Found this story from CBSsports about everything. Sorry if it has already been posted. Found it interesting that over 40 ex-players have come forward with allegations and there have even been a few white players mixed in as well, so it isn't just a race issue but a much broader cultural problem within the program.
The other telling thing in all this is there are not a ton of former players coming to Doyle's aid. There is a section in the story about a white player with ADHD who was mocked. He mentions Doyle by name but also talks about another unnamed coach who mocked his intelligence on a regular basis and they went so far in the program to nickname him Simple Jack after the character in Tropic Thunder (not a flattering or fun nickname by any stretch of the imagination).
Some of the old school types will probably just view it is locker room talk but if the allegations that are being leveled by a lot of these players prove to be true Doyle is done for and there is a very good chance Kirk doesn't survive this one either.
Ferentz is short on answers as former Hawkeyes allege mistreatment during their time with the program