You can do both. You don’t have to sacrifice what it takes for long term success to win by year 3.
Are you saying you’ll be disappointed in year 3 if their winning because you can’t win that fast?
Of course not. Why the hell would I say (or even think) something as stupid as that? You should try to understand your audience a little better instead of assuming that everyone is an idiot and speaking to them accordingly.
Here is your quote:
You can turn around a program almost instantly with a few pieces.
That's simply wrong. To "turn around a program," you need to get a sufficient number of quality pieces over an extended period of time. That's much harder than getting some quality pieces here and there and finding some occasional success (often when those pieces mature). That's what Pitino did and that's pretty common even among P6 coaches who are fired.
If you don't want to be misunderstood, then I would suggest being a little more careful in your choice of words.