Coach Fleck with a POWERFUL closing statement...A message to the true fans and the critics.

People realize we can both be proud of this season, excited for future, and disappointed with how it ended?

I agree if this season ends up PJ's high water mark, it won't mean much, but I think winning is here to stay. We're not going 10-2 or better every year, but I think we'll get B1gw title sooner than later
Solid post, thanks.

You're really a total fool. Wow. Go cheer on a fatf--k coach again. If you don't see the difference between this 10-2 regular season and Mason's 9-3 regular season in 2003, you should go back and realize not only that we had 4 non-con games that year and see who those were against BUT find one win close to as good as beating an undefeated #4 team. Go ahead now, prove your IQ again.

Glad you got a shot in there about Claeys being overweight. Clearly you are someone we should all listen to.

What he inherited was a team in complete disarray -- 10 players kicked out of school, the entire team voting to quit on the season and the head coach supporting their decision to quit (a coach that BTW once he got another job, ended up quitting on that new team in the middle of the season). This program has come a long ways since then, a long ways.
2 large inaccuracies in your first sentence alone. But, you don’t really care about facts so who cares.

Revisiting our 10 win 2003 season (the one that evidently never happened)
We lost to Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State...all Top 25 ranked opponents.
We beat Wisconsin for the Axe. We beat Penn State for the Bell.
We finished the season at 10 and 3 ranked #20 in the final AP poll.
We beat Oregon in the Sun Bowl.
We crushed our four pre conference non conference opponents scoring 40 plus points in each game.
I’m not seeing the absurdity? We won the Axe and the Bell. Plus one
We lost to all top 25 ranked teams. Check
Granted, we did squeak out only 3 non conference wins this year. Kind of our fourth, we also beat Rutgers soundly. So, kind of not equal in accomplishment regarding style points but okay...whatever.
Dunno...I stand by my original contention...Let’s win 11 before we get too all look at me.
I would say the 2003 season was pretty close to this one. Difference was the crushing Michigan loss.

And 11-2 will trump 10-3 ;)

2 large inaccuracies in your first sentence alone. But, you don’t really care about facts so who cares.

Pretty pathetic attempt to slander someone. Seeing how many times you've attacked people in your legions of ponderous posts, you really should be better at doing that by now. "Practice makes perfect" doesn't apply to you, does it. Of course, writing isn't your forte, and you obviously care more about attacking others than you do about Gopher sports. Nonetheless, here are references to the facts that you have such difficulty understanding.


Fun season. Disappointing ending no doubt. They missed an extremely huge opportunity by losing 2 of their last 3.
That said, just watching this team play week to week it was plain to see things have changed around here. There is much more toughness to these squads, much more belief they can win. That they are good, better than their opponents. I think it starts and ends with Tanner Morgan. We have never had a QB like him around here. Or at least not for a very long time. This kid seeps confidence. He's a winner. I think Coach Kill is a winner too and won't settle for anything less.

Pretty pathetic attempt to slander someone. Seeing how many times you've attacked people in your legions of ponderous posts, you really should be better at doing that by now. "Practice makes perfect" doesn't apply to you, does it. Of course, writing isn't your forte, and you obviously care more about attacking others than you do about Gopher sports. Nonetheless, here are references to the facts that you have such difficulty understanding.

Did you read these?
Not to bring it up again and veering off topic here, but 10 players were NOT kicked out of school.
So your statement earlier should be called out.

It was a really good season. Hoping the team can end with a W in whatever bowl game we play in.
Excited to see what next year brings. Some keys players need to be replaced, but that's what makes it exciting. To see if some who didn't play much this year can fill in and replace the ones who are leaving.

Did you read these?
Not to bring it up again and veering off topic here, but 10 players were NOT kicked out of school.
So your statement earlier should be called out.

It was a really good season. Hoping the team can end with a W in whatever bowl game we play in.
Excited to see what next year brings. Some keys players need to be replaced, but that's what makes it exciting. To see if some who didn't play much this year can fill in and replace the ones who are leaving.
Yep, you're right. I should have said kicked off the team. Fleck inherited a team in disarray. We're in a far better position going into this year's bowls versus what was happening back then. Glad you have a forward looking perspective. Yes, next year is going to be exciting for all the good reasons.

Pretty pathetic attempt to slander someone. Seeing how many times you've attacked people in your legions of ponderous posts, you really should be better at doing that by now. "Practice makes perfect" doesn't apply to you, does it. Of course, writing isn't your forte, and you obviously care more about attacking others than you do about Gopher sports. Nonetheless, here are references to the facts that you have such difficulty understanding.

1. You have already admitted you were wrong on the 10 players.
2. I recalled TC resigning like Norwood Teague “resigned”, but seems he may not have been forced out.

My bad - you only had one inaccuracy in your opening sentence - not 2.

Edit: For accuracy.
Last edited:

What he inherited was a team in complete disarray -- 10 players kicked out of school, the entire team voting to quit on the season and the head coach supporting their decision to quit (a coach that BTW once he got another job, ended up quitting on that new team in the middle of the season). This program has come a long ways since then, a long ways.

Huh...weird...two of those ten you say were kicked out of school are big contributors to this season's success.

Yep, you're right. I should have said kicked off the team. Fleck inherited a team in disarray. We're in a far better position going into this year's bowls versus what was happening back then. Glad you have a forward looking perspective. Yes, next year is going to be exciting for all the good reasons.
Still not correct.

So SG17 and AW11 weren't playing for us this season? Ghosts?

They were kicked off the team, that's a fact. Later they were reinstated, much later in AW11's case, but yes, they were indeed kicked off the football team. Why is that a difficult concept for you to grasp?

They were kicked off the team, that's a fact. Later they were reinstated, much later in AW11's case, but yes, they were indeed kicked off the football team. Why is that a difficult concept for you to grasp?

You aren't really kicked off if you are back a few weeks later. That's a temporary suspension.

They were kicked off the team, that's a fact. Later they were reinstated, much later in AW11's case, but yes, they were indeed kicked off the football team. Why is that a difficult concept for you to grasp?
Nope. Suspended must be a difficult concept for you to grasp.

I didn’t like the Fleck hire. I didn’t like him after his first year and the year zero nonsense. Last year I wasn’t a fan. I wasn’t a fan fling into the PSU game. I was after. I am now mostly because of that speech. RTB.
We finally got our guy.

Nope. Suspended. Big difference.

Personally, I don't see the difference between "suspended Indefinitely from the team" and "kicked off the team". A rose is a rose no matter what you name it, they were kicked off the team.

It was interesting hearing talk radio today.
The little I listened to was more of the old.

I turned it off.

Media members who watched less than 6 Gopher games over the last 6 years don't need to tell me what a big win is or isn't or what is exciting for us and what isn't.

If they want to spout an opinion, learn something about college football first. Watch a few games from some other conferences. Watch a few other Big Ten games. Then tell us why your opinion matters.

MN media talking Gophers right now is still the Kwik Trip gas station of burgers. They sell some of them, but they aren't very good.

It was interesting hearing talk radio today.
The little I listened to was more of the old.

I turned it off.

Media members who watched less than 6 Gopher games over the last 6 years don't need to tell me what a big win is or isn't or what is exciting for us and what isn't.

If they want to spout an opinion, learn something about college football first. Watch a few games from some other conferences. Watch a few other Big Ten games. Then tell us why your opinion matters.

MN media talking Gophers right now is still the Kwik Trip gas station of burgers. They sell some of them, but they aren't very good.
But their Glazers are awesome...

His Positivity is good for the fans I guess. A little weird that people have to be told how to think. Usually your results affect how I think, not your words?? Anyway, even with the L, things are overall very positive in MN.

Personally, I don't see the difference between "suspended Indefinitely from the team" and "kicked off the team". A rose is a rose no matter what you name it, they were kicked off the team.

No difference between being suspended and being kicked off the team? That’s what you are going with? Kamal Martin was kicked off the team this year then too, right? And you called my argument pathetic. smh

No difference between being suspended and being kicked off the team? That’s what you are going with? Kamal Martin was kicked off the team this year then too, right? And you called my argument pathetic. smh
He wasn't suspended indefinitely like the 10 players were. Kamal's suspension was for a defined period of time. There's a big difference between having a suspension being labeled as "indefinitely suspended" versus it being temporary. I'll put in terms that maybe will help you understand. If in your trial the judge sentences you to two weeks of jail time versus a lifetime sentence with a chance of parole, I'd call that a different type of sentence. You may think they're the same, I'll claim they're very different, but then I've never been in court before - perhaps you know more about that than I do... And by the way, big of you to admit you were once again wrong. You don't do that too often, thanks for admitting it this time.

People realize we can both be proud of this season, excited for future, and disappointed with how it ended?

I agree if this season ends up PJ's high water mark, it won't mean much, but I think winning is here to stay. We're not going 10-2 or better every year, but I think we'll get B1gw title sooner than later

More like PJ Fleck's Zig-zag Chart


His Positivity is good for the fans I guess. A little weird that people have to be told how to think. Usually your results affect how I think, not your words?? Anyway, even with the L, things are overall very positive in MN.


Jerry Kill and his offering to MAC quality kids days are past. #grateful

Jerry and Claeys guys just formed the backbone of this team and many will be playing on Sunday. But that is factual and I don't think you are interested in that or maybe even capable of understanding that.

He wasn't suspended indefinitely like the 10 players were. Kamal's suspension was for a defined period of time. There's a big difference between having a suspension being labeled as "indefinitely suspended" versus it being temporary. I'll put in terms that maybe will help you understand. If in your trial the judge sentences you to two weeks of jail time versus a lifetime sentence with a chance of parole, I'd call that a different type of sentence. You may think they're the same, I'll claim they're very different, but then I've never been in court before - perhaps you know more about that than I do... And by the way, big of you to admit you were once again wrong. You don't do that too often, thanks for admitting it this time.

Hard to be "kicked off the team" while on the roster.

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