Brady Hoke on Jerry Kill

Calm down DP

Wrong. I attack people's stupid ideas, not the people themselves. They are very different things.

It was a stupid idea for you to freak out over the Kool-aid reference. Sure the phrase is not original, and perhaps not even remotely clever, but it has been used in a substantially accurate way in reference to blind faith Kill lovers.
Why are your panties in a bunch over something that happened before you were born in a country thousands of miles away? I refuse to believe that wound is still raw for you, or anyone else, if said wound even existed at all.

LOL. Dang, a couple of losses and everyone's turning on each other and getting testy. I happen to be a loyal follower and trust an experienced leader and program rebuilder to turn the Gophers into a contender. I know I'm going to catch flack for it. I know some cynics want to cling to their negativity. And, it's not likely here that anyone is going to cross over to the good side by anything I say. I'm still going to try.

In the B1G it's 14 losses out of 18 games. That's only 2 more wins that Horton got with Brewster's guys. He did that in 4 games. Besides you cling to your memories of what Kill did before and ignore the record and the mistakes they've made up here, so get over the long time fans who aren't happy with what they are seeing. We all need to wait and see how things play out. Your posts seem more like someone trolling for responses than someone just stating an opinion and countering the "cynics".

If you're not a troll dial it back a little. If you are feel free to continue and sorry for "feeding" uyou.

In the B1G it's 14 losses out of 18 games. That's only 2 more wins that Horton got with Brewster's guys. He did that in 4 games. Besides you cling to your memories of what Kill did before and ignore the record and the mistakes they've made up here, so get over the long time fans who aren't happy with what they are seeing. We all need to wait and see how things play out. Your posts seem more like someone trolling for responses than someone just stating an opinion and countering the "cynics".

If you're not a troll dial it back a little. If you are feel free to continue and sorry for "feeding" uyou.

Hmmm. I'm an optimist. Many here are pessimists. I've been looking at historical records this week and believe those on this forum who remember the glory days are a small minority. If you've never seen success what makes you think it will ever happen here? I'm kind of a football guy in that when I watch a game I get impressions and a flavor for what's happening. I don't just watch the scoreboard or read the W-L column to judge what I think is happening. From my perspective, the team is making significant strides towards what you seek - Ws - and also is progressing in other areas, as well. I'm sorry my comments and perspective are offensive to you.

You want to talk about offensive? How dare you compare "drinking the kool-aid" to the n-word or gay slurs. You've lost it dpo.

Things like that are why he's been on my ignore list for the last season & a half & my posting experience has been much better. The sheer ignorance & just overall being such a holier then thou thin skinned crybaby makes me really feel bad for the people he comes into contact with on a regular basis... what a miserable life, lol...

my ignore list

No one gives a damn about your ignore list. Stop bringing it up every other post.

Part of me is looking forward to the offseason, because you stop posting here then.

Whether the Gophers win or much money will the BTN and B1G add to the coffers? You are being simplistic with your position, eaglet. There have been a number of coaches with great winning percentages who have been booted out the doors because they broke the rules and had ethical issues that affected the students and the university they represented. Wins are not the only thing that matters.

I see what you're saying but I was leaning more towards as far as Kills health is concerned. And to the other side of that argument Lane Kiffin, Lou Holtz, Pete Carrol & Mike Leach had no problems getting another job after their "runs" if you get what I'm saying. But I do agree with u... I made it more simple then it really is only because I was only taking Kills health into factor...

I think there's a vocal minority that either never liked Kill to begin with or is embarrassed by his epilepsy. Those are the people who want him gone.

Anyone can see the progress the team is making, if they look at it objectively. It's just a matter of time before that translates into wins, and coach Kill is going to get the time he needs to generate the wins. My only fear is that future recruits will be scared away by the controversy surrounding coach's seizures. That's the only thing that I think might derail the process. However, that's a minor concern; for now he has enough good players on the roster for the next couple of years.

You really took the legs out from under your assumption on things translating to wins with your next two sentences. We need more talent to win. This is the B1G and having guys lined up right and playing with discipline will only get you so far.

I like Kill. I want him to succeed. I want him to be healthy. I worry about the negative recruiting that is going on by others because of his illness.

Yeah, he was the guy who got the tOSU job, crushing Mason's dreams forever..


I watched a little bit of the Ohio State/Florida A&M game on BTN and Glen was in the booth. He must have had to change his boxers about six times with all the hooting he was doing. That was his dream job. I'm not a big Mase guy, but it's always hard to see someone lose out on their dream (and I'm not being snarky) and I've always thought that was his.

Hmmm. I'm an optimist. Many here are pessimists. I've been looking at historical records this week and believe those on this forum who remember the glory days are a small minority. If you've never seen success what makes you think it will ever happen here? I'm kind of a football guy in that when I watch a game I get impressions and a flavor for what's happening. I don't just watch the scoreboard or read the W-L column to judge what I think is happening. From my perspective, the team is making significant strides towards what you seek - Ws - and also is progressing in other areas, as well. I'm sorry my comments and perspective are offensive to you.

Not "offensive" just disingenuous.

That's a reasonable response and "pessimists" is certainly less pejorative than "cynics". The thing is you don't have to go back to Warmath and Stoll to see some success around here. Mason's tenure and through the Wisconsin game of Brewster's 2nd year there's been varying levels of success. The thing is during those seasons and in fact most of Mason's tenure they were in many if not most of the games.

During Kill's tenure once they drop back by more than 14 points it's over. That doesn't foment "hope. It stirs hopelessness.

If you're a football guy and you've been here at least 4 years you'd see that there is little or no progress from the last three games of 2010. You'll see a LOT of progress from Brewster's tenure and from Kill's first year. Particularly from his first 4-5 games when even he finally admitted that it wasn't just his "lousy players" but coaching mistakes that cost them the NMSU and NDSU games.

Thought things were looking-up during the Non-Conference Season this year. They didn't throw the ball much, they didn't have to. Even posted that the BTN shouldn't be so pessimistic about the Passing Game because they hadn't seen it. The Iowa game came and it turns out they were right. That same game caused some loss of faith in Kill and Company too. He said a starter shouldn't lose a game to injury and Nelson said he still wasn't sure he was healthy. Then Kill said that he thought about putting Leidner in but said he didn't think it would help.

None of those actions or statements made things better either.

You've said again and again that since Kill's done it before and with the same staff, albeit at lower levels with more equal competition, that you're convinced that he can do it here.

When you were doing that research did the name Joe Salem come up?

He was perfect for a lot of people. He was an "M Club" guy with a proven track record, albeit at lower levels. He took a South Dakota Coyotes team that had one winning season out of his first six to three straight Conference titles. He then went to Northern Arizona and after a 1-9 season took them to 8-3, 9-3 and 8-2 years. Finished 3rd, 2nd and 1st in the Conference those years also.

Got here and finished 4-4-1, 4-5 and 4-5 in the Big Ten before the wheels fell off the last two years.

How about Jim Wacker? He was the Head Coach before Mason. He had a wonderful record at Texas Lutheran, North Dakota State and Southwest Texas State. Then had a so-so record at TCU before he came up here. Good, no GREAT guy, kids graduated, teams scored but he didn't start recruiting Defenders until his last year here. So please forgive those of us that aren't entirely sold on what somebody has done "on the lower levels".

There you have it. Kill certainly needs more time to get things on the right track. He just does. Though maybe you should be slightly less sanctimonious when dealing with people who are understandably focused more on his recent teams than the ones he had success with on a "lower level".

Not "offensive" just disingenuous.

That's a reasonable response and "pessimists" is certainly less pejorative than "cynics". The thing is you don't have to go back to Warmath and Stoll to see some success around here. Mason's tenure and through the Wisconsin game of Brewster's 2nd year there's been varying levels of success. The thing is during those seasons and in fact most of Mason's tenure they were in many if not most of the games.

During Kill's tenure once they drop back by more than 14 points it's over. That doesn't foment "hope. It stirs hopelessness.

If you're a football guy and you've been here at least 4 years you'd see that there is little or no progress from the last three games of 2010. You'll see a LOT of progress from Brewster's tenure and from Kill's first year. Particularly from his first 4-5 games when even he finally admitted that it wasn't just his "lousy players" but coaching mistakes that cost them the NMSU and NDSU games.

Thought things were looking-up during the Non-Conference Season this year. They didn't throw the ball much, they didn't have to. Even posted that the BTN shouldn't be so pessimistic about the Passing Game because they hadn't seen it. The Iowa game came and it turns out they were right. That same game caused some loss of faith in Kill and Company too. He said a starter shouldn't lose a game to injury and Nelson said he still wasn't sure he was healthy. Then Kill said that he thought about putting Leidner in but said he didn't think it would help.

None of those actions or statements made things better either.

You've said again and again that since Kill's done it before and with the same staff, albeit at lower levels with more equal competition, that you're convinced that he can do it here.

When you were doing that research did the name Joe Salem come up?

He was perfect for a lot of people. He was an "M Club" guy with a proven track record, albeit at lower levels. He took a South Dakota Coyotes team that had one winning season out of his first six to three straight Conference titles. He then went to Northern Arizona and after a 1-9 season took them to 8-3, 9-3 and 8-2 years. Finished 3rd, 2nd and 1st in the Conference those years also.

Got here and finished 4-4-1, 4-5 and 4-5 in the Big Ten before the wheels fell off the last two years.

How about Jim Wacker? He was the Head Coach before Mason. He had a wonderful record at Texas Lutheran, North Dakota State and Southwest Texas State. Then had a so-so record at TCU before he came up here. Good, no GREAT guy, kids graduated, teams scored but he didn't start recruiting Defenders until his last year here. So please forgive those of us that aren't entirely sold on what somebody has done "on the lower levels".

There you have it. Kill certainly needs more time to get things on the right track. He just does. Though maybe you should be slightly less sanctimonious when dealing with people who are understandably focused more on his recent teams than the ones he had success with on a "lower level".

I just got a terrible shiver when you mentioned Salem. But I was thinking the other day, Salem was head coach when we upset Ohio State 35-31 in a huge upset at Old Memorial. Just shows that there can be blips in any guy's record. But man, his last season was an absolute disaster.

So as long as the football program is profitable and stays out of trouble, that should make the product on the field enjoyable to watch?

Give me a break, recruit, compete, and win without cheating. Who cares if the coach is a nice guy?

You just described Glen Mason.........

Nope. Do I have to be black for the n-word to offend me? Do I have to be gay for homosexual slurs to offend me?

for a person who seems very open-minded, sensitive to others and equality oriented (and I honestly assume you are), you really aren't very open minded when it comes to other people's ideas about Gopher Football. just saying.......

I don't know why I keep reading this gopherhole stuff, there are so many idiots here that keep spouting off. I don't like losing, but I also know that Jerry Kill is doing this rebuilding the right way. He is doing exactly what he said he would do. He thought he would be a little further along than he is, but most of that is what was left. Look at the starting roster and see how many srs. there are and how many RS Sophs and Rs Fr. there are. The next two yrs. should be better and in 2 yrs. you will be able to judge him on wins and losses. until then we don't have to like the wins and losses, but we will have to grin and bear it and watch for improvement. Anybody that knows anything about building knows there was a lot of improvement between Iowa and Mich. not on the scoreboard, but in play. If you want to bitch wait till 2015.


... little or no progress from the last three games of 2010.

...he finally admitted that it wasn't just his "lousy players" but coaching mistakes that cost them the NMSU and NDSU games.

You've said again and again that since Kill's done it before and with the same staff, albeit at lower levels with more equal competition, that you're convinced that he can do it here.

So please forgive those of us that aren't entirely sold on what somebody has done "on the lower levels".

There you have it. Kill certainly needs more time to get things on the right track. He just does. Though maybe you should be slightly less sanctimonious when dealing with people who are understandably focused more on his recent teams than the ones he had success with on a "lower level".

Thanks for taking the time for this post. Some familiar words, but I had to look up a couple to make sure my initial reaction was correct.

disingenuous: lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere:
sanctimonious: making a hypocritical show of religious devotion, piety, righteousness, etc.; pretending to be morally better than other people

If I come across that way, I'm sorry. I certainly don't intend to be either of those...but, I also don't see any hypocrisy or insincerity.

I did see the names Salem and Wacker. I'm fairly new to Minnesota's, here because of my allegiance to Coach Kill and his staff. But, I'm a BIG Gopher fan now and isn't that a good thing? Those other men didn't succeed here, but did in previous stops...albeit "lower levels." My hope and intent is to try to help some of you who have suffered here for a long time understand how daunting this task is. And, Jerry sincerely believes that a football program is not just players and coaches. He's made an impact on folks from college presidents to water boys to boosters. The more components that start buying in and doing their part, the better the chance for success. Someday, I'll write something that details why all those things are important. It's really kind of a cool philosophy, from my perspective.

One of the reasons you've had some successful "lower level" men take this program is because it's, well, not a good job. If it was, you'd have the big name guys, who are successful at this "higher level" consider coming here. So, the successful "lower level" guys make the jump in hopes their plan works.

And, if you're looking for sympathy because you've been down for so long, you won't get it from me. As a life-long Detroit Lions fan, I can empathize with half a century of losing, but I'm still fairly optimistic that they'll win...someday. Bottlebass thinks winning the powerball jackpot without buying a ticket is more likely than Kill winning here. My humble opinion is kill winning here is much, much more likely than my Lions. lol

I'm starting to get a feel for the folks here, and it makes me feel better to write a few of my thoughts and express my opinions. You have a right to yours and in we'll see who was right in the end, whenever that might be.

Thanks for taking the time for this post. Some familiar words, but I had to look up a couple to make sure my initial reaction was correct.

disingenuous: lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere:
sanctimonious: making a hypocritical show of religious devotion, piety, righteousness, etc.; pretending to be morally better than other people

If I come across that way, I'm sorry. I certainly don't intend to be either of those...but, I also don't see any hypocrisy or insincerity.

I did see the names Salem and Wacker. I'm fairly new to Minnesota's, here because of my allegiance to Coach Kill and his staff. But, I'm a BIG Gopher fan now and isn't that a good thing? Those other men didn't succeed here, but did in previous stops...albeit "lower levels." My hope and intent is to try to help some of you who have suffered here for a long time understand how daunting this task is. And, Jerry sincerely believes that a football program is not just players and coaches. He's made an impact on folks from college presidents to water boys to boosters. The more components that start buying in and doing their part, the better the chance for success. Someday, I'll write something that details why all those things are important. It's really kind of a cool philosophy, from my perspective.

One of the reasons you've had some successful "lower level" men take this program is because it's, well, not a good job. If it was, you'd have the big name guys, who are successful at this "higher level" consider coming here. So, the successful "lower level" guys make the jump in hopes their plan works.

And, if you're looking for sympathy because you've been down for so long, you won't get it from me. As a life-long Detroit Lions fan, I can empathize with half a century of losing, but I'm still fairly optimistic that they'll win...someday. Bottlebass thinks winning the powerball jackpot without buying a ticket is more likely than Kill winning here. My humble opinion is kill winning here is much, much more likely than my Lions. lol

I'm starting to get a feel for the folks here, and it makes me feel better to write a few of my thoughts and express my opinions. You have a right to yours and in we'll see who was right in the end, whenever that might be.

"My hope and intent is to try to help some of you who have suffered here for a long time understand how daunting this task is."

Don't understand where you're coming off as being insincere or pretending to be "morally superior" huh?

That's where the thought came-up that you're a troll first and foremost. You've supposedly looked at the Gophers history and yet you keep talking about how you're going to explain how "tough a task" it is to win here? That's beyond those of us who have lived through those years?

Nobody gets it but you? We explain why it's tough to win here so sure, Kill needs a longer rope and you respond with how you'll help teach us "how daunting the task is" Followed by"Looking for sympathy"? :rolleyes:

Sounds pretty sanctimonious to me, not as sanctimonious as some of your previous posts but still..

Took a look at your posts killme, and you're probably not a troll. More like an obsessive and yes, sanctimonious Kill fan who has little to no respect for Gopher fans and someone who REALLY hates Glen Mason.

Sorry you chose to follow Kill up here to deal with all of us idiots.

Wow, one of the all-time great thread left turns ever. Y'know DP makes a lot of great posts here and some of you just hate him so much that you instantly pick a fight and then he get's on the offensive and off a cliff we go. On the other hand, DP, your obviously quick witted and stubborn, maybe every battle waged isn't worth fighting. I will say this, nearly every poster on this site has an opinion I respect and want to hear, there are great discussions about our favorite program and all of our contributions help to form more informative views. But seriously people, this thread turned into an argument about Jonestown and the Kool-aid involved in it. Maybe we could all step back and understand that "Drinking the Kool-aid" has little to no reference to Jonestown at all for 99.9999999% of people, and that the tragedy at Jonestown is sad because of a deranged lunatic, the innocent lives murdered and the poison used to do it. I say we leave Kool-Aid out of it. Jeebus people, get a grip.

Gopherhole is getting more crabby by the day lately.

*EDIT* My 800th post had the Jonestown massacre as a subject. Never would've guessed that when I first joined!

Took a look at your posts killme, and you're probably not a troll. More like an obsessive and yes, sanctimonious Kill fan who has little to no respect for Gopher fans and someone who REALLY hates Glen Mason.

Sorry you chose to follow Kill up here to deal with all of us idiots.

I had a chance to read the first version that you took the time to put together a lengthy sampling of my posts. Why did you remove them? I thought the point was to prove my sanctimonious writing. And didn't see hypocrisy. Perhaps you meant condescending?

Either way, the definition seems to fit better on a person who looks down his nose at "lower levels." I could list many who have risen from "lower levels" to success at this high level. It doesn't guarantee success. Did Salem & Wacker fail because they couldn't handle the bright lights? Did they stop working hard? Were they unable to relate to the blue bloods at this level?

I also didn't mean disrespect to Gopher fans, but if I've offended you, please accept my apology. I'm sorry if I've repeated myself a little. I didn't mean to imply you're an idiot.

I also don't hate Mason or you or AJ, but I think sometimes you have to take sides. I'm on Jerry's side and I'm not sure you are.

There is also a vocal minority that have so attached themselves to Kill if he keeps averaging 2 conference wins per season they hope at no point does that become part of the conversation.

Pat Fitzgerald used to always rave about what a great coach Brew was. These BIG coaches like their wins

Whether the Gophers win or much money will the BTN and B1G add to the coffers? You are being simplistic with your position, eaglet. There have been a number of coaches with great winning percentages who have been booted out the doors because they broke the rules and had ethical issues that affected the students and the university they represented. Wins are not the only thing that matters.

Generally, successful coaches are given a very long rope.

I had a chance to read the first version that you took the time to put together a lengthy sampling of my posts. Why did you remove them?.

Because it made you seem way more important than you are. People can go back and look if they like.

Wow, one of the all-time great thread left turns ever. Y'know DP makes a lot of great posts here and some of you just hate him so much that you instantly pick a fight and then he get's on the offensive and off a cliff we go. On the other hand, DP, your obviously quick witted and stubborn, maybe every battle waged isn't worth fighting. I will say this, nearly every poster on this site has an opinion I respect and want to hear, there are great discussions about our favorite program and all of our contributions help to form more informative views. But seriously people, this thread turned into an argument about Jonestown and the Kool-aid involved in it. Maybe we could all step back and understand that "Drinking the Kool-aid" has little to no reference to Jonestown at all for 99.9999999% of people, and that the tragedy at Jonestown is sad because of a deranged lunatic, the innocent lives murdered and the poison used to do it. I say we leave Kool-Aid out of it. Jeebus people, get a grip.

Gopherhole is getting more crabby by the day lately.

*EDIT* My 800th post had the Jonestown massacre as a subject. Never would've guessed that when I first joined!

My fault. Shouldn't have insensitively mentioned context.

Whether the Gophers win or much money will the BTN and B1G add to the coffers? You are being simplistic with your position, eaglet. There have been a number of coaches with great winning percentages who have been booted out the doors because they broke the rules and had ethical issues that affected the students and the university they represented. Wins are not the only thing that matters.

Let's fix this, shall we:

There have been a number of coaches with great winning percentages who have been booted out the doors because they GOT CAUGHT breaking the rules and GOT CAUGHT having ethical issues that affected the students and the university they represented.

And yes, wins are what matters. I said it last week. This is a big time, big money entertainment business. Wins are entertaining. Losses are not.

There's nothing noble or romantic about BCS level college football. It's a cesspool, and if you want to be successful at the highest level you better be ready to swim in that cesspool.

I like Kill. I want him to succeed. I want him to be healthy. I worry about the negative recruiting that is going on by others because of his illness.[/QUOTE]

Other schools don't need to highlight Kill's medical condition to deter a recruit from UM. 1. His health is publicly discussed. 2. They have a strong argument by pointing out the difference in public interest in college sports in most markets verses the pro Twin Cities.

Let's fix this, shall we:

There have been a number of coaches with great winning percentages who have been booted out the doors because they GOT CAUGHT breaking the rules and GOT CAUGHT having ethical issues that affected the students and the university they represented.

And yes, wins are what matters. I said it last week. This is a big time, big money entertainment business. Wins are entertaining. Losses are not.

There's nothing noble or romantic about BCS level college football. It's a cesspool, and if you want to be successful at the highest level you better be ready to swim in that cesspool.

Which is why my football attention is increasingly shifting toward D2. D1 will probably become polluted like D1 has been, but I'm an optimist and expect to die before that. :)

Which is why my football attention is increasingly shifting toward D2. D1 will probably become polluted like D1 has been, but I'm an optimist and expect to die before that. :)

D2 is a dying game IMO compared to the past when there were legit powerhouses that people cared about, like when the Dakota schools were dominant.

Now it's a bunch of mid-sized public colleges with little to no student or alumni support (St. Cloud, Moorhead, Winona, etc.) where a huge number of students either go home on the weekends to party with high school friends, or are too hungover to care about the meaningless football game. They offer scholarships, but the ability to do so varies greatly between schools, even in the same conference which leads to a lot of disparity.

D3 is really the most pure form of the game, and a sense of school pride tends to exist at the small private colleges that is non-existant at the D2 public schools (except those with D1 hockey). Personally though, I think the MIAC gets far too much attention.

a lot of you guys are something else.....Can't believe what goes on in here.....sometime it's fun to read and other times wtf!

Speaking of Brady Hoke, if they ever do a movie of his life story, Jeff Garlin will have to be playing the adult Brady.

Hey, don't be dissing the MIAC!

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