All things biking.

Dang it. I missed it! Got check out the replay. Shoot!

Must be old age, I swear, I have no other explanation; but I almost kinda got emotional seeing Cavendish cross the finish line and in the post-race footage. Truly historic day in sports, not just cycling. 39 years old, to put the jets on and pass Jasper Philipsen who is just a physical freak, probably the strongest bike rider on the planet right now.

Must be old age, I swear, I have no other explanation; but I almost kinda got emotional seeing Cavendish cross the finish line and in the post-race footage. Truly historic day in sports, not just cycling. 39 years old, to put the jets on and pass Jasper Philipsen who is just a physical freak, probably the strongest bike rider on the planet right now.
Honestly, never thought he would win another stage. In fact, was starting to get annoyed with the mentioning of it. Shows you what I know.

Honestly, never thought he would win another stage. In fact, was starting to get annoyed with the mentioning of it. Shows you what I know.

He really illustrated the art of bike racing today, for sure.

I would have said that for the bunch sprints, spring stages, it's just shear power, laying down 1500+ Watts for 100-150 or 200 meters; may the best man win. But Cavendish has shown over the years that you really have to know how to race your bike. Watching him over the last 500-750 meters, how he navigated the other riders, got on the right wheels, and picked his spot to attack.

It was an absolute clinic.

I was putting off watching it but now I really need to watch the Netflix special on Cavendish. It's supposed to be really good

I have a love/hate deal going with e-bikes...

The hate part:

  • People who think they're getting exercise by riding an e-bike are equivalent to someone taking the escalator and thinking they've just climbed a flight of stairs.
My e-bike is a pedal assist only bike. I get plenty of exercise on it.

Every day strong and determined men bicycle between the Vic Falls and Livingstone Zambia carrying sugar and other commodities which they can sell for a small profit. The problem is that there are elephants who cluster around the Maramba River Bridge who will gladly attack a biker in order to gorge themselves on the goodies that the biker carries. Even today they were were bikers lined up at The Maramba River Bridge ready to cross when obviously there were elephants waiting to attack them. Seriously, how difficult is your life?

Looks as though Jasper was relegated.

I want to like Philipsen, I really do. He's extremely talented. But he really does have a well-documented history of being very reckless in the bunch sprints. Seems to be part of the game almost though with the really talented guys? I remember Peter Sagan, when he was dominating the Green Jersey, was fairly controversial in many of the sprint stages he was involved in.

Looking for at least a small shakeup in the GC leaderboard after the Time Trial today. I don't think this is Remco's year (his TDF debut) but I think he takes a dent out of Pogacar's lead today. He's got the TT skill to make up some time on the leader I think, but not enough to take Yellow.

At this point, with how strong his team looks and Visma doesn't look that strong, I would have said the Tour is almost over already, nobody can catch Pogacar. But looking at the last week of the race, particularly the last several days, there are some brutal days there that should favor Jonas at least a little bit.

Love having a TT on the last Stage, especially if it's close enough to make a difference. And for a TT, it looks like kind of a brutal course, one that can absolutely see some changes in the leaderboard.

That being said, the next 4-6 days look relatively boring after today's TT.

Remco wins the stage in spite of losing pressure in his rear tire, according to the commentators. TT. Fortunately it was close to the finish.

I really didn’t realize the magnitude of the injuries Remco Evenepoel suffered in 2020. Seen a little clip on it recently. Wow.

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