All Things New Gopher Uniforms/Helmets Thread: UPDATED 1/20 with New Uniforms!!!

Yup. But I found it interesting that they didn't COMPLETELY trash the new uniforms.. even praised some aspects (praised in their relative way).
It was one of their most positive reviews, I love the unis.

So...does anyone know when and where we can buy these sexy jerseys? I would love to sport the Gold in the stands in Vegas Sept 1.

I stopped into Goldcountry right after the unveiling to ask when. They said not till right before football season..

I really like the new uniforms. I think they mix historic elements (the brick pattern from Memorial and the number font from the 1940 championship team) but with a new age design. I was very concerned when I heard we were getting new uniforms...I kept picturing those Maryland uniforms. I am glad they kept the basic design simple.

I had to look really hard to see the brick patter and even then I couldn't tell if that is what they actually intended with it. In my opinion it is pointless and dumb to be on them unless the kids wearing them actually like it. It isn't like I will be able to even notice it on tv or at a game. I could barely see it in the pics and then still had to look closely.

I had to look really hard to see the brick patter and even then I couldn't tell if that is what they actually intended with it. In my opinion it is pointless and dumb to be on them unless the kids wearing them actually like it. It isn't like I will be able to even notice it on tv or at a game. I could barely see it in the pics and then still had to look closely.

In person, it was obvious, and I can see it on the poster I received. I think on HD, it will be clear, especially in daylight.

FYI, here are UNLV's unis:


If UNLV wears their dark combo I'll bet we wear the gold jerseys...

I am hoping that when a thread gets to 999, then the 1,000 post it defaults to 0, gets automatically deleted from GH, and starts over. This way oops, wrong forum will be back in 1st place, where it belongs. :)

I am hoping that when a thread gets to 999, then the 1,000 post it defaults to 0, gets automatically deleted from GH, and starts over. This way oops, wrong forum will be back in 1st place, where it belongs. :)

Kind of like Y2K?

In person, it was obvious, and I can see it on the poster I received. I think on HD, it will be clear, especially in daylight.

FYI, here are UNLV's unis:


If UNLV wears their dark combo I'll bet we wear the gold jerseys...

UNLV has only two uniform options? What a novel idea.

Not sure what the current rule is. I think USC/UCLA may have gotten a waiver to both wear home colors against each other a few years back. The year prior, I seem to remember one team losing a timeout or getting a 15 yard penalty or something because it was against the rules...memory is a bit fuzzy on this one

Wait. We can go over 1,000? My Bad. THE OOPS THREAD WILL LIVE FOREVER!!!

Gotta think this is the first thread ever to top 1000 posts. For what it is worth, a few days of letting the new uniforms sink in has changed my opinion. I actually didn't like them at first, but they have started to grow on me. I am looking forward to seeing the entire squad wearing them for a game. There are only a couple color combos that I flat out don't like (especially gold jerseys over white pants). On the other hand, I have become quite fond of maroon over maroon, gold over maroon, and I like this uniform style for maroon over gold pants better than the Brewster era combos. I also like the white jersey's over gold pants, white over maroon, and even white over white. All in all I am liking them more as time goes on. I think I was just expecting something a little flashier and it took me some time.

pharmacygopher said:
Not sure what the current rule is. I think USC/UCLA may have gotten a waiver to both wear home colors against each other a few years back. The year prior, I seem to remember one team losing a timeout or getting a 15 yard penalty or something because it was against the rules...memory is a bit fuzzy on this one

USC and UCLA used to always both wear their colors until the NCAA changed the rule (sometime between the 60's and the 80's). The OJ / Gary Beban vids will show this.

Your memory is correct. A few years ago they sought and were denied permission to both wear home colors. USC did it anyway and was charged a timeout. Neuhiesel immediately burned one of his timeouts as a gesture of sportsmanship in a nod to tradition.

The rule has since been changed to require contrasting colors, but I believe an exemption must still be sought.

I think Golds vs. Iowa Blacks or Michigan blues might look cool.

But I don't relish a mustard and ketchup matchup for the ax game with Wisconsin.

Did you see what I did there?

Not sure what the current rule is. I think USC/UCLA may have gotten a waiver to both wear home colors against each other a few years back. The year prior, I seem to remember one team losing a timeout or getting a 15 yard penalty or something because it was against the rules...memory is a bit fuzzy on this one

My understanding is the home team chooses light or dark uni's and the away team is required to wear the opposite. If they don't comply (oh, we forgot our light/dark jersey's at home), then there are penalties to the away team. Usually the home team will go ahead and wear the opposite, but I don't know if they have to in a case where the away team was not compliant.

I don't think "light" inherently has to be white, but I don't know who says whether a color is light or dark. I believe BB used to use gold as a light and a dark, depending on the other schools' colors. I think as long as there is good contrast they let it slide (gold vs. red / black, for example).

Oops, Badgergopher beat me to the punch...

Sorry, meant besides our boy Formo and the other poster (sorry! you're newer and I'm working off my phone so I don't want to hunt through the thread for your moniker). :)

Ha! No prob, broski. I just joined up here in September. I don't have "formo" clout yet. Was hoping to meet the legend himself, but once I stepped into the locker room I was in blur mode! :)

Yup, those of us that were there got one and could get Coach Kill and the players to sign it. I, however, opted not to do as such.. I feel really uncomfortable as a grown man to ask for another person's autograph. lol

Not me. I have ZERO shame. Lol. I showed up at 3 and got my "sneak peek" in a side room off to the left of the locker room. The guys were all nice as hell to me as they were getting dressed and individually shook my hand. Q is MUCH taller than I remember him to be when he signed my ticket outside of Spartan Stadium in November. The guys made fun of Cooper for doing pushups to get the biceps flowing before walking out. As I was led back out I thanked the guys for letting me gawk, they all said "no problem" in unison, which was sweet.

The event, as it's been seen on YouTube was awesome. The Athletic Communications staff made sure I had time with each player and Coach K. Troy and his girlfriend (very Kim Kardashian like) kind of came in from the side on Kill and cut us off just for a second. He wanted to introduce her to him. I made a joke as Troy was walking away that "He didn't show ME around the locker room like that!". Kill didn't even pause before saying, "That's because she's prettier than you are!" Lol.

I talked law school with Rabe. He's thinking of attending after he's done at the U. I'm 2 terms from being done and told him it's not as scary as everyone makes it.

Asked Rallis if he preferred DB or LB. He just wants to be on the field, but likes LB because "there's more hitting", in addition to covering duties.

Me and Ben Perry cannot put caps back onto Sharpies. We tried 3 times and failed. Lol.

I told Q he looks too rested to be the father newborn twins. He shook his head and said "All they do is eat and sleep, man".

My best picture was with Keanon Cooper. I got him to do the "4 Horseman" hand gesture with me for a pic. That's gonna be a FB profile pic, I can feel it! :)

The Communications staff talked me to for 10 minutes or so afterward to get my reaction to the locker room, the day, the unis, the players. They said they may post a Blog update on it all on Can't believe I'm that newsworthy, but I'll be honest, I'm checking daily. :)

As for my poster, it was signed by all of them and it's been turned in for framing already. Hoping to have it up by the weekend. :D

Not me. I have ZERO shame. Lol. I showed up at 3 and got my "sneak peek" in a side room off to the left of the locker room. The guys were all nice as hell to me as they were getting dressed and individually shook my hand. Q is MUCH taller than I remember him to be when he signed my ticket outside of Spartan Stadium in November. The guys made fun of Cooper for doing pushups to get the biceps flowing before walking out. As I was led back out I thanked the guys for letting me gawk, they all said "no problem" in unison, which was sweet.

The event, as it's been seen on YouTube was awesome. The Athletic Communications staff made sure I had time with each player and Coach K. Troy and his girlfriend (very Kim Kardashian like) kind of came in from the side on Kill and cut us off just for a second. He wanted to introduce her to him. I made a joke as Troy was walking away that "He didn't show ME around the locker room like that!". Kill didn't even pause before saying, "That's because she's prettier than you are!" Lol.

I talked law school with Rabe. He's thinking of attending after he's done at the U. I'm 2 terms from being done and told him it's not as scary as everyone makes it.

Asked Rallis if he preferred DB or LB. He just wants to be on the field, but likes LB because "there's more hitting", in addition to covering duties.

Me and Ben Perry cannot put caps back onto Sharpies. We tried 3 times and failed. Lol.

I told Q he looks too rested to be the father newborn twins. He shook his head and said "All they do is eat and sleep, man".

My best picture was with Keanon Cooper. I got him to do the "4 Horseman" hand gesture with me for a pic. That's gonna be a FB profile pic, I can feel it! :)

The Communications staff talked me to for 10 minutes or so afterward to get my reaction to the locker room, the day, the unis, the players. They said they may post a Blog update on it all on Can't believe I'm that newsworthy, but I'll be honest, I'm checking daily. :)

As for my poster, it was signed by all of them and it's been turned in for framing already. Hoping to have it up by the weekend. :D

Great stuff. Yeah, I wanted to be early as well, but unfortunately my wife had to work until 3 so that's when I picked her up.. From there (Golden Valley) to The U took the full hour thanks to traffic. We literally showed up RIGHT at 4. So I didn't get to talk to any of the communication staff (Andy/Ryan).

Coach Kill's office was pretty cool, though.

Great stuff. Yeah, I wanted to be early as well, but unfortunately my wife had to work until 3 so that's when I picked her up.. From there (Golden Valley) to The U took the full hour thanks to traffic. We literally showed up RIGHT at 4. So I didn't get to talk to any of the communication staff (Andy/Ryan).

Coach Kill's office was pretty cool, though.

GV, huh? That's funny. That's where I stay every summer when I visit. My roommate from the U lives there with his wife. They're in the townhouses behind Down In The Valley and Davanni's.

Andy and the crew were so awesome to me. Andy gave me the quick 10-minute tour (I'm sure he had crud to do) of the suites, press area, saw the B1G review booth, etc. He was going to try to get me the field view, but the door wouldn't respond to his keycard. It was covered in snow anyway.

I DID see Kill's little nook office too. All the communications guys where in there doing their thing. Only disappointment (if you wanna call it that) was no Goldy. Thought for sure I woulda crossed out "pic with gopher" on my bucket list!

EDIT: They added the blog about me over at GopherSports 5 minutes after I got word I'm on the Dean's List for the 3rd term in a row. Not a bad day at the office!

So that was you with the backwards hat? Nace!

So that was you with the backwards hat? Nace!

Haha. Yep, that was me. That's pretty much my standard Gopher game gear. Hope I didn't look like too much of a delinquent. I'll be sporting pretty much the same duds at Breslin tonight too. Tubby Time!

For those that need more validation that recruits heavily weigh uniforms, here is a quote from North Carolina hoops player:

"We definitely get excited about it. I think players care about the way they look," North Carolina point guard Kendall Marshall said. "I know if I played football, Oregon would be in my top five no matter who I was."

Go Gophers!!

Are we allowed to wear gold when they wear their dark color?

NCAA rules require visiting teams to wear white jerseys unless a petition is done prior to and approved for that game. So no, can't wear gold.

Haha. Yep, that was me. That's pretty much my standard Gopher game gear. Hope I didn't look like too much of a delinquent. I'll be sporting pretty much the same duds at Breslin tonight too. Tubby Time!

Nice, have fun!! Yeah, I was lookin' like a rube myself with my Gopher hoodie and hat.

@NSandell: McDonald wasn't understated when talk of the new #Gophers uniforms was brought up: "I love them, I love them, I LOVE THEM"

Go Gophers!!

Are we going to get the 'funky' pro-combat uniforms still as well?? I know there were rumors of pro-combats awhile back, but the new uniforms use the pro-combat technology. I wasn't sure if this is what they meant or we'll still get a the crazy designed pro-combats as well.

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