Agree to disagree; not seeing how you are show demonstrating a reasonable connection, i.e, dominoes ; you/me/or anyone else saying it’s connected , doesn’t make it so.
It’s your opinion (subjective) and not based on data (objective) from what I can ascertain - there is no causal link whatsoever between trading Correra, which you seem to deem a full
rebuild,whereas I and likely others wouldn’t, to games being on TV (My god, they traded Correra: cancel the TV Deal now), to a deal not happening for new ownership

Additionally, none of your four events below :
If they go full rebuild (your opinion)
the games aren't on TV (assumption)
attendance plummets (assumption)
the sale of the team falls (assumption)
Would seem l to have an effect on there possibility being an MLB Lockout; if I’m missing something, please feel free to explain to me how they’re connected m