Anas Osama Mahmoud Commits to Louisville

Georgia Tech vs. U in terms of engineering is pretty much a wash for all intents and purposes. Not sure who got it stuck in his head that Georgia Tech is greater than the U in that regard.

They are better according to U.S. News. I think they are top 5 and we are like top 20 or 30.

They are better according to U.S. News. I think they are top 5 and we are like top 20 or 30.

I pity people who make life decisions based on U.S. News.

In any event, it depends on what kind of engineer he wants to be. We cream GT in chemical engineering.

Yeah I tend to agree about the US News rankings, I think I just read that on their message board when GuyFawkes posted the link a while back.

Matt Gravett also noted that he would rather have Konate. Judging from his other tweets, it sounds like Anas didn't reveal a preference for GT. There's a lot of speculation here. That said, it wouldn't shock me if he picked GT after the horrendous winter we've had.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Konate. RT <a href="">@stouds20</a>: <a href="">@GravettMatt</a> would you rather have gueye or konate?</p>— Matt Gravett (@GravettMatt) <a href="">February 23, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Matt Gravett also noted that he would rather have Konate. Judging from his other tweets, it sounds like Anas didn't reveal a preference for GT. There's a lot of speculation here. That said, it wouldn't shock me if he picked GT after the horrendous winter we've had.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Konate. RT <a href="">@stouds20</a>: <a href="">@GravettMatt</a> would you rather have gueye or konate?</p>— Matt Gravett (@GravettMatt) <a href="">February 23, 2014</a></blockquote>
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he would rather have Konate over Gueye, not over Anas

Somebody should point it out in one of those things. Say something like "Hey Anas, what kind of engineering do you want to do? Did you know Minnesota has a better CE program than GT?"

Sounds like he wants to study chemical engineering. From the tone of this article, he thinks GT has a better chemical engineering program. Every source I just looked at rated Minnesota's chemical engineering program higher.

I would assume that someone has pointed this out by now.

I haven't looked recently at any magazine attempts to rate programs, but people who know -- i.e., the professors and people in the field -- have long considered Minnesota to be #1 in chemical engineering, ahead of even MIT and Cal Tech.

OK, I was curious so I just spent a few minutes looking. Gourman report was long the most reliable ranking but has not been updated in years. U of MN is #1 in chemE in that one, GaTech not in the top 10. U.S. News is ridiculed by academics but widely read by the masses, and is updated every year. U of M is #4 in that one, GaTech #6.
NRC is another one that academics respect. U of M was #2 for a while, then #1 for years. Currently U of M sits at #6 and GaTech is #11.

Basically, I have never seen GaTech rank ahead of the U of M in ChemE in any list, and such a list would be highly suspect if it did exist. See discussion link below.

I'd also add that, from a world perspective, the University of Minnesota is generally more highly regarded than within the U.S. and typically ranks very highly among world universities. GaTech is a good engineering school but nowhere near the overall university that the U of M is.

Basically if Anas' decision is based on academics it's a no-brainer that Minnesota trumps GaTech, assuming he does his due diligence.

US News



OK, I was curious so I just spent a few minutes looking. Gourman report was long the most reliable ranking but has not been updated in years. U of MN is #1 in chemE in that one, GaTech not in the top 10. U.S. News is ridiculed by academics but widely read by the masses, and is updated every year. U of M is #4 in that one, GaTech #6.
NRC is another one that academics respect. U of M was #2 for a while, then #1 for years. Currently U of M sits at #6 and GaTech is #11.

Basically, I have never seen GaTech rank ahead of the U of M in ChemE in any list, and such a list would be highly suspect if it did exist. See discussion link below.

I'd also add that, from a world perspective, the University of Minnesota is generally more highly regarded than within the U.S. and typically ranks very highly among world universities. GaTech is a good engineering school but nowhere near the overall university that the U of M is.

Basically if Anas' decision is based on academics it's a no-brainer that Minnesota trumps GaTech, assuming he does his due diligence.

US News



In other words, if he cites academics as the reason for choosing's the weather.

OK, I was curious so I just spent a few minutes looking. Gourman report was long the most reliable ranking but has not been updated in years. U of MN is #1 in chemE in that one, GaTech not in the top 10. U.S. News is ridiculed by academics but widely read by the masses, and is updated every year. U of M is #4 in that one, GaTech #6.
NRC is another one that academics respect. U of M was #2 for a while, then #1 for years. Currently U of M sits at #6 and GaTech is #11.

Basically, I have never seen GaTech rank ahead of the U of M in ChemE in any list, and such a list would be highly suspect if it did exist. See discussion link below.

I'd also add that, from a world perspective, the University of Minnesota is generally more highly regarded than within the U.S. and typically ranks very highly among world universities. GaTech is a good engineering school but nowhere near the overall university that the U of M is.

Basically if Anas' decision is based on academics it's a no-brainer that Minnesota trumps GaTech, assuming he does his due diligence.

US News



Creepy Guy Faux do your job.... Get to creepin.

The rankings probably don't matter to him as much as his interactions with academic advisors and professors he likely had on his visits. Maybe he connected better with whoever he met with at GT than at the U. Or maybe they just sold it better.

The rankings probably don't matter to him as much as his interactions with academic advisors and professors he likely had on his visits. Maybe he connected better with whoever he met with at GT than at the U. Or maybe they just sold it better.

It's too bad if that's the case, because those professors are paid to do research.. Not to personally connect with undergraduate students who miss lectures regularly for sports!

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Here is is.

He definitely reads the comments.

I just asked Anas things he liked about MN compared to GT, and things he liked about GT compared to MN. Then i said there has been a lot of news on the site 247 stating there was a sources close to him saying he was leaning towards GT and if there was any truth to that. Then i wished him the best. I'm waiting and hoping for a reply.

Similar to Travis, I don't fault the kid if he wants to go to Georgia Tech for engineering, but he should know that the U is not chopped liver. And he should know that Minneapolis is a much nicer city. Listening, Anas?


It's not creepin'.....just making sure the potential recruit has enough information to make an informed decision. I salute you Guy Fawkes, I think.

It's not creepin'.....just making sure the potential recruit has enough information to make an informed decision. I salute you Guy Fawkes, I think.

Minnesota fan here... What were some things you liked about Mn compared to Gt, and what were some things you liked about Gt compared to Mn?There has been a lot of speculation on the site 247 that a source close to you said you were leaning GT, is there truth to that source? and i wish you the best.
thanks man about your wishes :) i don't know who is the source that you are talking about so i don't know if there's truth or not :)
I asked him this question and this was his response idk how to take that.

And in all seriousness you came to MN at a terrible time with the weather, but how big a role will weather play in your decision?
if all the other things is perfect !! 0000 %

This was my other question and thats his response

Being you want your future to be in basketball,what type of system are you looking for? And how do you see your role on a basketball team?
there is only one thing that i care about :D everybody even you thinking that i'm a center but actually i'm a power forward and some times i play a small forward :) i know that i'm a 7 footer but i have to find the system that i can play as i love there :) and all the coaches that about me :)
question number 3 and his response

So maybe the info that 247 got, but didn't disclose is that he wants to play the 4 and we want him at the 5. Just speculating.

I think 247 is reading tea leaves without much information to work with. Anas seems to keep things close to the vest.

So maybe the info that 247 got, but didn't disclose is that he wants to play the 4 and we want him at the 5. Just speculating.

i suppose that since Mo and Elliott have never seen the floor at the same time despite the fact that both are superior to Oto and King it would lead one to believe that Anas will never play anything but the 5 here, hopefully Anas and Elliott/Mo see the floor at the same time frequently next year if he comes here.

He wants to play power forward. Damn. Joey King has that spot locked up for two more years. Lol

Anas also says that he cares more about his basketball career then being a chemical engineer. so it comes down to who he thinks gives him the best shot at furthering his bball career.

Sounds like he is just not into the idea of posting up players, and likes to face the basket on players, guess from his highlight video you kinda see that, never was a highlight of him posting up, but it was small clip so who knows, just speculating like everyone else

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