Anyone listening to this on KFan? Why would Brewster do this? It's one of the largest forms of media in the Twin Cities. It seems like a lot of exposure the team will miss out on. Regardless of what people think of the station, it is a huge part of Minnesota sports. Barreiro will have a field day with this.
That is flat-out wrong...please explain how KFAN needs local sports more than local sports needs KFAN? KFAN, and it's tough for me to opine fully on this because, even though moved on with many freelance jobs, including radio with KSTP a couple times, I am still upset/baffled by the decision they made to let me go, but local sports needs KFAN more...Why then did the Wolves have to buy airtime for their games? Why have teams in the past begged for KFAN to have on management types/players? Why has KFAN been a very profitable station for years when from 12p on it's maybe 50-percent sports...half the topics in those slots that generate the most revenue don't revolve around sports....the station works because it has the right mix of personalities.
Will add: wanted to confirm with someone at the "U"...did do exclusive interviews on KFAN is accurate, but KFAN HASN'T been banned from the Tuesday media gathering, practices (if they ever wanted to cover one), and KFAN will still have plenty of access...still think the exclusivity ban is a BAD P.R. move.
I've lived in Minnesota my whole life. Went to my first football game in 1960 (Vikings). This state is a bunch of bandwagon jumpers. Win and you can't beat 'em off with a stick. Lose and you have difficulty giving tickets away. KFAN has zero impact (IMO) on ticket sales. Right now, the Gophers need to win or the sellout of TCF isn't going to last very long. How does Cosgrove taking time off from preparing for one of the most important games of the season (from a PR perspective) to go on KFAN benefit the program?
People here gripe all the time about the program not getting enough exposure. Whether you like KFAN or not, it has a sizeable listening audience and to suddenly shut down exposure from them, will only create negative publicity.
Huge buzzkill by Brewster right after a big victory and all the good pub about the new stadium. What's next, pulling the press passes from the Strib because they employ Reusse?
14 KTTB-FM Rhythmic Contemporary Hit Radio 3.4 3.4 2.9
15 KSTP-AM Talk/Personality 3.3 3.0 2.8
16 KFAN-AM All Sports 2.1 2.3 2.6
I think it's a silly move by Brewster, but the fact is KFAN has always treated the U like 2nd class citzens. Just look at the breakdown on their message boards. The Twins, Vikes, Wild and Timberwolves all get their own message boards. All the Gophers programs are lumped into bulk "college" boards. If you want to talk Gopher hockey, it's on the same board as UND and SCSU. If you want to talk Gopher football, it's on the same board as Iowa, Florida and St. John's. Gopher hoops shares a board with NDSU, Virginia and Coppin St. They have separate boards for video games, hunting and fishing and soccer for crying out loud.
oh god and they're having a field day with it. this is like kfan programming gold. the on-air talent loves to go off when they feel the station is being slighted or they can turn up heat on what they see as pompous or holier than thou attitude on the part of the local sports teams.
I have no problem with this.
There have been media outlets out there that have been 100% negative on the Gophers for years (Reusse and KFAN in particular), so why be complicit in degrading your own team by participating with them?
Nother more can sum-up how KFAN feels about the importance of Gopher sports -- Good post PlayHosea.
But if coverage is nothing but negative, why are we surprised the program doesn't want to provide anything for the radio station?It is not the job of the radio station to provide positive coverage.
"Hear hear!" and to reiterate:
If it wasn't for Vikings games, this station would be off the air. From Arbitron today:
Ranking Outlet Format JUNE 09 JULY 09 AUG 09
1 KQRS-FM Classic Rock 10.0 9.7 9.0
2 KEEY-FM Country 9.0 8.9 8.7
3 KSTP-FM Hot Adult Contemporary 8.0 7.9 7.0
4 WCCO-AM News Talk Information 5.3 5.6 6.7
5 KDWB-FM Pop Contemporary Hit Radio 6.4 6.3 6.6
6 KXXR-FM Active Rock 5.2 5.9 5.7
7 KNOW-FM News Talk Information 5.7 5.7 5.5
8 KZJK-FM Adult Hits 5.8 5.3 5.1
9 KTCZ-FM Album Adult Alternative 4.6 4.6 4.8
10t WLTE-FM Soft Adult Contemporary 4.3 3.9 4.2
10t KQQL-FM Oldies 4.7 4.5 4.2
12 KTIS-FM Contemporary Christian 2.9 3.3 3.8
13 KTLK-FM News Talk Information 2.5 3.1 3.2
14 KTTB-FM Rhythmic Contemporary Hit Radio 3.4 3.4 2.9
15 KSTP-AM Talk/Personality 3.3 3.0 2.8
16 KFAN-AM All Sports 2.1 2.3 2.6
That means an average 77,000 people out of 4.5 million people listen, including Viking and Timberwoof games.
It is not the job of the radio station to provide positive coverage.
I barely know how to use my cell phone, so I'll take your word for it. I do know the Strib has a separate page for the Gophers on their website and win or lose, there is always at least two pages of Gopher content on Sunday.Well....looks like they'll have to ban the Star Tribune as well. When I pull it up on my mobile phone, they have links to Vikings, Twins, Wolves, Wild and Preps. No Gophers.
The team is 2-0, the new stadium is impressive and open, there is a top 10 team coming to town this week. Things are awfully good right now in Gopher Nation. You want to keep that momentum going. A loss this weekend doesn't kill it (though a blowout loss wouldn't be good).
Why is this a bad move on Brewster's part: KFAN is going to spend part of every day the rest of this season talking about Gophers football. It might not be as much as people on this board would like and you are entitled to that opinion, but the Gophers are going to be talked about. And at least for the rest of the day, there will be much talk about how Brewster is acting like a child.
So you have two choices: Participate in those conversations and help shape them. Or not participate and have no role in what is said.
If I worked at the U in athletic communications, I would get somebody (a player, a coach, Brewster, Maturi) on KFAN almost every day. Why? It's very difficult for a radio host to rip somebody they are interviewing as long as that person isn't somebody like Vick or a baseball player who has tested positive for steroids or something. They certainly aren't going to rip a college player who is doing a live interview.
If PA had had Cosgrove on today, there is no question that it would have been positive. What is there to be negative about?
But if you choose not to participate, then, in my estimation, you don't have anything to complain about if you don't like what is being said.
My take as someone who works in the corporate communications world: This is absolutely the wrong thing for Brewster to do. Especially at this point.
The team is 2-0, the new stadium is impressive and open, there is a top 10 team coming to town this week. Things are awfully good right now in Gopher Nation. You want to keep that momentum going. A loss this weekend doesn't kill it (though a blowout loss wouldn't be good).
Why is this a bad move on Brewster's part: KFAN is going to spend part of every day the rest of this season talking about Gophers football. It might not be as much as people on this board would like and you are entitled to that opinion, but the Gophers are going to be talked about. And at least for the rest of the day, there will be much talk about how Brewster is acting like a child.
So you have two choices: Participate in those conversations and help shape them. Or not participate and have no role in what is said.
If I worked at the U in athletic communications, I would get somebody (a player, a coach, Brewster, Maturi) on KFAN almost every day. Why? It's very difficult for a radio host to rip somebody they are interviewing as long as that person isn't somebody like Vick or a baseball player who has tested positive for steroids or something. They certainly aren't going to rip a college player who is doing a live interview.
If PA had had Cosgrove on today, there is no question that it would have been positive. What is there to be negative about?
But if you choose not to participate, then, in my estimation, you don't have anything to complain about if you don't like what is being said.
And to the Screw KFAN crowd, I believe that the U needs KFAN more than KFAN needs the U. Why? KFAN hosts can talk about anything they want and can talk Gophers football without having any guests on. That, again, goes back to the participate and have some control part of the equation. If they are going to talk about you, wouldn't you want your voice heard so you can tell your part of the story and potentially correct misconceptions?
Also, this remains a very crowded sports market with four pro teams, the U of M and tons of small colleges. This isn't a college town where the university is the only game in show. There are plenty of other things for the hosts there to talk about.
I realize that this might not be very positive, but I think KFAN is important for the U to build its brand, especially to the non-CCO listening crowd. You do that by gaining attention and building buzz. Having a media entity speak favorably of your product does legitimize it for some people. Even if KFAN hosts rip the Gophers, that means that the Gophers are important. Because the only thing worse than being ripped is being ignored.
Also, with KFAN's network, they have an awfully big reach in the state.
It is not the job of the radio station to provide positive coverage.
But if coverage is nothing but negative, why are we surprised the program doesn't want to provide anything for the radio station?