Where in the report does it say this????????? I read the report, nowhere does it say this
A12's account on page 55 of the report (page 57 of the PDF)...
"A12 entered A2 bedroom while A5 was having vaginal sex with RS from on
top of her. The lights were turned off. RS saw A12 and then said, "I don't want to"
and "this is too many people" and "don't send people in here." RS repeatedly said that
she was in pain. A5 did not respond by stopping or changing his activities. A12
reported that it did not look like A5 was doing anything out of the ordinary with RS
A12 did not think that RS was trying to physically push A5 away. A12 ultimately
concluded that "it didn't feel right , .. Sometimes it didn't seem like she was into it."
A12 left the bedroom after about twenty seconds."
From further along it A12's account on the same page...
"At another point, these men were listening to A5 and RS engage in sexual contact from
outside of the bedroom. A12 recalled, "from the stuff she said, it didn't seem like she
was into it. She said something and [the men present] decided it was messed up . . . She said
something that made it seem like it wasn't the right thing to be doing. They told A2 to
get A5 out of the room. A2 said, 'no man, she straight.'" A12 does not recall what
RS said that caused this concern. RS later said something else that caused the men
concem. She possibly said, "don't send any more people in."