All Things 2024-25 Minnesota Timberwolves In-Season Thread

Reusse's take is laughable as usual. This team needs to play together with the new pieces. Not go 10-11-12 deep on night 1. Randle and Naz's inside D was horrible last night. They have proven they are much better than that in the past. Garza isn't the answer to improve the interior D.

They were slow and sloppy, much like they were when they dropped game 1 in Toronto last season. It'll take them a few games to get their legs under them and figure out how to play together.

Reusse's take is laughable as usual. This team needs to play together with the new pieces. Not go 10-11-12 deep on night 1. Randle and Naz's inside D was horrible last night. They have proven they are much better than that in the past. Garza isn't the answer to improve the interior D.

They were slow and sloppy, much like they were when they dropped game 1 in Toronto last season. It'll take them a few games to get their legs under them and figure out how to play together.
Naz is a poor defender inside and always will be.

I'd have loved to see Garza or Minnot get some minutes last night. We had no energy and were flat. Garza would have at least bodied up Davis. Try something! Minnot is instant energy off the bench and I would have loved to see him in the first half when we looked putrid.

Really bad opening night. Let's hope that's all it was. Randle did nothing on either end except refuse to hustle. Ant played hero ball in the fourth. The offense looked congested the defense looked wide open. On to Sactown.
When Finch went to small ball in the 2nd Quarter, he stayed with it way too long and the Lakers went on a 15 - 0 run and won the Quarter br 14 points. The Wolves won the other three (3) Quarters.

* Randle is still out of shape and looked disinterested on defense all night.

* Jaden will never live up to his contract IMO. I'm not sure I can recall someone his size being a worse rebounder.

* I sure hope Conley hasn't hit the wall at his age. His reliable defense was even non-existent.

* Ant and Julius both pound the rock into the center of the Earth on offense.

* Not even a whiff of the court for Minott, Dilly and TSJ when everyone but NAW and Rudy were having terrible nights.

* We seem to have gone from one (1) of the biggest teams in the NBA to playing like one (1) of the smallest.

Just a single game...lots of knee jerk reactions by myself, but if they don't play with more intensity on defense tomorrow night, SAC is going to run us out of the gym.

Naz is a poor defender inside and always will be.
Naz had the fourth highest Defensive Player Rating in the entire NBA last year and four of the Top 6 were Wolves (Kyle, NAW, Reid and Gobert).

I agree with you on one (1) thing, wouldn't know that about Naz just by watching him play at times. He was terrible last night.

Last night was bad—there's no way around that. The Lakers are not a very good team, and we let one guy kill us all night (he does that to a lot of teams).

I agree that Randle was horrible on both ends. You would think the new guy in town would want to impress night one.

Donte wasn't hitting shots all night. I hope this season doesn't go where we have to have Donte hitting to win. That's too much for one guy who has only had one really good season.

They need another big that can rebound. Naz and Randolph are not quality rebounders.

They need a vet PG for when Conely misses games. Relying on Dilly and pg by committee is not a good plan IMO.

It’s one game, right?
No big deal. It will take time for them to gel. The Mavs were horrible for a good size chunk of the regular season, last year.

If there are issues after 10% of the season has been played, then I’ll furrow a brow.

Naz is a poor defender inside and always will be.

I'd have loved to see Garza or Minnot get some minutes last night. We had no energy and were flat. Garza would have at least bodied up Davis. Try something! Minnot is instant energy off the bench and I would have loved to see him in the first half when we looked putrid.
A few minutes of Garza would have turned a 35 point Davis night into a 50 point Davis night. There's a lot to criticize about Finch's decisions and the wolves play last night. The decision not to play Garza against any of the Laker bigs is not one of them.

A few minutes of Garza would have turned a 35 point Davis night into a 50 point Davis night. There's a lot to criticize about Finch's decisions and the wolves play last night. The decision not to play Garza against any of the Laker bigs is not one of them.
Could have put Garza in when David sat. I don't think a couple of bench guys would have been the difference but I would have given a few a couple of minutes to see if the energy improved.

Could have put Garza in when David sat. I don't think a couple of bench guys would have been the difference but I would have given a few a couple of minutes to see if the energy improved.
Hayes, Rui and LeBron would have killed him. He hustles like crazy and he's easy to root for. The reality is that he's a slow, undersized big with a decent outside shot. He remains a liability on defense. A really big team like the Lakers would pounce on him.

Hayes, Rui and LeBron would have killed him. He hustles like crazy and he's easy to root for. The reality is that he's a slow, undersized big with a decent outside shot. He remains a liability on defense. A really big team like the Lakers would pounce on him.
No more than Naz trying to guard bigger players.

No more than Naz trying to guard bigger players.
It is apparent that the wolves have left themselves undersized but I would take Naz over Luka on both ends against any of the Laker bigs. Naz rotated with KAT and Rudy last year. Luka rotated between Minneapolis and Iowa.

It's fun to root for Luka. He wasn't going to help the cause last night.

It is apparent that the wolves have left themselves undersized but I would take Naz over Luka on both ends against any of the Laker bigs. Naz rotated with KAT and Rudy last year. Luka rotated between Minneapolis and Iowa.

It's fun to root for Luka. He wasn't going to help the cause last night.
I'm taking about Garza, Minot, Dilly getting a couple of minutes, not 20.

A few minutes of Garza would have turned a 35 point Davis night into a 50 point Davis night. There's a lot to criticize about Finch's decisions and the wolves play last night. The decision not to play Garza against any of the Laker bigs is not one of them.
The wolves bigs watched Davis do anything he want. Davis all but danced on their graves.

Garza would body up and at least give a schit. If Garza would have been destroyed, it would have been no different.

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