Congrats, you found 2 articles that failed to know that he was injured. That is obviously enough to debunk the idea that Kolter being injured wasn't widely reported. At what threshold does something become widely reported?
Obviously to you 3 articles in the Chicago Tribune, USA Today, their version of GH (NWestern Blog), ESPN's midweek blog, the school newspaper isn't quite enough. So what is threshold?
The "pro-Gray" contingent is having a problem with letting facts get in the way of your argument, so for that we do apologize.
Good grief, WTF, Bob?? For as long as I can recall, you engage in good discussion and provide really good insight, light-hearted thoughtful conversation. I dare say you seem down right cranky in this thread. I don't get it. What's wrong with a little humor in our analysis?
Call it the luck of the draw, whatever you want. Believe it or not, those two (and one other) were the first articles I found discussing the game and I went with it. I didn't cherry pick the articles. At this point it's really not worth arguing that adamantly, is it?
I'll throw this out there one more time, for the record, and maybe I speak for some of the others who thought Gray was WELL below par in this game. Hopefully you can get where I'm coming from.
My frustration isn't that Gray missed BADLY on a boatload of throws (9 is probably generous, in Gray's favor). Anybody can have a bad, bad game. My frustration is that it's the same old shat.
It's that Gray is a Senior, and same old shat.
It's that all we heard for the last 6-8 months is how vastly improved he is, and same old shat.
It's that the Gophers were playing EASILY, FAR AND AWAY the worst defense they will play all year, and same old shat. (I watched a few quarters yet again last night, bored, and it's amazing how GALACTICALLY bad the Rebels' defense is, particularly the tacklnig)
From what we had heard through spring and fall camp, I came into the season (admittedly, maroon colored goggles) thinking that there probably wasn't another QB in the BT that I would rather have. I thought he could/would come into the season and put the Gophers on his back and do some great things.
So THAT's my source of frustration. I'm off the ledge now, willing to chalk it up to first game, nerves, whatever. It was just really deflating to see the same thing at Sam Boyd that we've essentially always seen, which is a QB that just isn't very accurate.