All Things 2023 Minnesota Twins In-Season Thread

Lets go! Great pitching win.

The final pitch to Robert is what I wanted us to throw Anderson when he had 2 strikes, 3 times. But eventually Duran went to it and got Robert.

Me. I came down with Pinkeye right after the 4th of July.

The doctor said that the bad air contributes to the Pinkeye “epidemic” right now
Apparently viruses and bacteria are the most common causes but it also can be allergies and irritation from chemicals. I didn’t realize that.

Squander a prime scoring chance in the 1st. Immediately give up a run in the 2nd.

Buxton is a fucking joke.

Watch the young kids bat and learn how to go the other way you loser. This dude does not ever try to even have productive ABs.

Now our stupid ass 3B coach gets us thrown out at home with 1 out. Fucking moron.

LMAO fail to score again. IMmediately give up a homer to Sox again.

This is why this team cannot get seperation in this awful division. BEat outselves with selfish hitters like Buxton refusing to do their job. And in competent coaches like fat fuck Tommy.

That doesn't help you get Polanco and Julien in the lineup at the same time though... I think Polanco is fine at 3B.
Polanco can hardly throw the ball from 2nd to first let alone across the Diamond. He also is not the most agile player anymore given his age and his knees. The answer is the Buxton needs to not be the DH every game. If Buxton just sits then you can play Polanco and Julien in the line-up. Buxton being the full time DH is putting a huge roadblock in the twins creating their best line-up. Which is funny cause the twins always talk about putting their players in the best situation to succeed, but the front offices roster management and construction constrains that.

Giolito has 80 pitches through 4 innings. We have had 8 base runners.

We have ZERO fucking runs.

Also doesnt help that this dipshit ump has rung us up on 3-2 counts twice that were blatant balls.

The fact that you as a professional hitter can just accept a called third strike on a pitch that might have been 4 centimeters off the plate is getting ridiculous. Swing the damn bat and try.

I’m sorry that pitch to MAT was a strike. You can’t take that pitch.

It was off the plate. Juliens pitch nearly beaned him and was called a strike. Same pitch was then called a ball 4 to Kepler like it should be.

Hes been all over the place. Only reason why Taylor did himself no favors is that in 2 ABs he swung or check swung at every pitch besides that.

This game is the epitomy of why we are constantly treading water.

8 base runners no runs.

White sox 2 hits, 2 homers through 4.

Then in the 5th. 1 out bloop single. Steal a base(shoulda been thrown out by 10 feet), advances to third on throw(shoulda been picked). Then single in run since infield is in.

Just not winning baseball.

Guessed wrong
Can't be guessing with 2 strikes.

The Twins have now surpassed the Giants for most strikeouts looking in the league. It's one thing to be first in looking or swinging but to be last in both is quite an accomplishment.

This just feels like a loss from the very start. Can't get anything going on offense and slowly giving up runs here and there to build on the lead. Need to change that in that later innings.

Make that 101 pitches through 5 and 10 base runners. 0 runners. Cannot make that shit up. Fucking inempt.

Why in the flying fuck is Solano batting clean up??? To split up the lefties?? Had no problem batting the lefties together the first two games.

3 pathetic ABs by Solano. 3 ks. The last one almost hit him in the face. Enjoy riding the pine when Polanco comes back. Gutless.

Buxton is fucking horrendous get him out of the fucking lineup.

A double and the 3 K’s with two of them looking. Almost be back to just guessing what pitch is coming.

Joe Kelly just struck out 3 against us.

Taylor looks at one right down the middle.

12 Ks through 6 innings. 11 base runners. 0 runs.

Fucking insanity.

It was off the plate. Juliens pitch nearly beaned him and was called a strike. Same pitch was then called a ball 4 to Kepler like it should be.

Hes been all over the place. Only reason why Taylor did himself no favors is that in 2 ABs he swung or check swung at every pitch besides that.
No it was not. Go look at the mlb app and you will see it painted the corner. Either way it was too close to take. There is striking out swinging and then there is just standing there and taking strike 3.

Remember this next time anyone suggests you can’t get Julien and Polanco in the line-up at the same time with one of them not playing their base. The gigantic roadblock that is Buxton in the DH spot is an issue to putting the most competitive team on the field day in and day out.

Our bullpen is rounding into form a bit.

Stewart and Theilbar back and still add one more good arm.

Can't be guessing with 2 strikes.

The Twins have now surpassed the Giants for most strikeouts looking in the league. It's one thing to be first in looking or swinging but to be last in both is quite an accomplishment.
What your guess/theory then?
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Our only sweeps this year are Royals(2) and A's.

Fucking pathetic.

The White Sox continue to be such a disaster in the field. It’s remarkable.

How in the world are our young hitters supposed to improve if we never let them have a shot??

Wallner just got fucking pinch hit for by fucking VAZQUEZ. Are you shitting me?? Rocco needs to gtfo and stop stunting growth.

1 out and a runner on first. You want a guy with a sub .600 OPS up?? How about the guy with power?? To hit the gap?? THe guy that is 2-2 with a walk and HBP.

Nah, bring in the guy whose actually a liability to hit into a DP at any moment.

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