced a 10 year old kid could lead a better search than Joel Maturi. What a trainwreck this guy is.

Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 81

DocfromDarwin and Pel76 seem to have a lot in common.

He may want to go visit the sophomore from Wayzata that scored 3 touchdowns in the State Title game - kid can fly!!

Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 94

I'm more convinced a 10 year old kid could lead a better search than Joel Maturi. What a trainwreck this guy is.

Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 81

DocfromDarwin and Pel76 seem to have a lot in common.

You need a hobby or something.

Recruits- Kills Press conference

I found it interesting and somewhat comforting that Coach Kill stated that he knew most of the kids the Gophers had commits from. I like the idea that he is not starting completely from scratch. Whether this amounts to anything...only time will tell.

I saw Bjorklund during the season and in the Prep Bowl. I think he is the real deal.

Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 94

I'm more convinced a 10 year old kid could lead a better search than Joel Maturi. What a trainwreck this guy is.

Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 81

DocfromDarwin and Pel76 seem to have a lot in common.

Clint and Nolan Brewster.

From watching the vids, I would say Joe Bjorklund is someone the Gophers need to land!


Can we find a kicker in the tri-state area? Special Forces were a big disappointment this year. Paging Lohmiller, Nystrom, Vinateri, Rhys Lloyd, anybody...

Kline was top WR as a sophomore I believe. I think he could find a position at the U.

Is the Blaine QB--Kline--an FBS talent?

I think the general thought is that he is a FBS talent but probably not a BCS conference talent. I think if there are scholorships available, he will be someone who will get a look especially since he seems to fit what Kill is looking for (mobile, big, decent thrower).

I think Kline has a decent chance to get a scholorship offer. It might be tough though if the U views Lacosse as a potential QB (he'll probably be a TE).

Can we find a kicker in the tri-state area? Special Forces were a big disappointment this year. Paging Lohmiller, Nystrom, Vinateri, Rhys Lloyd, anybody...

That's another thing Kill has stated with emphasis repeatedly, the fact that for him and in his experience the kicking game is vitally important and a facet of the game he places a very high priority on, stating that having quality kickers over the duration of his coaching career has equated to possibly an 2-3 extra wins per season. So he's not going to be neglecting that aspect, thank god. That's a big part of what he believes in, so he'll find a quality kicker somewhere.

Can we find a kicker in the tri-state area? Special Forces were a big disappointment this year. Paging Lohmiller, Nystrom, Vinateri, Rhys Lloyd, anybody...

An absolutely stellar point! The kicking game was so bad this season, it wasn't even funny. It really surprises me how some schools have a knack for locating and recruiting kickers that will excel at the collegiate level and other schools seem to just bring in a few kids, roll the dice, and hope one ends up being a somewhat serviceable kicker.

I would go to freshman orientation and find every soccer player and hold some walk-on try-outs.

I think all 3 of them look worthy of a scholarship. Bjorklund looks good and he moves well. He's aggressive on contact. Levine really has good quickness. Veldman tackles really well and is a top-shelf athlete. Especially considering the positions they play, i think they could all end up as starters down the line. I'm not in favor of shifting our recruiting to 100% Minnesota kids or "projects" but these 3 are worthy of an offer.

It's been discussed ad nauseum here but we need to follow the Wisconsin/Iowa model. That means locking up the home grown road graders & the few skill position guys every year + importing some "speed" (Read: Black guys) from the South.

After that, we'll have a handful of schollies to play with & what to do with them is an interesting debate. When a Minnesota kid & a Florida/Texas kid were equal Brewster liked to take the Southern kid because he felt it helped establish ties/pipelines at those schools & it's a valid point of view. Also valid is taking the Minnesota kid & being paaaaatient. JJ Watt's & Karl Klug's seldom become All Big-10 their Freshmen years. Normally in the Iowa/Wisconsin systems kids come in, red shirt, hit the weights, learn the system inside-out & finally play as a mature 22 year old RS-Junior.

Marginal D-1 athletes can develop into solid/great players given time. i.e. Who wouldn't want Ryan Collado, Theret, Hoese, Colin McGarry, Curtis Hughes, DJ Burris or Dom Alford back next year as 5th year Sr's? That's how they do it at Iowa & Wisconsin.

This guy won't get ANY of the good MN players !!!! they will not be waitin around to see IF he can do a damn thing they wiil opt for winners like wisc, iowa mich, even northwestern this was a BAD hire and Maturi is an idiot!!

Does this guy ever have anything good or a positive comment to say? I think if any current poster is worthy of the title troll it is this guy.

to Coach Kill and MN kids

Good to see the renewed interest in the MN recruiting field. I remember 30 or so years ago a local columnist made a statement about the heart and soul of MN football had to come from MN, but the arms and legs needed to come from out of state. Since that time we seem to have completely forgotten about the heart and soul. I do agree with the intent of the statement although sometimes I wonder a little about the arms part. Names like Weber, Stocco, Winke, Mauer, Bauman, and Walsh make me think we should take a closer look at athletes like Athey of Eden Prairie.

I've seen OL Jacobs from Delano play. He's the real deal. Very mobile lineman @275

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