Article on Hayo from PP


I still can't get out of my system that we are out recruiting the likes of FL and OSU for even 1 recruit.

I know it's my LES (losers expectation syndrom) talking again.

Go Brewster! and go Gophers!


Refused to take Urban Meyer's multiple phone calls after committing to Brewster, wouldn't even say "Hello" to him. How can you not like this kid?!

Agree with Costa Rica,

How many kids out there not only don't consider Florida when they come calling, but don't even pick up the phone???? And not just once either. It sounds like Meyer, who I respect a ton as a coach, keep the pressure on for an extended period of time but Hayo ultimately stuck by his guns. about a loyal kid!!!:D And there's little doubt that he'll be either an immediate starter or contributor to boot!!!

Nice to see that Carpenter is a man of his word. Hopefully, he'll be just as good on the field for the Gophers!!!!

In this day and age in recruiting

Not only is this a testement to the loyalty and honesty of a kid who is totally committed to the Gophers but this is also a statement to the type of impact Brewster and the rest of the coaches and University had on Hayo. I can't evaluate how he will do since I've never seen him play but if he can be that deep threat opposite of Decker/Green I think this is the missing piece in our WR corps we've been missing.

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