It will be interesting to see how the Emperor Barry handles this. My guess is that Ball will be protected by some sort of coverup. After all he is "Montee"
station19 said:Since the hammer came down on Penn St, there will be no more cover-ups in college sports.
I think I will need to agree with you on this one station18.
Yup...and I wish he/she/shim would stop referring to wisky as "them". You are one of them, and least sack up enough to admit it, but that would be expecting too much of you.
I am a Badger fan, and have said so plenty of times. I didn't say "we" have three more stud backs, because "I" don't play for the team.
Losing Ball would certainly hurt, but I still believe they would be OK at RB. Every time Wisconsin loses one of their good running backs, there are people who claim they will be down at that position, but they always seem to be OK. People within the program say that Melvin Gordon may be a better back than Ball, and they still have James White, Vonte Jackson and Jeff Lewis. Good luck this season.
You don't have that expectation. We're talking about over 100 kids who are living on their own for the first time, with all the learning, drinking, partying, and getting into fights that comes with that. Most of the people I knew back then were good kids who would go on to graduate, get good jobs, raise families, and generally be decent, upstanding folk...but before that there were fights, drunk driving charges, drug use, cheating on homework, etc...all the stuff that, if a football player does it, it becomes a story. No matter how good their influences, or how much the staff tries to recruit "good" kids, plenty of them are going to get in trouble. Even the good ones.
You ran with a different crowd than I did @ the U. The kids who drank too much often or got in fights....flunked out routinely. Hard to keep up on engineering work when in jail holding cells. Drug use....never saw it with the group or any other people i knew or hung out with.
husker, ruppert and supadupafly quick run over to Madison and demand the answers. Who knew what and when did they know it? Blow the lid off this massive cover-up.
How about the guy that investigated Penn State doing it. Then we might get some answers instead of another cover up.
none of those rbs are heisman candidates. sure, the badgers might be ok, but it would be a huge blow to the program to lose the player that many people think is the frontrunner for the heisman. a heisman would mean prestige, money, better recruiting, bragging rights and another step toward national respectability that badger fans crave. yes it would hurt and yes the badgers would be ok, but i'm guessing that bert and berry are not as nonchalant about it as you.
ball getting jumped is very meh. but if there is some sort of cover up of the actions of a player that the university of wisconsin is pimping to the heisman board, then that would be pretty serious. bigger than a guy getting jumped, bigger than a few football players getting in a fight.
it seems that there is blood in the water and the sharts at espn are circling madison.
You ran with a different crowd than I did @ the U. The kids who drank too much often or got in fights....flunked out routinely. Hard to keep up on engineering work when in jail holding cells. Drug use....never saw it with the group or any other people i knew or hung out with.
How about the guy that investigated Penn State doing it. Then we might get some answers instead of another cover up.
I think it's safe to say that I definitely hung out with a different group in college than you. Very few people who I knew well flunked out of school but I we almost everyone that I knew drank too much, there were sometimes fights amongst drunk college kids, and there was definitely drug use.
I think RedPoo was just pointing out that those kinds of shenanigans are pretty common place amongst a lot, and I mean A LOT of students at the U, athlete or not. I agree with him.
none of those rbs are heisman candidates. sure, the badgers might be ok, but it would be a huge blow to the program to lose the player that many people think is the frontrunner for the heisman. a heisman would mean prestige, money, better recruiting, bragging rights and another step toward national respectability that badger fans crave. yes it would hurt and yes the badgers would be ok, but i'm guessing that bert and berry are not as nonchalant about it as you.
ball getting jumped is very meh. but if there is some sort of cover up of the actions of a player that the university of wisconsin is pimping to the heisman board, then that would be pretty serious. bigger than a guy getting jumped, bigger than a few football players getting in a fight.
it seems that there is blood in the water and the sharts at espn are circling madison.
"No matter how good their influences, or how much the staff tries to recruit "good" kids, plenty of them are going to get in trouble. Even the good ones." Maybe so, but you can improve your odds of minimizing trouble by considering character when you recruit.
Think BB has his players who skip class wear a 'i let my teammates down' t shirt? I doubt it.
The Madison Police Department straight up LIED to the media about its investigation into the Montee Ball attack ... and tried to throw TMZ under the bus ... but their plan has backfired ... bigtime.
TMZ broke the story ... the Madison Police Department HAD launched in an investigation into tips that Ball and several of his UW football teammates beat up a man at a party on July 27 ... several days before Ball was attacked on campus. Cops told the media that the TMZ report was not true.
They lied.
I agree. To respond to some other posters...
I reject that illegal activity just happens with nonfootball if it happens with athletes we shouldn't be surprised. Drugs, assaults, etc. It isn't that hard to keep ones nose clean.
Will things be perfect but Kill is certainly trying to keep tabs on his kids as close to 24/7 as possible. Teaching them leadership...peer influence and review to do the right thing.
Think BB has his players who skip class wear a 'i let my teammates down' t shirt? I doubt it.
Saw the police report saying that the TMZ report was wrong. The police are saying that they have no evidence that Ball was involved in the initial fight. TMZ's big revelation of the LIE says twice that Ball was -- just as you write above. That's not a lie that's just TMZ misinterpreting the meaning of words.