Coach Fleck with a POWERFUL closing statement...A message to the true fans and the critics.

Yesterday was a tough one for all of us. I think Coach Fleck is right - we have to put it behind us and move on. Hopefully we can learn from it so it can help make us better. There are just too many good things that happened this year for me to get all negative like some fans. I believe in Coach Fleck and he has my 100 per cent support. If you look at the entire body of work of this year you will see things are progressing very nicely and we are becoming a very big thing. Sure, we suffered a setback but I could go on and on and on about the good things we saw this year - and I have!

Hang in there Gopher fans - we will regroup from this and emerge from this even stronger. Good things are coming soon for Gopher fans!!

We just had a 10 win season.

Some believe this was a high water mark.
Some believe this was a first step to getting here on a basis consistent with WI and Iowa.

I can't tell you what to believe.

We just had a 10 win season.

Some believe this was a high water mark.
Some believe this was a first step to getting here on a basis consistent with WI and Iowa.

I can't tell you what to believe.

But you can post a bitchy stawman poll to make yourself feel better about what you believe

Love this amazing coach and person. Love you man. You brought the Gopher Fan base together. What an awesome season. 10-2 baby

I'm gonna laugh so hard if he leaves for FSU.
This year's schedule was as easy as it's gonna get. Hopefully the end of this season showed him that he still has a loooong way to go if he wants to elevate this program.

FAU is a tough home opener and it only gets harder after week 2. A lot of the B1G West was in rebuilding mode this year. NW/NE/Purdue are only going to get better.

Hey you sound like a little b*tch...we beat the teams we needed to beat. You just sound like a grumpy unhappy person. Go ahead with your negative views. If you don't like how the Gophers did ...then why are you on here? You obviously are still a fan. How about some positivity. Winners are not built on hate.

Hey you sound like a little b*tch...we beat the teams we needed to beat. You just sound like a grumpy unhappy person. Go ahead with your negative views. If you don't like how the Gophers did ...then why are you on here? You obviously are still a fan. How about some positivity. Winners are not built on hate.

I just posted something similar in another thread. Some people are essentially self-sabotaging their lives if they have this much negativity built up. Many of us are die-hard fans, but now after a second loss we have people just rolling in their own pig pen of negativity, just rolling around in their own waste of bad thoughts and trying to spread their crap on other people.

Go take care of your life, people. Try and be a little better.

Hey you sound like a little b*tch...we beat the teams we needed to beat. You just sound like a grumpy unhappy person. Go ahead with your negative views. If you don't like how the Gophers did ...then why are you on here? You obviously are still a fan. How about some positivity. Winners are not built on hate.
He's such a huge fan that he will "laugh so hard" if our successful coach abandons us for FSU and starts yet another cycle of rebuilding.

I just posted something similar in another thread. Some people are essentially self-sabotaging their lives if they have this much negativity built up. Many of us are die-hard fans, but now after a second loss we have people just rolling in their own pig pen of negativity, just rolling around in their own waste of bad thoughts and trying to spread their crap on other people.

Go take care of your life, people. Try and be a little better.
Amen brother. RTB.

He has us back to what he inherited. Hope he can take the next step. Wish some of our “fans” could appreciate efforts of past coaches as well, and the success they had. No, they didn’t get us over the hump, but Fleck wouldn’t be playing in this game today to go to Big 10 Championship if it wasn’t for the work Kill/Claeys and staff did to rebuild after Brewster. He’s also benefitting from all Mason and Kill did to get the respective facilities they worked so hard for. I wish Fleck well in the next step and wish many of our fans could support him without having to talk so jpoorly of the work our previous staffs did.
I recognize the efforts of the Kill and Mason staffs. Without them we would not have the stadium we have or the practice fachillities. They started the turn, and making the students and fans start to care again. If people are miffed about the Wisconsin loss good, because that means they care rather than the apathy we experienced through 1990's. I think the Gophers are building a program we can all be proud of. The brand and the program are on the upswing. We are bottoms feeders no more,
Gophers will rise and get over the hump.

He has us back to what he inherited. Hope he can take the next step. Wish some of our “fans” could appreciate efforts of past coaches as well, and the success they had. No, they didn’t get us over the hump, but Fleck wouldn’t be playing in this game today to go to Big 10 Championship if it wasn’t for the work Kill/Claeys and staff did to rebuild after Brewster. He’s also benefitting from all Mason and Kill did to get the respective facilities they worked so hard for. I wish Fleck well in the next step and wish many of our fans could support him without having to talk so poorly of the work our previous staffs did.
What he inherited was a team in complete disarray -- 10 players kicked out of school, the entire team voting to quit on the season and the head coach supporting their decision to quit (a coach that BTW once he got another job, ended up quitting on that new team in the middle of the season). This program has come a long ways since then, a long ways.

This post was bad and you should feel bad.

It's really all okay. I was drunk and pissed but shouldn't have thrown the "fatf--k" comment in. I actually have no problem with TC, but I stand by my original points: everything 60s Guy said in his OP is all about Fleck's personality. No substance. Also, a bowl win and this season is much better than 2003. No doubt

Hey you sound like a little b*tch...we beat the teams we needed to beat. You just sound like a grumpy unhappy person. Go ahead with your negative views. If you don't like how the Gophers did ...then why are you on here? You obviously are still a fan. How about some positivity. Winners are not built on hate.

"We beat the teams we needed to beat." Who won the game yesterday?
"If you don't like how the Gophers did, then why are you on here?" Do YOU like how the Gophers played yesterday?
"Winners are not built on hate." Winners are built on talent and coaching, not on positive feelings. Wisconsin's performance and 'row the boat' mocking of our state yesterday's game showed that.

People realize we can both be proud of this season, excited for future, and disappointed with how it ended?

I agree if this season ends up PJ's high water mark, it won't mean much, but I think winning is here to stay. We're not going 10-2 or better every year, but I think we'll get B1gw title sooner than later

Wacker, Mason, Brewster, and Kill all said the same.

0 Big 10 Champions. 0 Division titles. 3 wins out of our last 25 against our biggest "rivals" who showed how much respect they have for our program after they kicked our behinds today.

Fleck will have to show us that this is a new program on the field -- he certainly didn't show us today.

Do you mean that after three years on the job he hasn't fixed everything yet? Wow, that's deep for a Badger fan!

The most fundamental, most important pieces are in place: facilities and institutional support/commitment.

Our school - our BOR, our president - *want* to win here, and win big. They're willing to pay the cost that it takes to do that.

And we've built up fantastic facilities.

So I agree that we're not going back any time soon. We're going to keep rising up!

I was a student when the football program bottomed out by moving to the Metrodome. This season is different. It is a new vista from which we can view this program. I never thought I would buy in to a coach after the Music Man left town, but Fleck seems different. I like that.

Row the Boat!
Go Gophers!

I do understand what Fleck is trying to preach, I really do. You also have to remember that to have "Firsts", "Nevers" and "First time since", you have to look back.

This was a very, very good season that could have been magical. Follow it with a few more very good seasons. Win more of the rival games than you lose and those very good seasons become great seasons.

Revisiting our 10 win 2003 season (the one that evidently never happened)
We lost to Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State...all Top 25 ranked opponents.
We beat Wisconsin for the Axe. We beat Penn State for the Bell.
We finished the season at 10 and 3 ranked #20 in the final AP poll.
We beat Oregon in the Sun Bowl.
We crushed our four pre conference non conference opponents scoring 40 plus points in each game.
I’m not seeing the absurdity? We won the Axe and the Bell. Plus one
We lost to all top 25 ranked teams. Check
Granted, we did squeak out only 3 non conference wins this year. Kind of our fourth, we also beat Rutgers soundly. So, kind of not equal in accomplishment regarding style points but okay...whatever.
Dunno...I stand by my original contention...Let’s win 11 before we get too all look at me.
Don’t ever bring up the 2003 season as a year of accomplishment! It was the year we gave up a 17 point lead to Michigan! It was the beginning of the end for Mason because you could tell the coaches didn’t believe in the players and the players didn’t have the confidence to believe in themselves.

That was a fun ride the past couple months. Hope I get to experience something like that again soon! I think we’ve got the right staff in place to sustain some success.
Iowa fan here. You have a great coach. Cherish him. I saw a different Minnesota team when they played Iowa this year. You are in for a great ride!

I love this guy!

I don't doubt there are fans crapping on Saban after losing the Iron Bowl today.

The funny thing, that is absolutely going on at the Bama sites.

There are some literally arguing that it’s time to fire Saban. They are convicenced that because he lost to both Auburn and LSU when he had superior talent he has lost his edge. Therefore they are further convenience that the administration needs to fire Saban now before it gets worse.

Can you believe that?

The most fundamental, most important pieces are in place: facilities and institutional support/commitment.

Our school - our BOR, our president - *want* to win here, and win big. They're willing to pay the cost that it takes to do that.

And we've built up fantastic facilities.

So I agree that we're not going back any time soon. We're going to keep rising up!
None of it matters if we do not hire the right coach.Fleck makes it all work.

He has us back to what he inherited. Hope he can take the next step. Wish some of our “fans” could appreciate efforts of past coaches as well, and the success they had. No, they didn’t get us over the hump, but Fleck wouldn’t be playing in this game today to go to Big 10 Championship if it wasn’t for the work Kill/Claeys and staff did to rebuild after Brewster. He’s also benefitting from all Mason and Kill did to get the respective facilities they worked so hard for. I wish Fleck well in the next step and wish many of our fans could support him without having to talk so poorly of the work our previous staffs did.

Well, if we are going that direction, we have to give Brewster credit as well. Though he didn't succeed, Brewster let it be known that this program had potential. That it could be much better than mediocre.

Thanks to the previous coaches! Glad Fleck is leading the charge now!

Hello Coach Fleck: I've let it go. I'm going to improve my best. The glass is indeed half full. You and the Gopher football team have given me a great season and soon to be great bowl game. I'm happy and excited about the future of this program. Thank you, your staff, and especially the players for making this season the one we will look back on and realize it was just the beginning of Gopher football greatness.

Iowa fan here. You have a great coach. Cherish him. I saw a different Minnesota team when they played Iowa this year. You are in for a great ride!

I hope you are right. Just hard to get the, "Negative Nancy," of Minnesota sports out of me. It's even harder for my father, since he still thinks Fleck is Brewster 2.0 or will bail like Lou Holtz did.

I have to write a little more. I am SO feeling PJ in what he's saying, especially the part when he says we're not gonna go back. So many people want to retreat to the comfort zone of where they used to be, even when it's a dark, cold place--and especially when the going gets tough. That comes up in Scripture when the Israelites are complaining to Moses about the hardships of the journey, with some saying they should go back into captivity by the Egyptians. It's human nature.

My own professional experience is as a change agent, much like Fleck: trying to change a culture on two fronts--both locally and nationally/internationally--in an environment that's not always very receptive to change. I've found myself on a number of occasions saying the same thing as him, almost word for word: we are NOT going back to the way things used to be or the way we've always done things. We CAN'T go back, knowing what we know now and with the demands of the present-day world. The forces who want to go backward are tenacious and persistent. You find yourself constantly fighting them, which consumes limited resources that you could be expending taking us forward. The time we could be spending working out the finer points are instead spent rehashing and re-justifying the same basic concepts over and over and over.

This was the biggest game of my lifetime. Even though they've been in contention for the West title in the past, a win would have carried more weight than in those past situations because of the national playoff ramifications. That's rare air. That air is hard to breathe, even for fans, and obviously the higher you go, the harder the crash if you don't make it. If people are feeling like they want to go back so that they don't have to suffer this kind of crushing disappointment again...I think that's part of what Fleck is talking about. This is what it's like to be in contention, and there are going to be ups and downs.

This has been a transformative experience for me. I went into that game not fretting and fearing like I have in the past but just relishing the moment. It was tough to watch them crash and burn like that, but I wouldn't have given up these past few weeks for anything, even if it meant avoiding the disappointment. I think people need to decide whether they're interested in the big time. This is the big time.

It's not just the Gophers fans that Fleck is fighting. It's a whole Minnesota Sports are Cursed type of thing, across all sports fans in the state. The Vikings are obviously the other big one. The losses in the NFC champ games. Never won a Super Bowl.

Keep fighting the good fight!

I'm still frustrated about Saturday but I've calmed down a good amount. No matter how it ended, this was such a fun season. That won't change.

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