I should see PA in a couple hours at Vikings practice, so will pick his brain if I do...I know Brewster has had issues with Hartman & Barreiro in the past, but don't understand the whole station idea...PA is generally positive...he loves Decker (the interview recently with Decker was all positive)...having Cosgrove on would've been nothing but a verbal blow***...and for good reason...the defense has been amazing...best trio of LBs since the mid 80's...
Fanline last year with my GI guys, I thought, went very well...and we had access to players...Brewster came on my Saturday show a couple times as well in the offseason, so curious to know what caused this change...Dubay & I are gone, and we are more positive than negative, but also are realists, so will speak the truth when it's needed...but PA, Common, Rosen, & Fargo Flash are all still there...Morris and I watched the AF game 4th qtr from the sideline together...he seems to be on board now...there's plenty of positive and well-balanced coverage to be had on KFAN...and I was fired from there, so you would think I would bash KFAN if given the opportunity, but can't on this one, and it's not close.
Bottom line: It's a bad P.R. move, and shouldn't Brewster be more concerned with Cal, NW, Wis, etc...?