Coach Kill and MN kids

pfieffer, veldman are leaning NDSU.

Sonnenfield Osseo is verballed to NDSU,
Alex Meier Anoka is verballed to NDSU

Gandy was offerred, but NDSU is stacked at Runnin Back with DJ mcnortan (208 & 4tds in playoff game) Voitlander *(centennial) and John Crockett (Totino) and 3 star kid from Arizona all at NDSU.

If Veldman gets offerred from the Gophers, he will not choose NDSU over the U.

If Veldman gets offerred from the U and NDSU and picks NDSU, I will join every thread you pimp NDSU and join you. I will even look up random Bison info and spam every college football board you want me to.

I haven't heard much about Peiffer, but the rumor is that he really likes Western Michigan and it will most likely be between Western Michigan and the U, if the U offers. However, he is a slight lean towards Western Michigan at the moment.

3 star kid from Arizona

Making sh*t up again, I see.

Michael Allen was not a 3-star by any of the major recruiting services.;_ylt=AraMN09tX4yDUUZXmBNzOYVDPZB4

I mean, you know people can look these things up and call you out on your lies, right? Why do you do it? Is there something wrong with you?

Good to see the renewed interest in the MN recruiting field. I remember 30 or so years ago a local columnist made a statement about the heart and soul of MN football had to come from MN, but the arms and legs needed to come from out of state. Since that time we seem to have completely forgotten about the heart and soul. I do agree with the intent of the statement although sometimes I wonder a little about the arms part. Names like Weber, Stocco, Winke, Mauer, Bauman, and Walsh make me think we should take a closer look at athletes like Athey of Eden Prairie.

I think Evan McMillan is going to walk-on, heard something about it, and he's enrolled at the U of M for spring semester. He originally went down to Iowa.

I think Evan McMillan is going to walk-on, heard something about it, and he's enrolled at the U of M for spring semester. He originally went down to Iowa.

That's pretty good news. He is a pretty big kid (6'5" 200lbs) QB who went to SPA. I completely forgot about him. I hope this is true, and i'd be curious how it all went down. I always thought he would end up just staying at QB (when he originally signed with Iowa), but I guess Iowa tried him some at S (so he must be faster than I had thought). I wonder if we will consider him at S, WR, H-Back, or bulk him up and move him to TE. (I guess that's IF he even plays).

Talking about Minnesota kids, as mentioned on the other thread... OL Joe Bjorklund is a Gopher!!!!

This guy won't get ANY of the good MN players !!!! they will not be waitin around to see IF he can do a damn thing they wiil opt for winners like wisc, iowa mich, even northwestern this was a BAD hire and Maturi is an idiot!!

Did Brewster join the board?

He may want to go visit the sophomore from Wayzata that scored 3 touchdowns in the State Title game - kid can fly!!

Kid is only a sophomore. Maybe the fastest back in the state.
Doesn't have a lot of shake to him. Will be interesting how he ends up turning out.

Maybe if coach Kill gets a pallet of beer dropped off at his office Wyatt Pfieffer may get an offer.

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