Brady Hoke on Jerry Kill

In the long run wins are the only thing that matter... guess you don't understand the business aspect of College Football...

But I thought the University of Minnesota was a academic institution? If not then its time for MJFL.

Unless you light a candle and say a prayer every November 18 to honor the victims, lighten up.

No, thanks. Should we all just start dropping n-bombs and gay slurs here, too? Everyone cool with that? If you don't like it when that happens, then you need to lighten up.

I don't know if this is ironic, or just me being pedantic, but technically, Jim Jones did not use Kool-Aid. the mass suicide was done using a product called "flavor aid," mixed with cyanide.

So, if you want to be technical, the phase for blind followers should be "drinking the flavor aid."

I would like to suggest the alternate use of the word "lemmings" - small rodents that will follow each other off a cliff.

I don't know if this is ironic, or just me being pedantic, but technically, Jim Jones did not use Kool-Aid. the mass suicide was done using a product called "flavor aid," mixed with cyanide.

So, if you want to be technical, the phase for blind followers should be "drinking the flavor aid."

I would like to suggest the alternate use of the word "lemmings" - small rodents that will follow each other off a cliff.

Did you know there's a poster here on GopherHole whose aunt raised lemmings? They never once followed each other off a cliff. As such I find your proposal to use that word in such a context stereotypical and highly offensive.

No, thanks. Should we all just start dropping n-bombs and gay slurs here, too? Everyone cool with that? If you don't like it when that happens, then you need to lighten up.

People calling for more 'blitzing' during games must make your head explode.


Did you know there's a poster here on GopherHole whose aunt raised lemmings? They never once followed each other off a cliff. As such I find your proposal to use that word in such a context stereotypical and highly offensive.

I hope when a personal tragedy happens to you that you can laugh it off so easily. It's hilarious to make fun of people's family members dying. I lost a son 3 years ago. Do you want to make fun of that too?

I hope when a personal tragedy happens to you that you can laugh it off so easily. It's hilarious to make fun of people's family members dying. I lost a son 3 years ago. Do you want to make fun of that too?

The Jonestown Massacre was a personal tragedy for you and "Drinking the Kool Aid" triggers flashbacks?

The Jonestown Massacre was a personal tragedy for you and "Drinking the Kool Aid" triggers flashbacks?

Nope. Do I have to be black for the n-word to offend me? Do I have to be gay for homosexual slurs to offend me?

I have a hard time summoning a lot of empathy for people who chose to follow a madman and participated in the murder of innocent people sent there to try and help them.

I hope when a personal tragedy happens to you that you can laugh it off so easily. It's hilarious to make fun of people's family members dying. I lost a son 3 years ago. Do you want to make fun of that too?

Sorry to hear about your son. Truly a tragedy.

Friendly advice: if 'drinking the kool-aid' is that offensive to you, perhaps internet forums just ain't the place for you...

Friendly advice: if 'drinking the kool-aid' is that offensive to you, perhaps internet forums just ain't the place for you...

Nah. Maybe people can just stop being uncreative morons.

Nah. Maybe people can just stop being uncreative morons.

If you get this bent out of shape over everything you find offensive on an internet forum, you are going to spend a lot of your life bent out of shape. Just sayin'.

Also, the chances people stop being uncreative morons? Slim and none and slim's out of town. I'd go so far as saying that hoping/expecting as much is, well, moronic?

But hey, if you like spending your free time writing post after post on the offensiveness of the phrase 'drink the kool-aid', knock yourself out bro.

Nah. Maybe people can just stop being uncreative morons.

Remember nearly 24 hours ago you criticized someone's grammar? Now that's the creativity this board needs! Remember when you called that guy Mr. Big Shot Insider? Zinnnnggggggg. No comeback for that.

Never leave! Never change!

Mods, please lock this piece of *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# thread.

I seriously hate this board more often than I like it.

Getting back to the original topic, I heard that Brady Hoke was mincing gaily through a fudgepacking plant with a glass of Kool Aid one hand and punching a kitty with the other while he gave that interview.

Nah. Maybe people can just stop being uncreative morons.

Maybe you need to let some things go. Again, this is an internet message board for crying out loud. You don't even know these people personally.

Maybe you need to let some things go. Again, this is an internet message board for crying out loud. You don't even know these people personally.

You are wrong about that one. Over in another thread he made it clear he knows everything about me. :cool:

Something's amiss here.

Getting a lesson in sensitivity from someone who in most all of his posts goes out of his way to belittle and/or demean the person he's responding to?

Getting a lesson in sensitivity from someone who in most all of his posts goes out of his way to belittle and/or demean the person he's responding to?

Wrong. I attack people's stupid ideas, not the people themselves. They are very different things.

I am on topic. "Drinking the Kool-Aid" comes from the Jonestown Massacre and nowhere else. To me, it's no less offensive than making fun of 9/11 victims (or victims of any other tragedy). But because it's in the context of sports, the actual origins are muddled and people think it's just a swell phrase to use. And, aside from its abhorrent offensiveness, it's just stupid and completely uncreative. "Maroon and gold goggles" is another stupid and uncreative one, but at least it's not tasteless and offensive.

Only if it were actually KOOL AID that was used. It was actually Flavor-Aid.

Anyway, how about getting off that high horse and stop trying to police what phrases people use?

Only if it were actually KOOL AID that was used. It was actually Flavor-Aid.

Anyway, how about getting off that high horse and stop trying to police what phrases people use?

It's very hurtful that you would use the expression "high horse." My horse is a crack addict, and you're making light of his affliction. I would hate for you to find cocaine in your horse's feedbag, or find out the hard way that your goat has been turning tricks for the neighborhood boys to get meth money. To say nothing of your rooster working on a phone sex line. "Cock a doodle doo" indeed! :*(

You are wrong about that one. Over in another thread he made it clear he knows everything about me. :cool:

See, I read that thread and I don't know where he said he knew everything about you? I do remember him calling your bluff on insider knowledge that you claimed to have (and you quickly diverted attn. from that claim.)

Back to the topic here, if any of you read the member's post of his relative at Jamestown, you probably would think twice about using the phrase. It's your "right" to use it however, so carry on.

dpodoll68 has officially become unhinged.

"Drinking the kool-aid" isn't remotely offensive. Get a clue.

And I dont feel sorry for any one those morons who followed some religious nutcase to another continent to live in a jungle. It was their decision to join a cult.

Weirdest topic ever on Gopherhole btw.

Whether the Gophers win or much money will the BTN and B1G add to the coffers? You are being simplistic with your position, eaglet. There have been a number of coaches with great winning percentages who have been booted out the doors because they broke the rules and had ethical issues that affected the students and the university they represented. Wins are not the only thing that matters.

Anyone heard of Jim Tressel?

Nope. Do I have to be black for the n-word to offend me? Do I have to be gay for homosexual slurs to offend me?

You want to talk about offensive? How dare you compare "drinking the kool-aid" to the n-word or gay slurs. You've lost it dpo.

You want to talk about offensive? How dare you compare "drinking the kool-aid" to the n-word or gay slurs. You've lost it dpo.

You're right, those people chose to be murdered. They were asking for it.

Did you know there's a poster here on GopherHole whose aunt raised lemmings? They never once followed each other off a cliff. As such I find your proposal to use that word in such a context stereotypical and highly offensive.

LOL. Dang, a couple of losses and everyone's turning on each other and getting testy. I happen to be a loyal follower and trust an experienced leader and program rebuilder to turn the Gophers into a contender. I know I'm going to catch flack for it. I know some cynics want to cling to their negativity. And, it's not likely here that anyone is going to cross over to the good side by anything I say. I'm still going to try.

No, thanks. Should we all just start dropping n-bombs and gay slurs here, too? Everyone cool with that? If you don't like it when that happens, then you need to lighten up.

The fact you have actually stated "Kool-aid" in other posts and refer to the other word as the "n-word" instead of stating the actual word makes me think you don't feel those terms are equal by any means

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