Brewster bans KFAN interviews for Players and Coaches

I wonder if there ever was a real "ban". KFAN may not be lying, but that doesn't necessarily mean they were correct either.

I'm thinking what may have happened is Brewster would rather his players and coaches not talk to them cause he's probably bitter toward the station, but he probably never actually put a "ban" on them. A "source" probably said something like "he'd rather not have staff and players on KFAN" and it went off into this whole big thing.

Point is, whether it was there or not, they CAN indeed have players and coaches on their show. So with that said, I expect a barrage of Gopher interviews on PA's show right? Cause he's just been so desperate to get to know the Gophers lol.

Okay, I go out of town for three days and people are texting me, emailing me... The sky is falling? No, Brewster doesn't want anyone to do interviews on KFAN.

Again, I've been out of town (still am), but this all seems sooo petty. I don't agree with the Brew on this one, but I really don't think it is that big of a deal. What's KFAN going to do? Have every Notre Dame kid from MN on? Oh that's right - they do that already. Have opposing Big Ten coaches on? Oh yeah, they used to do that. My response to Barreiro's comment of "oh no, not that" would be the exact same comment back to him "You're not going to cover the Gophers? Oh no, not that".

Recruits from outside of MN will have never even heard of KFAN, at least until now when there are six (and counting) pages of comments on this board addressing this topic. They won't listen to it; all this is doing is giving KFAN something to talk about on a Wednesday. Tomorrow they will be back to talking Vikes (with an occassional rip of Gopher football) and everybody will have moved on. The fact of the matter is, if the Gophers win, they will have no choice but to speak positively. If the Gophers lose, the Gophs will be an afterthought as they always have.

For me personally, I love college football and I have season tickets to my state university in a new stadium with a great crowd and a team that is 2-0. Brew is being petty and so is KFAN.

Everybody, grow up and "ENJOY THE SEASON"!

In better times there was a lot of money to be made on pimping products like penis enlargement pills, boner pills, hair re-growth formulas, make your-kid listen to you without smacking them around programs, and make-your-boy-taller pills.

The profile of the KFAN listener is aparently a fat, bald, impotent, poorly-endowed middle age man who is attempting to vicariously relive his childhood through his son (who he would like to be a bit taller).

And to think that marketing to the men of my father's generation used to mean selling smokes and beer. I weep for the future:cry:.


KFAN and their cheapshot artist personalities are a joke. good for brewster being the first gophers coach to really take a stand.

77,000 listeners out of 4.5 million doesn't say much for KFAN and their sway in this town. without the vikings they would have been off the air a long time ago.

Typical KFAN underhanded slight comment, probably learned at the feet of the bald headed Buddha of KFAN Dan Barriero. Of course it was the U's fault, it couldn't have been that Koko the buffoon was getting bad info.

word. that would be the standard KFAN/Barriero protocol.....

This whole thing is a joke. I fault both sides with this.

I fault Brewster because last time I checked when did we become USC or Florida??? Who does he think he is? Come on, he has done nothing so far here at the University to go around and start making claims like this. Not every Gopher sports fan listens to CCO all day. Everytime I hear them talking with someone within the Gopher program whether it is Hockey, Basketball etc. it has been positive. When PA spoke to Weber and also Decker in August it was a great conversation.

I fault KFAN as well. How friggin old are we with all the stupid comments today with "Your not going to hear from D Coordinator Kevin Cosgrove on how he is going to stop Best on Saturday". To waste most of a 3 hour show, I felt like I was listening to Common milk his 3 hour show about his kid Deuce. You made your point, let it go but dont beat a dead horse about this.

I personally enjoy the Morning show and usually PA. I like PA on days where he mixes in everything like hockey and then goes say Rick Anderson or Denard Span and then goes to the NFL guys he has coming in. Days like today are nothing but a waste of my time IMO.

What everyone needs to remember about this is that PA is a "great football mind".

HAHAHAHA... I alway, I always, I always loved that one!

KFAN is horrible. Anyone who likes it has not listened to any other major-market sports radio. Google any city with an NFL team and sports radio and then listen. It will be better. Waht is sad is that so many KFAN announcers want to be Jim Rome but are so far off.

That said, I hope this isn't true. I suspect that PA is manipulating a Gopher rule regarding ALL media access and claiming it is a rule directed at KFAN.

Though Brewster probably has more pressing issues on his mind then whether KFan likes him or not, the overtly anti UofM/Brewster opinions of so called sports columnist in the Twin Cities is both a little old and I am certain annoying. Brewster is trying to raise the quality of play at the UofM, and one of the biggest ways he is doing that is to raise the quality of athletes. To have guys like Barriero and Ruesse spout off in biased and unfair ways just because they chose to see Brewster as a showman rather than a HC is their choice, but the TC media is more bloodthirsty to find relevance though dissecting people. There objective is to make themselves look better and relevant through tearing down people who have the initiative to try and actually accomplish something.

I don't see KFAN making a long term commitment to be postive, or even objective, about the gophers no matter what their record is. They have no reason to. KFAN would much rather focus on an 0-16 Vikings team than a 12-0 gophers team. Nothing is going to change that IMHO.

That's because KFAN/Clear Channel has paid Zygi Wilf an assload of money to be the radio home of the Vikings. Ergo, they will be pimping the hell out of the Vikings. What part about that is so difficult to understand?

Warn the women and children, the apologists are out!

Amazing. Some of you people can spin things faster than Goldy can spin his head.

And it goes both ways. You have been ripping Brewster and the program and praising KFAN so much today that you would think you have intimate knowledge of the taste of Koko's ball sweat....

FYI -- PA not here at Winter Park this afternoon, so I have nothing to add to the lively discussion from that standpoint.

this is a great day for gopher football. The negativity means nothing since that's all they do anyway. it's like a beautiful chapter out of Don King marketing 101. the fan has been talking gopher football non-stop all day. The best thing they've ever done for the gophers. yay!!

The Spaniard is a beaut. He just talked about "negativity" which he said "was objectivity" talking "about a team that gave up 110 points in their last two games last year".

Yeah, objectivity? They've won two games this year right? Oh, yeah Barrerio said the first victory was an "embarassment".

Yeah a VERY objective guy!!:eek:

This thread may set the record for most posts in a single day. Page 9 already...Jeebus!

And it goes both ways. You have been ripping Brewster and the program and praising KFAN so much today that you would think you have intimate knowledge of the taste of Koko's ball sweat....

The last time I "praised KFAN" was when they fired Hartman. The next time I will "praise KFAN" is when they fire Barreiro. But nice try. I was there on Saturday sitting in a seat back, were you even in the stadium? Oh I'm sorry, I just noticed you were in the second deck. When you finally are able to qualify yourself to get into the lower level seatbacks, we'll talk.

Warn the women and children, the apologists are out!

Amazing. Some of you people can spin things faster than Goldy can spin his head.

....... Paul........ Common...... is that you????

That's because KFAN/Clear Channel has paid Zygi Wilf an assload of money to be the radio home of the Vikings. Ergo, they will be pimping the hell out of the Vikings. What part about that is so difficult to understand?

then perhaps the talking heads on KFAN should not suggest to their monotone listeners that they are "just trying to being objective" when in fact all they are interested in is trying to be a jim rome clone.......barrerio is public enemy #1 when it comes to this approach

I just noticed you were in the second deck. When you finally are able to qualify yourself to get into the lower level seatbacks, we'll talk.

hahahahahaha, is this guy trying to be a big swinging dick :clap:

I'd hate to be a homeless guy when MNCH walks by and berades them. Someone talking down to someone for having more $$$ on a message board. Love it.

This hole deal is a whole lot of nothing

I am dumber for reading this nine page thread. KFAN is alright to listen too once in a while but it is the home of the Vikings so that is there focus. The funny thing is that PA has admitted on the air over and over again that he doesn't care about college sports that much and he is a host of a show so it is his perogative to talk about what he want's. Then he blows up over not being able to do an interview. Then it's a Brewster bans KFAN athon on air all day. When you turn on PA's show what he is babbling on and on about the Timberwolves when he is not talking Vikings then you will really know that is a team that is totally irrelavent in this sports market the Timberwolves. that's like caring about Pro bowling. This is why they need Doogie back so there is a voice for the Gophers on KFARVE.

The last time I "praised KFAN" was when they fired Hartman. The next time I will "praise KFAN" is when they fire Barreiro. But nice try. I was there on Saturday sitting in a seat back, were you even in the stadium? Oh I'm sorry, I just noticed you were in the second deck. When you finally are able to qualify yourself to get into the lower level seatbacks, we'll talk.

I had a longwinded response to this, but i erased it all and just gave up. Seriously, this is such a ridiculous comeback it doesn't even need anything other then to be quoted to show how big of a loser you really are.....

I am dumber for reading this nine page thread. KFAN is alright to listen too once in a while but it is the home of the Vikings so that is there focus. The funny thing is that PA has admitted on the air over and over again that he doesn't care about college sports that much and he is a host of a show so it is his perogative to talk about what he want's. Then he blows up over not being able to do an interview. Then it's a Brewster bans KFAN athon on air all day. When you turn on PA's show what he is babbling on and on about the Timberwolves when he is not talking Vikings then you will really know that is a team that is totally irrelavent in this sports market the Timberwolves. that's like caring about Pro bowling. This is why they need Doogie back so there is a voice for the Gophers on KFARVE.

Considering he's the voice of the Vikings....he has talked a fair share of Gophers the past 2-3 weeks. Decker on. Jack Brewer on. Asking for Cosgrove since last week. Started Tuesday's show asking for feedback on TCF.

In addition....Fargo Flash on....Gopher Fan Line starting this week...partnered with TCF Bank for the window clings...Common raved about his experience at the game and how much fun his son had and if you listen to Common you know how much he'll beat that into the ground.

i love how people use the fact that decker was interviewed by kfan like a month ago to show that the fan does gopher coverage. hello, he is an all-american candidate, pre-season bilitnekof, and has almost 300 receiving yards after TWO games. if they were anything more than shills at kfan, they would be tripping over themselves to get air time with him.

i say f'em. as someone has said, the gophers have gone with terrible coverage from the fan, how will this change anything?


I'm just going to save my rant below as it's copied and pasted from a different thread (originally posted by me in the "why all the complaining?" thread)...I have the feeling I'm going to find it applicable to lots of discussions here. And remember, this is all within the context of me as a Gopher fan desperately hoping/wishing that the football program becomes a factor in the Big Ten/National college football picture someday soon.

Today's PR debacle from the Gopher football office seems to fit into this pasted rant just perfectly:

"If the Gopher program is going to sell themselves as a big time program (whether to donors, recruits, fans, or whoever) then we should set expectations accordingly. There's nothing wrong with having high expectations of the way things are handled. We can't just say we're big time, we have to act like it."

Would ANY bigtime program (think OSU, Penn State, Texas, USC, etc.) ever go down the path that the Gophers went down today with KFAN? No chance. Even if it was a simple miscommunication, it's a mistake the big-timers don't make. Instead those programs have someone on staff busting their butt to be included on the local sports radio stations - to be a part of any publicity rather than just play victim to it. And let's be honest - do you think the sports talk radio in the Detroit area, Happy Valley, Lincoln or Baton Rouge go easy on the local team? Again, no chance. (Maybe we can blame 'CCO for constantly giving the Gophers the knee-pad treatment).

And I don't want to hear anything about Iowa City or Madison - as long as we continue to use them as our point of comparison we're aiming way too low.

The good news is that this, like most things, shall pass. It sure did make for a good talker today though!

Would ANY bigtime program (think OSU, Penn State, Texas, USC, etc.) ever go down the path that the Gophers went down today with KFAN?

Yes, they would indeed. If they had a radio station that dumped on them like KFAN does with the Gophers, they would shut that station out, and that station would be begging them to come back. Sort of like KFAN is begging the Gophers to come back now.

Yes, they would indeed. If they had a radio station that dumped on them like KFAN does with the Gophers, they would shut that station out, and that station would be begging them to come back. Sort of like KFAN is begging the Gophers to come back now.

The problem is the Gophers need KFAN more then KFAN needs the Gophers (though that is changing). The radio stations involved with big time programs like USC or OS need them more then the teams need the stations.

Friday before the big Gopher game and Barriermo is talking politics. I have trouble finding any station talking Gopher football except 'CCO on Sunday morning and at nights (although the Dark Man hates Brew). KFAN is mostly Vikings, Wild, Wolves, Twins. We need a Gopher fan station, like they have in the south.

KFAN is awful. Just pitiful.

Having spent much time in other markets (Chicago, New York, Houston, etc) listening to their local sports talk radio, KFAN is a totally inferior product. Seriously people...just because KFAN claims to be the "Sports Leader" doesn't mean they are or they should be. Houston has something like 6 sports talk radio stations, all with programs that kick the Reusse out of KFAN. It's not like Houston has 6 times the population. It's about competition. This market needs a viable rival. Otherwise you'll get the same crappy programming. Turn the dial to something else and send the message that way. I spend roughly 30 minutes a year listening to KFAN and all it does is reaffirm my position that KFAN a horrific mess. I listen to national sports talk radio on XM instead and get my local sports info via the internet. PA & Dubay were tolerable back in the day. That's the nicest thing I can say about the station. Morris = train wreck. PA by himself = afterbirth. Common = ear vomit. Burrito = debby downer and Buzz Killington's bastard child.

My point...understand that KFAN sucks and then form your opinion on this incident based on that info. The best thing that could happen to this market is for KFAN to fold because of financial troubles. Fire everyone and let others try again with sports talk radio in this market.

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