After Reading the Report Thoughts

There is a lot of he said she said stuff but one thing is for sure, these players if proven to be involved, should get what was recommended. There is a lot of grey area here between consensual and non-consensual, but fact is, they put themselves into this situation. As did she. Now they all have to live/deal with it. And before you people get mad at me for saying that about her, come on, don't get so drunk. Don't go with guys/gals who you do not trust with your life. Lots of bad people in this world. Lots of stupid people in this world. Protect yourself at all times.

Anyone remember the Duke lacrosse issue. Didn't think so.

Caught in lies AND met with the alleged ringleader of the attackers shortly after the attack - but this was due to shock and awe. I think the biggest thing the girl and EOAA need to try to explain away is the video - pretty clear she did not mention that to the police (for obvious reasons) and with the EOAA finding that she was not intoxicated - this cannot be explained as anything but an attempt to lie.

You're talking petty details, the complete disregard of any compassion and empathy is beyond appalling, even if things cannot be proven from a legal standpoint the primary suspects should and will be gone, athlete or non athlete.

You're talking petty details

I am talking about a piece of irrefutable evidence that at some point in time - she consented to sexual activities w/ 2 of the alleged 'attackers' at the same time. A piece of evidence that she fails to tell police about before sending them out to investigate a rape allegation. I want to see the full police transcript of her first police interview to confirm that she stated the initial sexual encounter was consensual. If she left out this fact - her credibility should be questioned. My assumption is that this was the reason why the police did not purse this case.

The report is important but biased. The EOAA has a definite axe to grind.

I am talking about a piece of irrefutable evidence that at some point in time - she consented to sexual activities w/ 2 of the alleged 'attackers' at the same time. A piece of evidence that she fails to tell police about before sending them out to investigate a rape allegation. I want to see the full police transcript of her first police interview to confirm that she stated the initial sexual encounter was consensual. If she left out this fact - her credibility should be questioned. My assumption is that this was the reason why the police did not purse this case.

Don't be so sure its going to remain that way, from talking to people, sounds like they might reopen the case "in light of new evidence"

Don't be so sure its going to remain that way, from talking to people, sounds like they might reopen the case "in light of new evidence"

I agree with you in that this will appear in court again, but it will be in civil court where the players are suing the woman for false accusations.

You're talking petty details, the complete disregard of any compassion and empathy is beyond appalling, even if things cannot be proven from a legal standpoint the primary suspects should and will be gone, athlete or non athlete.

+1000 Argue the severity of discipline, argue he said she said, argue due process but the players total disrespect for women as seen in their actions and afterwards in texts is inexcusable.

I would bet you $1M that the players' definition of a consensual sexual act will differ from that of the EOAA - especially when it comes to gangbangs (where I would bet the players have much more experience than the EOAA). I would further wager that the players' definition will be closer aligned to that of the general public.

That said - the EOAA and U write the rules and attending the U and playing football is a privilege and not a right.

My guess is if you asked the general public if they approve of gang bangs, consensual or otherwise, the "for" percentage would come in at less than 30%.

I am talking about a piece of irrefutable evidence that at some point in time - she consented to sexual activities w/ 2 of the alleged 'attackers' at the same time. A piece of evidence that she fails to tell police about before sending them out to investigate a rape allegation. I want to see the full police transcript of her first police interview to confirm that she stated the initial sexual encounter was consensual. If she left out this fact - her credibility should be questioned. My assumption is that this was the reason why the police did not purse this case.

It is obvious the level of sexual intimidation is off the charts, that is why you need documents like the Student Conduct Code, without idiots like this you would not have to get to a level of minute detail that those documents express, I never understood the reason or meaning for it, these guys are the poster child for why you need it, I hope it works.

I agree with you in that this will appear in court again, but it will be in civil court where the players are suing the woman for false accusations.

That is the only possible way this makes it to a courtroom. There is ZERO chance these guys are ever convicted in a criminal court for rape. I highly doubt the girl at this point would even agree to help police in an re-opened inquiry. I think they caught her in a lie over the video tape - which is why the criminal complaint went away.

My guess is if you asked the general public if they approve of gang bangs, consensual or otherwise, the "for" percentage would come in at less than 30%.

I agree - but the % of people that think sex needs to be a continuing checklist and verbal consent prior to contact will be close to 0%. I doubt the EOAA use that checklist in their own sex lives.

Just read the first half of the report, you have to be an absolute a$$clown if you want these guys on the University of Minnesota Campus. A$$clown, A$$hat, whatever. Thank God for Erik Kaler and Mark Coyle, that's all I have to say.

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Plenty of college students have sex with people they just met. Definitely common.

However.....the gang sex and the onlookers.....seems very odd to me. In the span of one year.....we have had players on both the football AND basketball team engage in this. I simply do not see the appeal....

I recall after the basketball incident that someone here or on the FAN, said such things were not uncommon for the hockey team.

I agree with you in that this will appear in court again, but it will be in civil court where the players are suing the woman for false accusations.

In trump america, probably true

Just read the first half of the report, you have to be an absolute a$$clown if you want these guys on the University of Minnesota Campus. A$$clown, A$$hat, whatever. Thank God for Erik Kaler and Mark Coyle, that's all I have to say.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk read her statement and nothing else? ok...thank goodness you weren't the judge in my custody case
with what I was accused of. Oh btw I have full custody. Because in America we don't read just one half of the story.
And before you lose your mind, i'm not condoning rape, far from it, if that in fact is what happened. But I read both
the police and EOAA reports, twice, and I find A LOT of contradictions from both the players and the woman. Which
means neither of them remembered exactly what happened that night. One question I have, was this woman lawyered
up at the time of the police testimony and at the time of the EOAA testimony?
The thing that moves my mind in one direction over the other, are the pieces of actual evidence over first hand reports by
individuals, namely the results of the medical exam and the fact she wouldn't share that with the EOAA...

All of these arguments are like arguing about the outcome of the book at the end of the each chapter. Speculation will always be present, but to assert that anyone is right or wrong here is incredibly premature.

-When the players got suspended, there was a here we go again with athletic department rapists
-Then we find out there is no criminal charges, the other side chimes in and says I told you it was BS
-Then the Restraining Orders, the other side was justified that these guys were in the wrong
-Restraining Orders dropped, players vindicated again
-Players suspended, back the other way
-Ugly EOAA report, nail in the coffin for the awful players

I figure that we are now about at the midpoint of this deal. Expect to see the pendulum to swingt several more times and I am sure at each point each side will proclaim righteousness.

Major cluster f

The U needs good boosters like they have in other places to hook the players up. Like say Louisville lol

Therefore the woman should be expelled also, it's pretty clear she is an athlete, cheerleader and she definitely violated the code of conduct or your code of conduct. It was prior the the alleged assault however the assault doesn't absolve her.

I think agreeing to sex with an intoxicated the 17 year old recruit would prove to be a violation of the honor code if not statutory rape. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

All of these arguments are like arguing about the outcome of the book at the end of the each chapter. Speculation will always be present, but to assert that anyone is right or wrong here is incredibly premature.

-When the players got suspended, there was a here we go again with athletic department rapists
-Then we find out there is no criminal charges, the other side chimes in and says I told you it was BS
-Then the Restraining Orders, the other side was justified that these guys were in the wrong
-Restraining Orders dropped, players vindicated again
-Players suspended, back the other way
-Ugly EOAA report, nail in the coffin for the awful players

I figure that we are now about at the midpoint of this deal. Expect to see the pendulum to swingt several more times and I am sure at each point each side will proclaim righteousness.

The university administration stand is not going to change, if player boycott causes the bowl game to be canceled so be it, if next season or all seasons are cancelled so be it, nothing is going to change that. There is no rock or hard place, it is what it is, going to the Board of Regents is not going change anything, the only thing that will is if the players soften there stand on the boycott.

All of these arguments are like arguing about the outcome of the book at the end of the each chapter. Speculation will always be present, but to assert that anyone is right or wrong here is incredibly premature.

-When the players got suspended, there was a here we go again with athletic department rapists
-Then we find out there is no criminal charges, the other side chimes in and says I told you it was BS
-Then the Restraining Orders, the other side was justified that these guys were in the wrong
-Restraining Orders dropped, players vindicated again
-Players suspended, back the other way
-Ugly EOAA report, nail in the coffin for the awful players

I figure that we are now about at the midpoint of this deal. Expect to see the pendulum to swingt several more times and I am sure at each point each side will proclaim righteousness.

Now we need the video of her eagerly this and thating x number of players. To swing it back the other way.

Wouldn't that be interesting, we don't know that the players don't have something like that up their sleeves.

The report is a nightmare mishmash and a revelation of a depraved sexual culture. The problems in assessing it are that the committee did not screen the video that convinced police the orgy was consensual, and it is very difficult to establish just how many males were involved and to what degree, given the memory lapses and mental confusion of the woman and the evasions of the men. Basically, it's a horror story that would take a very lengthy investigation to unravel, and that won't happen. Hence, no bowl and the probable collapse of the football program for years to come.

I've only read bits and pieces but:

-Whether the participating players broke the law, they absolutely violated the code of conduct and their punishment is warranted.

-Kaler and Coyle did a horrible job communicating this situation to the team. Blasting the names out in a news release and then refusing to answer questions was gutless. There should have been a team meeting before anything was released to the public. I think this entire situation could have been defused.

-I'm still not sure what to think about the players who wouldn't directly involved, but it feels unfair that they are lumped in with the others, and the punishment seems harsh.

-Coyle and Kaler should apologize for the way they communicated with the team.

I get the one night stand deal, but usually that's at least hours of flirting, courtship, conversation, dancing, etc....

You are way out of touch if this is how you think it happens. It is called Tinder (and others) and the accuser and one of the accused even discussed that they had connected on Tinder but never spoke.

Let me explain what Tinder is a phone app where you upload a picture and a short tag line about yourself...then you will get show photos/tags of others in your area that are interested in hooking up and you swipe left or right. If you swipe one way it is a interested and the other is a not interested. If you and the other person both swipe interested then you can chat, exchange info and/or arrange a meeting.

In many instances the tag is simple -DTF which means "down to f*k" The world has changed and in so many ways than it was just 5 or 10 years ago.

I've had plenty of one night stands (most don't last all night if you can avoid it) and am quit open about sexuality and it still amazes me how much things have changed.

An aside regarding the Empire text messages.
An uncomfortable reality is, there are probably 10,000 D1 college football players that espouse this culture and it doesn't just exist in Dinkytown.
Another uncomfortable reality is that people should probably acknowledge that Bierman is ultrasexed, including both males and females. This is a completely different reality from what the rest of us live in. And it has counterparts on college campuses all across the country.
This is a culture that lots have probably not wanted to acknowledge for awhile but maybe they should start being realistic. As fanbases across the country I think that lots of people have had some delusion, for years, that this is still supporting some sort of Wing-T & cardigan fantasy world, and they are "shocked!" when that is proven wrong.
This culture probably won't change until fanbases force it to change. And that isn't just a Dinkytown issue but one for all campuses. How and where does that change start? (probably with strong attempts at actual accountability, by EEEEEEVILLLLL entities such as EOAA, followed by real fanbase support for that accountability)

A related thought is that hopefully a lot of the "anti-PC crowd" can gain some higher understanding of what people mean when they say that "rape culture" exists and is an extremely pervasive and negative underlying thing in our society. Please open up your minds and make some new connections.

If Kill was still the coach, this gets handled much better. I don't know what he would have done, but he wouldn't have hid behind his players. Being a leader means being a leader in both good times, and in bad.

After listening to Mason talk about the situation on the Big 10 Network yesterday made me think he would have handled this much better, too.

I think our coach is a good coordinator, but is in no way wired to handle the huge responsibility of head coach. But what do I know?

You are way out of touch if this is how you think it happens. It is called Tinder (and others) and the accuser and one of the accused even discussed that they had connected on Tinder but never spoke.

Let me explain what Tinder is a phone app where you upload a picture and a short tag line about yourself...then you will get show photos/tags of others in your area that are interested in hooking up and you swipe left or right. If you swipe one way it is a interested and the other is a not interested. If you and the other person both swipe interested then you can chat, exchange info and/or arrange a meeting.

In many instances the tag is simple -DTF which means "down to f*k" The world has changed and in so many ways than it was just 5 or 10 years ago.

I've had plenty of one night stands (most don't last all night if you can avoid it) and am quit open about sexuality and it still amazes me how much things have changed.

Plus porn is so readily available just a click away and these young people, men & women, watch more than ever. They are more desensitized to sex than any group of people in recent history. Not saying what they did was right, I'm somewhere in the middle.

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I think agreeing to sex with an intoxicated the 17 year old recruit would prove to be a violation of the honor code if not statutory rape. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

You're disgusting.

Still calling on the pearl clutching sanctimonious crowd to explain this to me:

We do not find that these behaviors indicate that RS did not experience the sexual misconduct that she describes. Rather, we find that RS' conduct during the sexual encounters likely resulted from her shock, confusion, and inability to focus because of the events she was experiencing.

its not even my biggest complaint about the report but I'd like one of the admin defending types to even try and take a stab at justifying this. (its in the first quarter of the report)

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