I find it extremely Ironic that president Kaler is grandstanding on the suspensions and spewing this crap about TITLE IX and code of conduct violations for the University when he himself, hired a serial sexual harasser of U of M employees, was that employees direct superior and Supervisor and yet he faced no repercussions from the board of regents for AD Norwood Teagues actions or his hiring decision. Yeah that was really in keeping of the University of Minnesota's core values and culture. Just a bit rich that President Kaler is taking this hard line stand now on the recommendation from the EEAO office towards these student athletes when he was in a position to stop or prevent sexual harassment by one of his employees and direct reports. That and he didn't take action until it became a scandal in the media even when there were already discussions about unprofessional behavior by his AD Teague. President Kaler set the standard by letting a wolf in the the chicken coop, he shares culpability but shares none of the responsibility. Kaler and Coyle along with the players continue the scandal but they themselves the administration, have no accountability for the University's Values or culture. They are failures the leadership and U administration, along with anyone involved in the direct incident where poor judgement was used. The U and the administration deserve every bit of scorn they receive.