I am from Wisconsin - so, I never had any hate for Iowa. In fact, I used to like watching them on TV. You will also notice that Wisconsin is not on my cheering list. I am sure this has been posted before by others, but I grew up in Green Bay in the 80/90's. I can say pre-Alvarez, nobody in WI (outside of maybe Madison itself) watched or cared about the Badgers. The Badgers were not good and the people that left Green Bay to go to Madison either dropped out after having a drug addiction or becoming 'strange'. I don't think many Madison graduates ever came back to Green Bay due to lack of job opportunities. So, there was no love for Madison around me growing up. I think the most popular teams were Michigan and Florida State. It is really odd for me how Wisconsin fandom has evolved and I think it will go back to indifference soon for the non-UW graduates if this continues for a few more seasons for them.