Amelia rips fans who attend NIT

Don't know if this has been posted but it appears that the $20 ticket Sunday will let you attend both the men's game and the women's game which is scheduled for 5:00. Good move by whomever.

My idea.:cool02:

Don't know if this has been posted but it appears that the $20 ticket Sunday will let you attend both the men's game and the women's game which is scheduled for 5:00. Good move by whomever.

It's an improvement. My guess for actual attendance tomorrow: Men 5,000; Women 2,000.

You know...the biggest negative of all of this is WHY does this has to be the story? It does nothing to help promote the team or encourage others to get engaged. Basically, showing a very sparse crowd along with a yawning fans gives the impression we should all be saying "big deal", when the fact is, the players and coaching staff think it IS a big deal. Journalism as a whole sucks, particularly when it comes to the debbie downers like Ameilia.
She isn't paid to promote the team.

She isn't paid to promote the team.
No, but it makes her job a helluva lot easier and it's easier for her to move up in the world if more people are reading her stuff. If the Gopher team is terrible for three years and no one comes to games, her exposure will trend downward. A columnist is a different thing, but why any beat writer would try and belittle the team they cover baffles me. And no, this phenomenon isn't unique to Amelia.

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