All Things Veritas Losing 7 Defensive Starters Thread

I think the real victims here are tall people. Are they supposed to suppress their excitement and stay seated cause they're tall? I'm 6-foot-4 and stood through both Penn State and Wisconsin - along with most of our sections. Oh, my parents are in their 70s and they stood too.

What are you talking about? When have I asked you not to stand during exciting plays? Are you tall and unable to understand a plainly asked request? Please do not stand for three and half hours straight. Yikes. Why don't you morf this into a discusion about being forced to fly to Mars!?

What are you talking about? When have I asked you not to stand during exciting plays? Are you tall and unable to understand a plainly asked request? Please do not stand for three and half hours straight. Yikes. Why don't you morf this into a discusion about being forced to fly to Mars!?

This thread is about your stance that no one else knew that we'd lose 7 defensive starters --- your dissatisfaction with people standing should be discussed elsewhere.

I'm just not PC and don't care to be. But, I do sincerly hope that I did not trigger you.

You probably long for the days before busing "when the schools were pure", yeah?

This thread is about your stance that no one else knew that we'd lose 7 defensive starters --- your dissatisfaction with people standing should be discussed elsewhere.

I think we really have the opportunity to evolve it into much more. Let's not sell ourselves short here.

I'm just not PC and don't care to be. But, I do sincerly hope that I did not trigger you.

Oh, you're definitely PC. If PC means "pearl clutcher." Now fetch me another beer.
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This thread is about your stance that no one else knew that we'd lose 7 defensive starters --- your dissatisfaction with people standing should be discussed elsewhere.

This is not my thread. It is a thread started by you. I answer the questions you guys post and refute those many which are false. I reccomend you ignore all threads or posts that you do not want to read. Especially those that trigger you. Especially those that trigger you that you started.
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The last resort of the intellectually weak, name calling and slander.

A. Not a single name called in my post.
B. Youve made your societal views quite clear during your posting history, so there is nothing slanderous about it. Early 1940s Germany would have been a better fit for you and ensured "those wheelchair types" weren't a nuisance for you.

A. Not a single name called in my post.
B. Youve made your societal views quite clear during your posting history, so there is nothing slanderous about it. Early 1940s Germany would have been a better fit for you and ensured "those wheelchair types" weren't a nuisance for you.

There you go again, who said the wheel chair types were a nuisance to me? You did, not me. And what did I say that was like a Nazis at all? Nor did I say anything about school busing, you did, I didn't, you did. All name calling and slander. Again, just something you need to make up to display your anger. Your problem not mine. Why don't you go crying to the ownership group and demand that you have your safe space back? In this modern age that might very well work for you.

This is not my thread. It is a thread started by you. I answer the questions you guys post and refute those many which are false. I reccomend you ignore all threads or posts that you do not want to read. Especially those that trigger you. Especially those that trigger you that you started.
Thank goodness you took on the task of being the GH beacon of truth...are you sitting or standing right now?

Reading comprehension John. "if it is not straightened out..." I will do everything I can to straighten it out. I don't have to let the barbarians have their way, do I?
Fans have every right to stand at a football game, it’s not a play at the Guthrie. You have several options to deal with it:
- sit in the front row of either the upper or lower deck
- sit in the handicap area if you aren’t physically able to stand
- Stand and watch the game. You can sit down during the myriad of timeouts and at halftime.
- watch the game from the comfort of your own home

I am thrilled that our games have become big enough to warrant standing, and I would imagine most fans agree.

Fans have every right to stand at a football game, it’s not a play at the Guthrie. You have several options to deal with it:
- sit in the front row of either the upper or lower deck
- sit in the handicap area if you aren’t physically able to stand
- Stand and watch the game. You can sit down during the myriad of timeouts and at halftime.
- watch the game from the comfort of your own home

I am thrilled that our games have become big enough to warrant standing, and I would imagine most fans agree.

It is your opinion that fans have an unlimited right to stand for the entire game experience. That is not the opinion of the U. How do I buy three seats in the front row? None were available even at the beginning of this season let alone next. For the fifth time, we are able to stand but do not want to stand for the whole game experience, especially for the half time show by the band. It is not the opinion of the U that we should stay home and watch the game on TV.

By the way, who started this lie that I wrote that only I understood the danger of replacing seven starters on D? Not I. I have posted nothing like that. Indeed, when I first posted that we were losing seven starters on D several people posted that they agree that this was dangerous especially early in the fall, just as I had posted. So when was that I said anything about no one else thought the same thing?

One of the good things about this site is that anyone can quote exactly what another poster wrote if they want. Yet over and over the thin skinned have claimed, falsely, that I made such a claim. Too bad so many want to misquote any opinion they do not like.

This thread is about your stance that no one else knew that we'd lose 7 defensive starters --- your dissatisfaction with people standing should be discussed elsewhere.

That is a lie. I never posted anything like that.

It’s pretty amazing that we’ve managed to generate 3 more pages of debate on such trivial topics that have been beaten to a pulp on GH for months. I no longer believe Veritas is a professional troll, but it’s easy to see why so many suspected she was.

It is your opinion that fans have an unlimited right to stand for the entire game experience. That is not the opinion of the U. How do I buy three seats in the front row? None were available even at the beginning of this season let alone next. For the fifth time, we are able to stand but do not want to stand for the whole game experience, especially for the half time show by the band. It is not the opinion of the U that we should stay home and watch the game on TV.
I’m guessing it might be for those on the “problem squad” you keep calling.

TDS. Many young people today of the left can not stand for anyone to express an opinion that they do not agree with. Just can't stand it.
Just so off base. No surprise to me though.

TDS. Many young people today of the left can not stand for anyone to express an opinion that they do not agree with. Just can't stand it.

Can you paste your manifesto in here for us to read? Obviously you have one. No doubt on that.

Just so off base. No surprise to me though.

Well...I’m not sure how you go from a simple argument about standing vs not standing to euthanization of people in wheelchairs, Mein Kampf references, segregationist accusations...proving once again that the inferential reaction is usually far worse than the perceived thought crime in the first place

That is a lie. I never posted anything like that.
I'll concede it was hyperbole to claim that you said "no one" else knew 7 players would leave --- but what you countered is definitely a stretch. You have in fact posted things like what I said. You made the case that you were in a select group of people that knew 7 players were leaving.

You started a thread called "Well by golly we did end up losing exactly seven guys off the d" and started it with this post.
Who could have forseen that? Or, more exactly to our case, who could not have seen that happening??
You then went on to post
BS, it has been argued on this site, this fall, that only six would leave and even more importantly that their leaving will be either only a small problem or, sillier yet, that it is likely we will be even better on D with the new guys. Just read some of the posts in this thread.
Elsewhere you posted
So, given that "everyone knew it would be seven guys leaving", how is it that they figure six are leaving?

People have a right to see the game and people have a right to stand.
If some people are unable to stand for the whole game or even parts of it and ask the perpetual standers in front of them to only stand on occasion and the standers refuse I would say that is very poor behavior and borders on opposition defiance disorder.
Standing the whole game to prove ones superior fandom if it harms others is juvenile behavior.

People have a right to see the game and people have a right to stand.
If some people are unable to stand for the whole game or even parts of it and ask the perpetual standers in front of them to only stand on occasion and the standers refuse I would say that is very poor behavior and borders on opposition defiance disorder.
Standing the whole game to prove ones superior fandom if it harms others is juvenile behavior.

per the Mayo ODD is characterized by a "frequent and persistent pattern of anger, irritability, arguing, defiance or vindictiveness toward [parents] and other authority figures". It seems like quite a stretch to argue that refusing to sit down when someone asks rises anywhere near this definition.

I'll concede it was hyperbole to claim that you said "no one" else knew 7 players would leave --- but what you countered is definitely a stretch. You have in fact posted things like what I said. You made the case that you were in a select group of people that knew 7 players were leaving.

You started a thread called "Well by golly we did end up losing exactly seven guys off the d" and started it with this post.

You then went on to post

Elsewhere you posted

Yep, all true statements. So what was the problem? Some people were sceptical that seven would leave.

per the Mayo ODD is characterized by a "frequent and persistent pattern of anger, irritability, arguing, defiance or vindictiveness toward [parents] and other authority figures". It seems like quite a stretch to argue that refusing to sit down when someone asks rises anywhere near this definition.

Mayo ODD. What is that, please? I have not said that standing for the entire three and half hours is a criminal act, only that it is hugely inconsiderate, rude and anti Gopher football attendance. Surely the Gopher football authorities do not want to force the very fans who have kept this program going over the past 50 years out of going to the games. These are the very best of fans in that they have been fans through thick and lots of thin. They, in many cases, will be here after the current winning form is over. Not to even mention that they, in many cases, are the money that supports the program. Frankly, I can not understand how flat out blind you guys must be to have not noticed that there is virtually no standing at all except on the most exciting plays in the most expensive sections of the stadium. Stunningly obtuse. I still think the obvious answer to this problem is to designate some sections as pure standing all game long sections.
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I have and am investigating that with the U. So far, I would say there is a policy and it is not what some here believe it is, ie, that they have a right to stand all they want. More, when I can get it exactly clear what they will do for the coming season. I will also post the hot line number for the "problem squad", which I now have, when I get to clarity. Thank you for your concern.

Yeah but is your jackbooted "problem squad" as cool as this squad??


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