Can we call him "Clutch Leidner"?...

The gophers scored on 5 of 8 drives today, DESPITE bad special teams plays. I'm really confused as to what we expect from our offense on this board. 8/8 with 8 TDs? 750 yards total O? This isnt Madden. sometimes you punt.

I think some people just look at the point total instead of thinking about how the game flow went. For comparison, Texas Tech had 8 possessions in the first half of their game today.

The offense and Leidner was good today. Leidner left a few throws on the table, especially early, but he's a college QB and will never be perfect. The defense (with injuries a big reason why) was why Ohio kept the game close.

Mitch, just keep winning baby! And all is forgiven in GH land. :clap:

Mitch did well today.

It was a microcosm of Mitch. Good passes, a few horrific passes.... and on the last drive he throws the loosing INT, but they drop it so he drives down to win.

I said last week I thought the coaching staff stayed as simple as possible offensively. They only showed what they needed. As we saw, Limegrover showed more creativity today. I can only imagine as the competition becomes more intense, we will see an even more open playbook. All around good offensive game today with play calling that was a bit more colorful.

Maybe time to try a new punt returner, though.

Let's be honest, this is the best we've seen so far of Mitch Leidner. For those that mention the four bad passes over the course of the entire game, show me elite college QBs that don't over/under throw receivers during a game. Way to go, Mitch!

Our offense was excellent today.

The gophers scored on 5 of 8 drives today, DESPITE bad special teams plays. I'm really confused as to what we expect from our offense on this board. 8/8 with 8 TDs? 750 yards total O? This isnt Madden. sometimes you punt.

Fun to watch the offense today! Brooks is another solid running back.

If Mitch plays like this the rest of the year, he will be about #5 or #6 on the list of gopher problems.

Mitch has been no higher than #4 on the list of Gopher problems all year long. The offensive line, wide receivers, and play calling have been on top of the hit parade since the TCU game. Special teams was #1 today.

Mitch had a good game and led the gophers to victory. But this is something that we are not used to as fans. Hopefully he can continue playing efficient football, but i honestly will not hold my breathe for it. I just hope he can produce enough for the gophers to win at Northwestern next week.

Today was Mitch's 3rd game in which he has led the offense on a long fourth quarter drive to win the game. I don't think any Gopher QB has done that for at least 50 years or more. Mitch has been as "clutch" as it has ever been for a Gopher QB during the lifetime of most GopherHolers.

Again I've said I don't think Mitch is a viable B1G QB, I need to see a trend not an outlier game. One pretty good game isn't going to change that. What we can produce versus MACtion is different than the conference schedule.

Would I want him to develop into a starting caliber QB? Absolutely. I just am of the opinion that our QB play thus far this year has been our biggest (but by all means not only) liability. Ofc I will take a 68% completion percentage, 250+ yards in the air. If we can do that we SHOULD win most games. However gaudy as the stats were you would've thought we hung 40+ on these guys.

Overall we are 3-1, right where we thought we would be. We had a respectable loss to TCU, and some closer than expected wins in the other games.

Get behind the boys the rest of the way and hopefully we keep getting better and take care of business so the battle for the axe is the B1G West Championship Game. I wish the bye was next week but we got a surprisingly good Wildcats squad in Evanston, show up and show out.


Mitch haters will never be satisfied. He isn't the prettiest, but he keeps improving and makes lot of clutch plays to win games. Except for the booing in a win, pretty fun season.

What are you saying about Leidner right now if the Ohio DB doesnt drop the INT to ice the game? Nothing, I'd wager. That's likely the direct opposite of clutch against a B1G CB (which is a senseless thing to say, since the Gophers likely wouldn't have been in a spot for a game winning drive in the first place if playing a B1G team outside of Purdue).

The people trying to make him sound like John Elway are just as wrong as those saying he was totally awful today. He was OK today, and it may be the ceiling. Having to drive down and score with a golden horseshoe crammed up Leidner's butt against Ohio to win the game doesn't instill much more confidence than last week. That's just my opinion on the matter. As much as I'd like to see the QB play improve, it isn't going to any time soon.

Whether it's Leidner's fault or isn't is irrelevant. The fact that he's just not very good can't be denied. Bottom line, this team is looking to get destroyed in the B1G schedule if something just short of a miracle doesn't happen. If you're not worried, I would have to question whether you have a grasp on what you're watching.

Just as easily as they are 3-1, they could be 1-3, and there would be tumbleweeds blowing through these threads. Realistically, they didn't deserve to win that game today. I can't say anyone played a good game after the last two weeks. They should be rolling these teams, and people want to hand out participation ribbons for a few lucky splash plays to snatch victory from defeat.

Mitch is pretty accurate when he steps into his throws. But, you can really shake your head when he lets loose from his back foot. The ball is almost always high and uncatchable. Just bad mechanics. For the most part Mitch was solid today.
We won. No complaints.

Here is where Mitch sits on the recent Gopher QB winning percentage list for games started. It is somewhat interesting that Leidner is still considered by some fans not to be a Big 10 QB.

1. Leidner - .631
2. Abdul-Khaliq - .595
3. Cockerham - .565
4. Dungy - .545
5. Cupito - .541
6. Foggie - .500
7. Nelson - .470
8. Hohensee - .409
9. Weber - .340
10 Schade - .318
11 Fleetwood - .303
12 Sauter - .294

1. Streveler - 1.00
So he should start, right?
There is A reason we have to try and run vs. 8 and 9-man fronts every week.

What are you saying about Leidner right now if the Ohio DB doesnt drop the INT to ice the game?
I would comment about what happened. What a silly question.

... Having to drive down and score with a golden horseshoe crammed up Leidner's butt against Ohio to win the game doesn't instill much more confidence... That's just my opinion on the matter. As much as I'd like to see the QB play improve, it isn't going to any time soon.
Evidently we disagree about his improvement. Not sure what your measuring tool is, but it appears clouded by prejudice.

... The fact that he's just not very good can't be denied. Bottom line, this team is looking to get destroyed in the B1G schedule if something just short of a miracle doesn't happen. If you're not worried, I would have to question whether you have a grasp on what you're watching.
Your bottom line is ridiculous. Who would look to get destroyed? Debate over who has a grasp on reality is silly.

Just as easily as they are 3-1, they could be 1-3... Realistically, they didn't deserve to win that game today. I can't say anyone played a good game...They should be rolling these teams...
Actually it's easier to see us 4-0 with a play here or there. Gritty resolve on this team, overcoming so many injuries. Most definitely DID deserve to win. At least 10 freshmen played against Ohio, including 5 true FR. The MAC is playing pretty tough. The kids play hard, are well coached, and keep working and improving...including Mitch.

Mitch, just keep winning baby! And all is forgiven in GH land. :clap:

We could be 11-1 at the end of Nov. with Mitch throwing 60-65% comp., 24-28 TDs passing, 10-12 rushing, and 6-7 ints and numerous knuckleheads here would be too pigheaded to give Mitch his due. Which reminds me, sonnygarcia has been particularly quiet so far.

Yes, I realize the chances of this happening are practically zero. The fact is, some have such blind hatred for Mitch that good or even great performance doesn't matter to them.

Lol ML had one decent game. This game still doesn't make me want ML in B10 games. He is shaky, and unreliable. ML will always be that way, it is what it is. I bet everyone from the ML bashers to lovers will all agree we would rather have the Vick guy as our QB over ML if we had a choice.[/QUOTE

Disagree. I'll take their #6 though!

1. Streveler - 1.00
So he should start, right?
There is A reason we have to try and run vs. 8 and 9-man fronts every week.

Wrong. Leidner has been starting every game because Kill thinks he gives the Gophers the best chance to win. So far the statistics are proving Kill right. By that criterion Gopher fans haven't had it so good in a very long time.

What are you saying about Leidner right now if the Ohio DB doesnt drop the INT to ice the game?

Every game has its "if only" moments. "If only the punt return was not fumbled," "If only the rare delay of game call did not happen on the field goal attempt," "If only the offense called play X instead of play Y." All counterfactuals.

The fact is Mitch played much better and once again showed great leadership and poise in the clutch. I am looking forward to next week.

The people trying to make him sound like John Elway are just as wrong as those saying he was totally awful today.

Since no one is actually saying either of those things, does that mean that no one is wrong? :)

I was thinking last night about Mitch's clutch performances at the end of games close, and how much better it seems than at other times. Any way we can get the TCF scoreboard operator to show the Gophers down by 4 points with two minutes to go regardless of the real score for an entire game?

Might come in handy against Wisconsin.

Actually it's easier to see us 4-0 with a play here or there. Gritty resolve on this team, overcoming so many injuries. Most definitely DID deserve to win. At least 10 freshmen played against Ohio, including 5 true FR. The MAC is playing pretty tough. The kids play hard, are well coached, and keep working and improving...including Mitch.

Killme, do we sometimes suffer from male PMS in GH Land? A most common symptom is a b#tchy fixation.

It is not enough that we won. We b#tched and moan about Adam Weber, then Mitch Leidner, and soon too Demry Croft.

Sometimes people forget this is a team game. The only people that Mitch need to instill confidence on are his team mates and coaches. He is a gamer and a leader. He keeps on winning. The most important stat is a team win.

As long as the team keeps winning, it holds my PMS in check. It doesn't matter to me who the signal caller is.

If things aren't going right with the team, well maybe I need to go see Doctor Don... :banghead:

Killme, do we sometimes suffer from male PMS in GH Land? A most common symptom is a b#tchy fixation.

It is not enough that we won. We b#tched and moan about Adam Weber, then Mitch Leidner, and soon too Demry Croft.

Sometimes people forget this is a team game. The only people that Mitch need to instill confidence on are his team mates and coaches. He is a gamer and a leader. He keeps on winning. The most important stat is a team win.

As long as the team keeps winning, it holds my PMS in check. It doesn't matter to me who the signal caller is.

If things aren't going right with the team, well maybe I need to go see Doctor Don... :banghead:

lol@male PMS. IMHO, bad analogy. Female PMS doesn't last all month, every least from my experience. How bleak did things look when Ohio was driving for their last go-ahead TD? My biggest concern was how much time we'd have, not whether we could come back and win. I just kept thinking last evening about missing the opportunity to post the Herm Edwards press conference rant, and although the situation was different, the fact remains: you play to win the game.

Can we call him "Clutch Leidner"?...

Mitch is what he has always been. Inconsistent. I have been saying for over a year on here - ML7 isn't great and he doesn't suck. He is great some and sucks some. Inconsistent. Unfortunately too many need definitives and for that reason this debate will never stop. Group A will say "told you so" one week and Group B will the next. I am tired just thinking about it.

Great Game Mitch! 3-1. Offense is improving. I am confident the D will figure today out. I am still optimistic for the rest of the year. Go Gophers!

lol@male PMS. IMHO, bad analogy. Female PMS doesn't last all month, every least from my experience. How bleak did things look when Ohio was driving for their last go-ahead TD? My biggest concern was how much time we'd have, not whether we could come back and win. I just kept thinking last evening about missing the opportunity to post the Herm Edwards press conference rant, and although the situation was different, the fact remains: you play to win the game.

It appears men do suffer a form of PMS & more often. Symptoms:
Belly fat, hair loss, oily skin, back acne, gas and bloating, fatigue, low libido, and — you got it — mood swings. This can happen slowly over time, but it also can happen every single day.

I'm not a believer in Leidner, I've made that clear.

I was thrilled that we won, excited for the guys and something we needed to pull out. We are 3-1 which is where the vast majority thought we would be at the beginning of the season.

Didn't like the throw Leidner had on the final drive to Maye that was almost picked off. That could've easily been the game.

We need to improve, period. I'm elated we got the win, but I'm realistic about our prospects the rest of the way. Our offense needs to start producing and soon.

You're simply full of it. Move on, nothing to see here.

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