Near an all l-time high? How are you quantifying this so it’s objective (facts) vs. subjective (opinion)?
I’m using attendance, as that’s a data point which can be readily compared against years; the benchmark being used is 1M season attendance - while this may seem artificially low at this juncture, the points I’m making will hopefully elucidate its value.
The team has won 3 of the last 6 division titles and broke the playoff losing streak and won a series in 2023, so two seasons ago; they almost drew 2M people last two seasons, and last season had just slightly less than the aforementioned 2023 season (1,951,616 vs. 1,974.124).
Now in you want to discuss some Real Apathy
Sherman, you need to step into the
WaybackMachine with
Mr. Peabody (amazing cartoon from my youth) and me and take a trip to 1995-2000 & the early 80s.
Starting with the 95 (after the good vibes from ‘91 WS were in the rearview, attendance pummeled; we were dead last in AL attendance 4 times and twice barely drew 1M fans: 1995 & 2000. In 2001, is when the Twins were voted to be contracted.
From 1980-1983, we drew well under 1M fans and in two those seasons, the average per game attendance was under 10K in 1980 & 81. We weren’t competitive on last in AL attendance 3 out of those 4 years.
Those were the days when you knew if you were really a fan.
There were also those types of levels in the early 70s, as well.
I’m not sure how old you are, but were you a fan when they almost were contracted, in the early 80s? I count my fandom from then, as I was a middle schooler and had more sports awareness than I did as a grade schooler.
One bonus in getting older is that my perspective has increased; not because I’m smarter, you young whipper snapper, but because I’ve simply got more tread on my tires; wisdom is earned, not learned - as a mentor likes to remind me.
All data in my post is curtesy of baseball reference -
Minnesota Twins Attendance, Stadiums, and Park Factors