Badgers Offer Keelon Brookins


May 17, 2011
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He camped today and earned an offer.

"As of today, the commitment (to Minnesota) hasn't changed. I will meet with my parents later tonight and discuss the recent offer. It's a blessing to have options and to weigh the options before you. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to participate today."

Just thought you guys might like the update.

I'm as frustrated as ever with an 18-year-old's understanding of the word "commitment" but appreciate the update Badger!

Yeah....don't feel particularly great about that. You don't go to camps typically unless you're looking for an offer. I'm sure the staff is prepared for this, at least.

Ahh, this isn't good news. I hope we are still #1. This is how college football recruiting works and his commitment isn't much different than a staff's "offer". You see offers pulled and commitments changed throughout the whole process. I hope when it comes down to signing day that he is part of our future.

People go to camps all the time. If a kid wants to get some direction to develop his football skills, I would think a Big Ten football camp would be a good place to do that. We want recruits with BCS offers, well we have a commit from a kid who is getting BCS offers. Good for him and good for us. Yes, he could switch, but that is the nature of the beast. Hopefully, he will stick to us. That's all we can do is hope. Keelon would be a nice player in an always crucial position.

People go to camps all the time. If a kid wants to get some direction to develop his football skills, I would think a Big Ten football camp would be a good place to do that. We want recruits with BCS offers, well we have a commit from a kid who is getting BCS offers. Good for him and good for us. Yes, he could switch, but that is the nature of the beast. Hopefully, he will stick to us. That's all we can do is hope. Keelon would be a nice player in an always crucial position.

This is a good way to approach this. In fact, Brookins said, ""I decided to come to camp to compete against other competition. I was hurt last year, so I couldn't make it last year." Maybe it's as simple as that.

Sounds like an urgent meeting with the parents tonight and he's bye, bye. Getting highly recruited state kids is like pulling teeth. You got to win first but how do you win without the best in state players? Well we ended up with Mcdonald so who knows. I guess Jerry Kill will just keep fighting the fight. I think no one out works this staff. After we surprise this season we will get a higher ranked bunch of players.

Too bad you cherry picked the article. I would be surprised if he changed his commitment.

Wisconsin only has room for 13commits this year and they are at 9commits right now!

I'm as frustrated as ever with an 18-year-old's understanding of the word "commitment" but appreciate the update Badger!

+1 It's akin to asking a girl to prom and to continue shopping around in case something "better" comes around. They should call it something different like "planned engagement" so when a kid reneges they can just add the word "previously" to the school he just cold shouldered. I know, it's just semantics.

+1 It's akin to asking a girl to prom and to continue shopping around in case something "better" comes around. They should call it something different like "planned engagement" so when a kid reneges they can just add the word "previously" to the school he just cold shouldered. I know, it's just semantics.

It's tough, but it really does go both ways.

Dominic Twitty and Samad Hinds were both players who had Gophers offers and who accepted those offers and then seemed to not have offers at a later date. It's part of college football. The same thing happened with Sam Rohr the season before...

But Bielema, what about that Big Ten "gentleman's agreement"?!
As Bielema was whining :cry: last winter about some of the top D1 football programs cherry-picking and poaching his verbal commitment list, his boss, Barry Alvarez, told him publicly to STFU.

That should have been some of the best advice Bielema could have received. Hope he takes heed.

But Bielema, what about that Big Ten "gentleman's agreement"?!

He had no problem with Urban Meyer recruiting a committed player. It had to do with Meyer "bumping into" Kyle Dodson at an event during an event during a dead period. A dead period, for those who do not know, is a time when coaches are not allowed any contact with a recruit.

He had no problem with Urban Meyer recruiting a committed player. It had to do with Meyer "bumping into" Kyle Dodson at an event during an event during a dead period. A dead period, for those who do not know, is a time when coaches are not allowed any contact with a recruit.

Clearly, the way to rectify this alleged infraction is to cry like my 9-month-old girl to the press rather than file a grievance with the conference and/or NCAA.

Clearly, the way to rectify this alleged infraction is to cry like my 9-month-old girl to the press rather than file a grievance with the conference and/or NCAA.

I never said he handled the situation correctly, I am merely point out that those who believe that he was upset with Meyer for breaking the "gentlemen's agreement" are wrong.

Settle down, dpodoll. It's going to be okay.

People go to camps all the time. If a kid wants to get some direction to develop his football skills, I would think a Big Ten football camp would be a good place to do that. We want recruits with BCS offers, well we have a commit from a kid who is getting BCS offers. Good for him and good for us. Yes, he could switch, but that is the nature of the beast. Hopefully, he will stick to us. That's all we can do is hope. Keelon would be a nice player in an always crucial position.

+1. If you want to sit at the big boy table, you gotta deal with the bully next to you trying to steal your peas. The alternative is to compete for MAC level talent, but Glen proved that there's a ceiling on how far you'll get in the Big Ten with that strategy. 5-3, to be exact. As others have pointed out, it is ironic that Bulemia offers our commit after throwing a hissyfit over Urban doing the same thing.

If mom and pop have preached core values to Brookins he will remain a Gopher. If not, he's just another kid who throws the "commitment" word out there like crap through a goose. Either way, the sun will set tonight and rise tomorrow in Gopherland. Bottom line. don't let the musings of an 18 year old kid who has not played one down of B1G football get your shorts in a bundle.

+1. If you want to sit at the big boy table, you gotta deal with the bully next to you trying to steal your peas. The alternative is to compete for MAC level talent, but Glen proved that there's a ceiling on how far you'll get in the Big Ten with that strategy. 5-3, to be exact. As others have pointed out, it is ironic that Bulemia offers our commit after throwing a hissyfit over Urban doing the same thing.

And as I pointed out, Bielema did no such thing. Man people are lazy.

And as I pointed out, Bielema did no such thing. Man people are lazy.

"Welcome to the real world", St.Bielema said to us
Take a seat
Take your life
Plot it out in black and white
Well I never lived the dreams of whiney Bielema
And the drama queens
I'd like to think the best of Bielema
Is still hiding
Up his sleeve

He love to tell you
Observe gentleman agreement
That something's better
for Big Ten
Bielema wanna run through the halls of Big Ten Headquarters
Bielema wanna scream at the
Top of his lungs
He just found out there's no such thing as the gentleman agreement
just a lie .........

I'm singing John Mayer's no such thing for you. Badger2010. hahahaha

"Welcome to the real world", St.Bielema said to us
Take a seat
Take your life
Plot it out in black and white
Well I never lived the dreams of whiney Bielema
And the drama queens
I'd like to think the best of Bielema
Is still hiding
Up his sleeve

He love to tell you
Observe gentleman agreement
That something's better
for Big Ten
Bielema wanna run through the halls of Big Ten Headquarters
Bielema wanna scream at the
Top of his lungs
He just found out there's no such thing as the gentleman agreement
just a lie .........

I'm singing John Mayer's no such thing for you. Badger2010. hahahaha

:clap:That was impressive

Screw splitting hairs over a gentleman's agreement. Bottom line, Urban Meyer went after a kid who was committed to Wisconsin, and Bret got his panties in a wad over it. And apparently, if you ask a tOSU fan about it, they'll claim it's not true. So you'd be in good company.

No one is splitting hairs. To say he got mad because Urban recruited one of our commits is false.

He got mad because Urban talked to a recruit during the dead period, which is an NCAA violation.

Coaches/teams continue to recruit our commits all the time, and BB does not care...he does the same thing and it's part of the game.

By the way, that article strengthens my argument, not yours...

So, you're basically saying Bielema got mad because Urban, a coach talked to a recruit, a Wisconsin commit during the dead period. Coach A got mad because Coach B talk to a recruit during the dead period. What a caring Coach! Is he going to make complaints about other coaches who're doing the same. Bielema complained not because of poaching the Wisconsin recruit but because of the observance of the rule. Gotta respect St. Bielema . I'm about to fall off from my chair because I'm laughing so hard. bwa hahahahaha
The truth of the matter is Bielema got mad because Urban was a better recruiter at that time. If you’re trying to convince people that it is all about rule compliance, you need to check your mindset on rationality.

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