Can we call this a signature win?

Nice win, but not the signature win we are looking for. I am hoping that comes against Wisconsin when my boys and I make our annual visit to the Bank

This is an absurd question. It's a nice win, but we beat a non top 25 team without their two best players.

Lets celebrate the win with some perspective.

Next week is a huge brick game.

Good lord, no this is not a signature win. Northwestern is 0-3.

12.5 pt underdogs on the road against a team expected to contend for the B1G this year. Playing without our coach on the sidelines. Playing against momentum. Overcoming adversity in game. Beating B1G opponent not called IA, IL, or Purdue for first time since '09. The correct answer is YES. Signature win. We are now 5-2 - right where most hoped we would be 7 games in. BUT it is just 1 game. We need to build on it and continue to improve.

12.5 pt underdogs on the road against a team expected to contend for the B1G this year. Playing without our coach on the sidelines. Playing against momentum. Overcoming adversity in game. Beating B1G opponent not called IA, IL, or Purdue for first time since '09. The correct answer is YES. Signature win. We are now 5-2 - right where most hoped we would be 7 games in. BUT it is just 1 game. We need to build on it and continue to improve.

Pretty crazy stat. Thanks for sharing.

Ok this is the flip side to the don't jump off the cliff mentality after a loss. We beat a banged up Nerdwestern team that is winless in the B1G by 3 points. There is nothing about this performance that is signature material.

I know our fanbase (myself included) is desperate, but this desperate? A day to be a happy fan, for sure! A signature win? Please tell me there is more hope than that.

I don't remember him cussing out a ref over such an obvious no call though. I think that it was he is saying.

Maybe not, but last year there were several instances where he cussed out the referee in completely classless fashion.

I don't hold it against coaches due to the emotion involved but let's not play hypocrite here and act like only other coaches who yell at the ref are *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bags and not ours.

Big win (they all are, especially B1G wins, as we all know). Hard to call it signature. Maybe I'm the only guy who thinks Northwestern is way overrated, but others are right when pointing out how they gave tOSU all they could handle. But I can say that this is what I expected when Kill took over. We laid the lumber for all sixty minutes and even if we had lost, Northwestern would have known that they were in a game. We've seen flashes of that physicality (I wish we had seen a bit more of it against Iowa), but it was up a notch today and it went on ALL GAME LONG.

For a minute or two as the game was winding down, I was thinking (and I probably wasn't alone) that the team was going to somehow get jobbed or get a particularly bad bounce, but they stayed within themselves and got the job done. That is such a departure from the tradition that has plagued this squad for a long, long, long time and it was good to see the team protect the lead and make the plays they needed to make to put the game away.

This is an absurd question. It's a nice win, but we beat a non top 25 team without their two best players.

Lets celebrate the win with some perspective.

As far as the first point it certainly is and yes to second point. Absurd questions is how the GopherHole was built, one absurd question at a time.:)

Not a bad win at all... best win for the jerry kill lead bunch! Great win guys!

Big win (they all are, especially B1G wins, as we all know). Hard to call it signature. Maybe I'm the only guy who thinks Northwestern is way overrated, but others are right when pointing out how they gave tOSU all they could handle. But I can say that this is what I expected when Kill took over. We laid the lumber for all sixty minutes and even if we had lost, Northwestern would have known that they were in a game. We've seen flashes of that physicality (I wish we had seen a bit more of it against Iowa), but it was up a notch today and it went on ALL GAME LONG.

For a minute or two as the game was winding down, I was thinking (and I probably wasn't alone) that the team was going to somehow get jobbed or get a particularly bad bounce, but they stayed within themselves and got the job done. That is such a departure from the tradition that has plagued this squad for a long, long, long time and it was good to see the team protect the lead and make the plays they needed to make to put the game away.
I agree. Frankly, I don't care who was out. Does it matter? Of course. However, the scenario where a team going against the Gophers losing a starting QB only to have the backup come in and shred the defense is one we've seen too many times. The Gophers proved Vegas wrong today by 15 points. That's worth something in my book.

12.5 pt underdogs on the road against a team expected to contend for the B1G this year. Playing without our coach on the sidelines. Playing against momentum. Overcoming adversity in game. Beating B1G opponent not called IA, IL, or Purdue for first time since '09. The correct answer is YES. Signature win. We are now 5-2 - right where most hoped we would be 7 games in. BUT it is just 1 game. We need to build on it and continue to improve.

I agree...

His biggest win is still Iowa 2011...

If beating an 0-3 Conf NW team without its 2 Top Playmakers on Offense is a signature win then the bar has been dropped horrifically...

Come on guys, I'm happy we won but a signature win? Not even close...

My wife it out of town, I've got a fridge full of beer, and plans to do nothing but watch football today.

I'm just happy with the win, and don't want to ascribe any extra meaning to it.

I didn't see any players leave with any injuries and I hope we have some Mo to face a Nebraska team coming off their bye week.

Although I thought it a bit curious to not see Rod Williams in there today.

My wife it out of town, I've got a fridge full of beer, and plans to do nothing but watch football today.I'm just happy with the win, and don't want to ascribe any extra meaning to it.

I didn't see any players leave with any injuries and I hope we have some Mo to face a Nebraska team coming off their bye week.

Although I thought it a bit curious to not see Rod Williams in there today.

Unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on Unregistered User for obtusely not including an invite to any Gopherholers to enjoy in post-game beer-drinking festivities.

Not a signature win, but one to feel really good about. Beat Nebraska next week and that's your 1st signature win. Huskers are on a roll, and along with Michigan State in great shape to represent the Legends in Indianapolis.

NW was awful today.

We deserved to win by two scores.

I hate refs.


This NW team was an anomaly. They are far better than they have been playing these past few games.

to the original question - who cares? We won, I was there with wife and friends, and I'm very happy.

I'm going to answer before reading the rest of the thread. NU played really poorly today. But in the end, our boys went out there and won a game they were a 12.5 point dog in. Road games in the Big Ten are hard to win and we did it. I'm going to say no, it's not a signature win because this game doesn't declare "We're here!". It's a solid win, which I'm estactic over and puts a bowl game solidly back in the picture. Very proud of the team and the effort today.


"Signature" Good win for a growing team.....hell yes. NW is a good team.....but let's not forget our past couple games. We need to see what kind of team we have before making statements.

I wouldn't call it a signature win, but I also disagree with those saying "not even close." Northwestern had been ranked all season except for this week. I don't think very many of us predicted us to win this game even at the start of the season. Sure Northwestern is now 0-3 in the Big Ten, but the two losses that weren't to us were to arguably the two best teams in the conference. If you predicted us to lose the game by three touchdowns, you should at least be impressed with the win. I also believe you'd have a few more people calling this a signature win if you put this exact same team in Nebraska or Michigan uniforms.

I think this makes up for the loss to Iowa and puts the season back on track as well as getting us one step closer to bowl eligibility. Also kind of crazy but Northwestern is now on the bottom of the division.

I know our fanbase (myself included) is desperate, but this desperate? A day to be a happy fan, for sure! A signature win? Please tell me there is more hope than that.

We haven't beaten NW in our last four meetings. They were also at home. Have we suddenly been a world beater on the road? This was a solid win.

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