Brady Hoke on Jerry Kill


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Sep 3, 2011
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As we were leaving Ann Arbor Saturday, we tuned into the Michigan post-game radio show in time to hear Jim Brandstatter interviewing Brady Hoke. After discussing the game in-depth, Brandstatter asked Hoke if he had any comment about Coach Kill. I tried to post the mp3, but had problems. Here's a transcript of the exchange:

Jim Brandstadder: A dear friend of yours – Jerry Kill – wasn’t able to be here today because he’s got those medical difficulties. And I know that publicly we wish him all the best. You’ve said so many times what a great guy he is, what a great coach he is in regards to building young men. And I know publicly if you want to say something maybe it will get back to him in some way.

Brady Hoke : Well, you know, I grabbed a couple of their players and some of their coaches before the game, players after the game, and Jerry’s a dear friend – him and his wife Rebecca. That’s the guy you want coaching your son because he’s such an outstanding man.

Too bad Hoke doesn't have any sons that are 5-star recruits because I think we might be able to steal them if he did...

But according to the self-proclaimed authorities on this board, the only thing that matters are wins. Seriously, thanks for the info.

But according to the self-proclaimed authorities on this board, the only thing that matters are wins. Seriously, thanks for the info.

I think I'm seeing less of that and more posts from people who are starting to get it. You just can't fix some things and wins are important so we need to starting getting more. A little six-game win streak right now would help.

I think I'm seeing less of that and more posts from people who are starting to get it. You just can't fix some things and wins are important so we need to starting getting more. A little six-game win streak right now would help.

Odds of me winning the power ball >>>> than us rocking a 6 game win streak

I still have faith we will get 2 more.

I think there's a vocal minority that either never liked Kill to begin with or is embarrassed by his epilepsy. Those are the people who want him gone.

Anyone can see the progress the team is making, if they look at it objectively. It's just a matter of time before that translates into wins, and coach Kill is going to get the time he needs to generate the wins. My only fear is that future recruits will be scared away by the controversy surrounding coach's seizures. That's the only thing that I think might derail the process. However, that's a minor concern; for now he has enough good players on the roster for the next couple of years.

But according to the self-proclaimed authorities on this board, the only thing that matters are wins. Seriously, thanks for the info.

In the long run wins are the only thing that matter... guess you don't understand the business aspect of College Football...

I think there's a vocal minority that either never liked Kill to begin with or is embarrassed by his epilepsy. Those are the people who want him gone.

Anyone can see the progress the team is making, if they look at it objectively. It's just a matter of time before that translates into wins, and coach Kill is going to get the time he needs to generate the wins. My only fear is that future recruits will be scared away by the controversy surrounding coach's seizures. That's the only thing that I think might derail the process. However, that's a minor concern; for now he has enough good players on the roster for the next couple of years.

There is also a vocal minority that have so attached themselves to Kill if he keeps averaging 2 conference wins per season they hope at no point does that become part of the conversation.

Whether the Gophers win or much money will the BTN and B1G add to the coffers? You are being simplistic with your position, eaglet. There have been a number of coaches with great winning percentages who have been booted out the doors because they broke the rules and had ethical issues that affected the students and the university they represented. Wins are not the only thing that matters.

In the long run wins are the only thing that matter... guess you don't understand the business aspect of College Football...

Wins aren't the only thing that matter but they are the most important factor when judging a coach's success. If down the road Kill can't win more big ten games he won't keep his job, and it won't matter that he's a great guy.

Whether the Gophers win or much money will the BTN and B1G add to the coffers? You are being simplistic with your position, eaglet. There have been a number of coaches with great winning percentages who have been booted out the doors because they broke the rules and had ethical issues that affected the students and the university they represented. Wins are not the only thing that matters.


So as long as the football program is profitable and stays out of trouble, that should make the product on the field enjoyable to watch?

Give me a break, recruit, compete, and win without cheating. Who cares if the coach is a nice guy?

In the long run wins are the only thing that matter... guess you don't understand the business aspect of College Football...

Yes... The long run... So quit looking at each game under a microscope and see the big picture.

It's the same arguments over and over...

There are those who are positive because Kill is a good guy, and his coaches and players are very loyal to him. They see a coach who seems to have a plan (especially compared to the guy who was here before him). Although recruiting rankings have not been very good so far, they believe they are signing a lot of high character, smart kids who have a very good chance of staying in the program for all 4 or 5 years. They also point out that a lot of young guys are making big impacts already (Williams, Leidner, Lauer, etc.). It is ultimately about wins, but it will take time.

Then there are those that are a lot more pessimistic because we haven't much or any improvement in the win column. They don't see anything different about this team compared to any of the past. They see the recruiting rankings and see that we are just falling behind everyone else. They don't care if he is well liked or well respected because that doesn't equal wins.

1. I understand those who wish to be more optimistic. I'm in that category. It's more fun to be a fan (IMO) when you try to be positive.
2. I understand those who are a lot more pessimistic. Because of the past, it's hard not to be concerned.
3. Because you believe either one of these things, it does not mean you're a "Kool-Aid Drinker" or a "Kill hater".
4. In the end, our opinions on a message board are not going to effect the program. If I want to be positive, its' not hurting the program because "I accept mediocrity". Likewise, if someone is negative, it is not hurting the program as well.

Can we all just accept this and move on?

Being that I am living in the hot bed of the Penn St. issues, lets be clear, there are so many things more important than winning in life, football and NCAA athletics.

Do I want to win? Hell Yes! Am I willing to sell my soul for victories like we did under Clem? Hell No!

I have no problem playing the long game at this point with our Football program. No way we turn around 50 years of crap in 3. Football recruiting and rebuilding just takes longer when you can't recruit like MI or spend money like AL. We must accept that patience and virtue will be rewarded one day and every time we have tried to find a short cut (Holtz, Brewster) we have paid a very serious price.

Try this word: Context

Try these words: Creativity. Sensitivity. Did you know that there's a regular poster here whose aunt died in the Jonestown Massacre? Does it make you feel better to use that word now?

Try these words: Creativity. Sensitivity. Did you know that there's a regular poster here whose aunt died in the Jonestown Massacre? Does it make you feel better to use that word now?

If you understood the context, you wouldn't have blown it out of proportion. Jonestown Massacre has nothing to do with this. Please stay on topic. Thank you.

If you understood the context, you wouldn't have blown it out of proportion. Jonestown Massacre has nothing to do with this. Please stay on topic. Thank you.

Use your head. The use of that phrase is an allusion to Jonestown. That's where the phrase comes from.

If you understood the context, you wouldn't have blown it out of proportion. Jonestown Massacre has nothing to do with this. Please stay on topic. Thank you.

I am on topic. "Drinking the Kool-Aid" comes from the Jonestown Massacre and nowhere else. To me, it's no less offensive than making fun of 9/11 victims (or victims of any other tragedy). But because it's in the context of sports, the actual origins are muddled and people think it's just a swell phrase to use. And, aside from its abhorrent offensiveness, it's just stupid and completely uncreative. "Maroon and gold goggles" is another stupid and uncreative one, but at least it's not tasteless and offensive.

Anytime a poster uses any of those worn out and worthless references to make his/her point, I disregard the comment because it is another way one displays ignorance in how to communicate.

Use your head. The use of that phrase is an allusion to Jonestown. That's where the phrase comes from.

I didn't know that people couldn't comprehend the context that GopherInIowa used the phrase in. Sure it's a tasteless phrase, but instead of responding to the his actual points in the post, we've let dpo win and derail another thread. Sweet.

It's the same arguments over and over...

There are those who are positive because Kill is a good guy, and his coaches and players are very loyal to him. They see a coach who seems to have a plan (especially compared to the guy who was here before him). Although recruiting rankings have not been very good so far, they believe they are signing a lot of high character, smart kids who have a very good chance of staying in the program for all 4 or 5 years. They also point out that a lot of young guys are making big impacts already (Williams, Leidner, Lauer, etc.). It is ultimately about wins, but it could take time.

Then there are those that are a lot more pessimistic because we haven't much or any improvement in the win column or on Offense. They don't see anything different about this team compared to any of the past. They see the recruiting rankings and see that we are just falling behind everyone else. They don't care if he is well liked or well respected because that doesn't equal wins.

1. I understand those who wish to be more optimistic. I'm in that category. It's more fun to be a fan (IMO) when you try to be positive.
2. I understand those who are a lot more pessimistic. Because of the past, it's hard not to be concerned.
3. Because you believe either one of these things, it does not mean you're a "Kill can do no wrong" or a "Kill hater".
4. In the end, our opinions on a message board are not going to effect the program. If I want to be positive, its' not hurting the program because "I accept mediocrity". Likewise, if someone is negative, it is not hurting the program as well.

Can we all just accept this and move on?

+1 with slight modifications and apparently not.

I didn't know that people couldn't comprehend the context that GopherInIowa used the phrase in. Sure it's a tasteless phrase, but instead of responding to the his actual points in the post, we've let dpo win and derail another thread. Sweet.

For Pete's sake, try to keep up. I wasn't bashing his use of it, I was agreeing with his point and going further to state that anyone using the phrase is offensive. I'm certain that GopherInIowa is intelligent enough to know that I was in no way ripping him.

For Pete's sake, try to keep up. I wasn't bashing his use of it, I was agreeing with his point and going further to state that anyone using the phrase is offensive. I'm certain that GopherInIowa is intelligent enough to know that I was in no way ripping him.

No offense intended, but unless I missed something wasn't the entire post this:

Not to mention that this phrase is terribly offensive and even saying it is the product of an uneducated moronic mind.

You think he got "agreeing with his point" out of that dpodoll? If so the support was pretty subtle.

I didn't know that people couldn't comprehend the context that GopherInIowa used the phrase in. Sure it's a tasteless phrase, but instead of responding to the his actual points in the post, we've let dpo win and derail another thread. Sweet.

Using the Phrase, even in context, implies the poster(s) that used said phrase, believes whatever is told, and blindly follow orders. This is about as obviously Logical fallacious as they come (classic ad hominem). Neither is that true in a historical sense, nor is it true when used as a rhetorical device.

Thus, use of the phrase is intended by definition to ignore the points within an argument (post). The context, is irrelevant.

I am on topic. "Drinking the Kool-Aid" comes from the Jonestown Massacre and nowhere else. To me, it's no less offensive than making fun of 9/11 victims (or victims of any other tragedy). But because it's in the context of sports, the actual origins are muddled and people think it's just a swell phrase to use. And, aside from its abhorrent offensiveness, it's just stupid and completely uncreative. "Maroon and gold goggles" is another stupid and uncreative one, but at least it's not tasteless and offensive.

Unless you light a candle and say a prayer every November 18 to honor the victims, lighten up.

Stick to correcting everyone's intended/unintended factual errors.

(I think someone on the basketball board just referenced a ninth-place finish last season in the B1G....hop to it!!!)

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