All Things COVID-19 College Football Impact

This is an interesting read from a Managing Partner and General Counsel of a chain of 13 emergency clinics in Texas. Lots of cases, very mild symptoms. Most are given antibiotics and a steroid shot, and are better within 2-3 days.


The misconceptions that I bulleted and addressed. Again, the view in the medical and scientific community has changed from "Masks are used for prevention" to "Masks are used for risk reduction and spread." So at the time of those recommendations, based on the information we had available, that recommendation made sense, we should preserve PPE for hospitals. But those recommendations were all built on data and viewpoints we have about pandemic flu. Then we started to find out new information, as I have already outlined.

Just because a handful of people don't know how to use a mask doesn't mean we should all not wear them.

Also you keep saying Fauci like he's the leader of everything, he's only reacting to what the science and medicine that comes available says. Would you rather people dig in to their original viewpoints even when confronted with strong evidence that says they were wrong?

You keep bending over backwards to defend Fauci. I’ll just assume you’re a big fan. You haven’t changed my mind about his 180 on masks, so let’s just move on.

One Walmart store in the Twin Cities had 17 cashiers/store workers test positive for CoVid-19 within a thirty-day period.

Which store? Can you tell me where I can read about this? I can’t find anything.

You keep bending over backwards to defend Fauci. I’ll just assume you’re a big fan. You haven’t changed my mind about his 180 on masks, so let’s just move on.
I'm defending the scientific and medical community. I'm not really a big fan, anyone in his position with the same credentials would have done the same. He's no saint, and he's no antichrist.

My views are in no way shaped by political viewpoints, please do not use that lens when reading my posts.

And in reference to the tweets above! I believe it! I work with and know many ED doctors, my fiance is one of them. There is no big conspiracy among doctors and scientists even if it is portrayed that way. Which is why I said this to MplsGopher earlier:

"Thanks MG, I should clarify that if done in an optimized way, we prevent a lot of deaths by encouraging heard immunity in the less vulnerable populations first. Which is why you won't see me pointing to increased cases as a measure of the sky is falling, but we have to keep an eye on the weeks concurrent and following that healthcare capacity and deaths don't also increase drastically. The current trend is that the younger population is the newer caseloads, hopefully this means a lot of new immunity with low complications."​
The ED is one measure of things, we also have to keep an eye on inpatient and ICU hospital beds. But as long as those don't overflow, Gopher football hear we come!

This is an interesting read from a Managing Partner and General Counsel of a chain of 13 emergency clinics in Texas. Lots of cases, very mild symptoms. Most are given antibiotics and a steroid shot, and are better within 2-3 days.

Also, I will add, look at the CDC providing facts that match up with your viewpoint:

In Texas only 8.3% of inpatient beds are occupied by COVID patients. In the hardest hit state currently, Arizona, 16.8% of inpatient beds are occupied by COVID. It's almost like the doctors are sticking to the facts not the feelings, hm.

Edit: Sorry that was snarky.

This is an interesting read from a Managing Partner and General Counsel of a chain of 13 emergency clinics in Texas. Lots of cases, very mild symptoms. Most are given antibiotics and a steroid shot, and are better within 2-3 days.

Hospitalizations have mirrored the rise in cases. Mild cases don't end up in the hospital.

Which store? Can you tell me where I can read about this? I can’t find anything.

It was on Facebook.
Which store? Can you tell me where I can read about this? I can’t find anything.

I saw it posted on Facebook. I can't find it again. You may have to do a search: Walmart tested positive for coronavirus or something like that.

It was on Facebook.

I saw it posted on Facebook. I can't find it again. You may have to do a search: Walmart tested positive for coronavirus or something like that.

I did a search and came up empty. Oh, well.

Hospitalizations have mirrored the rise in cases. Mild cases don't end up in the hospital.

A much lower percentage of TX patients testing positive are being hospitalized, compared to a couple months back. Of course, that could change over the next week or two, if some of them don’t recover. We’ll see! There’s a “hospitalization rate” chart somewhere in this article. It’s currently 8.28%.


The Ivy League is considering a 7 game schedule (Conf games only) which could be in the spring. These were the smart people that cancelled everything a couple of days before the rest of the USA way back in March.

They do not send their teams to the 1AA playoffs, so they could in theory be an outlier and do whatever and whenever the heck they want to do.


The Ivy League is considering a 7 game schedule (Conf games only) which could be in the spring. These were the smart people that cancelled everything a couple of days before the rest of the USA way back in March.

They do not send their teams to the 1AA playoffs, so they could in theory be an outlier and do whatever and whenever the heck they want to do.

They can do whatever they want, none of there teams are good.? Only question is how much money would they have to give the non conference schools that are scheduled for declining to play.

Fauci says vaccine by end of the year is still possible. He has credibility, we posters have none.

Herd immunity won’t be achieved until we have a vaccine. Right now likely less than 15% of the population has been infected and maybe less than 10%. End of the year isn’t going to magically jump up 50% more. Maybe 20-25% by the end of the year, meaning probably 300k dead.

Many of the dead in Minnesota would have died in 2020 anyway (they had long term care directives in place). Watch the number of actual deaths in 2020 compared to 2019, that will tell us how lethal this virus is.

Here is one in Massachusetts back in May -

Are CoVid-19 cases higher?

Most likely stores today try to keep CoVid-19 info away from the public eye.

Thanks, but I don’t care about the Walmart in Massachusetts. I think if a Twin Cities Walmart had 17 cases in a 30 period, they likely would have closed down for at least a few days, and it probably would have been newsworthy.

Thanks for the thoughtful posts Rah.

I disagree that everyone will get it before a vaccine arrives. But I’m mainly saying that out of hope, and not at all from expertise.
Since April 1st, we have averaged 27,831 cases per day. The population of the US is 328.2 million. At that rate, it would take 11,792 days or 32 years to infect everyone. Even using the broad assumption that the real # of cases is 10x the # of positive tests, it would still take over 3 years. I hope we have a vaccine before then.

7 Gopher Athletes from multiple sports positive for Covid-19 out of 170 tested.


7 Gopher Athletes from multiple sports positive for Covid-19 out of 170 tested.

Fantastic, let's hope more test positive early this summer so they can put it behind them, in fact, Morgan, Batement, Ibrahim should get infected now.

follow @AlexBerenson on twitter.

Fantastic, let's hope more test positive early this summer so they can put it behind them, in fact, Morgan, Batement, Ibrahim should get infected now.

follow @AlexBerenson on twitter.
Ummm, what if they end up being outliers and suffer lung damage?

Ummm, what if they end up being outliers and suffer lung damage?

They're going to get it anyway, so are you unless (1) you already have corona virus antibodies, (2) a vaccine arrives first. Look at the numbers, young people have more risk from the flu.

7 Gopher Athletes from multiple sports positive for Covid-19 out of 170 tested.

Shouldn't cancel a thing, for those who aren't positive. Keep testing them. Testing/screening protocol is working.

Very likely those positive will be asymptomatic or mild and recover just fine.

They're going to get it anyway, so are you unless (1) you already have corona virus antibodies, (2) a vaccine arrives first. Look at the numbers, young people have more risk from the flu.
A vaccine will arrive well before the majority of people in the country are infected.

Is there a certain % needed before herd immunity starts to kick in, I'm just guessing that it isn't 100%
Correct, should be significantly smaller than that, but guessing no one knows for sure.

But look at Howeda's post. Even to 50% is another 1.5 years. Could things go wrong with the vaccine so that it isn't ready until the end of 2021? Yes, it could. Hopefully not though.

Correct, should be significantly smaller than that, but guessing no one knows for sure.

But look at Howeda's post. Even to 50% is another 1.5 years. Could things go wrong with the vaccine so that it isn't ready until the end of 2021? Yes, it could. Hopefully not though.
60-80% are estimates for herd immunity by epidemiologists, but yeah no one really knows. NYC is estimated to be at around 20% already.

I never have nor will deny they were concerned about saving PPE, because the healthcare system is really the only thing that matters in this whole thing. Pretty much everyone is going to get it, it spreads too fast for that not to be a reality, vaccines can't come fast enough. The only thing that matters is keeping healthcare systems from being overwhelmed, because if that happens COVID related and unrelated deaths sky rocket.

Please go ahead and read this paper:

You still have some misconceptions that have been addressed in the medical/scientific community:
  • " He was absolutely right about people touching their faces and masks. He touches his own mask all the time."
    • Influenza and colds predominantly spread through fomites/contact infection, this is part of the reason masks were viewed as ineffectual against COVID, however the literature has shown (from the linked paper):
      • However, a large proportion of the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) appears to be occurring through airborne transmission of aerosols produced by asymptomatic individuals during breathing and speaking (13).
  • "PE made a good point above about homemade cloth masks. Those are almost worthless, and give some people a false sense of security. Sure, they will capture huge blobs of snot if you sneeze, but what about microscopic dropouts that can supposedly stay suspended in the air for hours. I also wonder how often people are washing those cloth masks."
    • From the paper: Masks provide a critical barrier, reducing the number of infectious viruses in exhaled breath, especially of asymptomatic people and those with mild symptoms (12) (see the figure). Surgical mask material reduces the likelihood and severity of COVID-19 by substantially reducing airborne viral concentrations (13). Masks can also protect uninfected individuals from SARS-CoV-2 aerosols and droplets (13, 14). Thus, it is particularly important to wear masks in locations with conditions that can accumulate high concentrations of viruses, such as health care settings, airplanes, restaurants, and other crowded places with reduced ventilation. The aerosol filtering efficiency of different materials, thicknesses, and layers used in properly fitted homemade masks was recently found to be similar to that of the medical masks that were tested (14). Thus, the option of universal masking is no longer held back by shortages.
    • Of course N95 > Surgical mask > Cloth mask....but if your only aim is to slow the spread, then a cloth mask is better than no masks.

Many/most cloth masks I see are made of cotton, and many appear to be low quality, low thread cotton although I’m not very good at guessing thread count by appearance. While the referenced study indicates some multilayer, high thread count, or other layered masks can be very effective and even better than medical grade masks the filtration curve varies wildly and lower thread count, single layer (eg #80 cotton) particularly at the more realistic 3.2 CFM is not great (still better than nothing), and poor fit is also a major factor. Check out the filtration efficiency for low thread count cotton and I see these too often. Personally I’d prefer a standardized, NIOSH certified standard mask for every person so we don’t have to guess but there is no inertia in that direction.

There is some concern masks make people less likely to maintain the 3-6 minimum distancing out of a false sense of security.
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Here's the full press release from the Gophers:

Minnesota Conducts 170 COVID-19 Tests

The University of Minnesota department of athletics conducted 170 COVID-19 tests during June and seven student-athletes from multiple sports tested positive.

Student-athletes who test positive are entered into protocol and are asked to self-isolate. During this time they will have access to all necessary resources and food and will be in daily communication with members of Minnesota’s athletic medicine staff. Student-athletes will undergo additional testing and screening before they may physically participate in team activities. A team physician must also clear the student-athlete before they are permitted to return to athletic activity.

Contact tracing was conducted and any individual who was potentially exposed was asked to quarantine to help prevent spread of the virus.

Many/most cloth masks I see are made of cotton, and many appear to be low quality, low thread cotton although I’m not very good at guessing thread count by appearance. While the referenced study indicates some multilayer, high thread count, or other layered masks can be very effective and even better than medical grade masks the filtration curve varies wildly and lower thread count, single layer (eg #80 cotton) particularly at the more realistic 3.2 CFM, and poor fit is a major factor. Check out the filtration efficiency for low thread count cotton and I see these too often. Personally I’d prefer a standardized, NIOSH certified standard mask for every person so we don’t have to guess but there is no inertia in that direction.
Thanks for the reference, I don’t know if I’d seen this one. It sure would be nice getting some standardization from the gov (with support outside of the CDC), Still have to get people on the train of something is better than nothing first.

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