After Reading the Report Thoughts

The report is a complete endorsement of the "she said" side of the argument with no regard for the "he said" side of the argument. Not surprising in the least when you see who is on this board of appointed career administrators who are answerable to no one and have their own private agendas. It also does not include any of the video which convinced the police there were no charges to be filed.

This is my issue with the EOAA report. Seems like a blatant example of confirmation bias. The EOAA has an agenda and they were clearly looking to take everybody that they could down.

The report was obviously very one sided if someone could explain to me the reasoning behind this passage:

We do not find that these behaviors indicate that RS did not experience the sexual misconduct that she describes. Rather, we find that RS' conduct during the sexual encounters likely resulted from her shock, confusion, and inability to focus because of the events she was experiencing.

Again I understand the bias of the office that commissioned and completed this report, but this kind of stuff seriously flies when we are talking about something as serious as kids lives and reputations?

While I have not been following this very closely, pretty sure the police did file charges. The DA decided not to prosecute.

Police investigate and make arrests based on probable cause, DAs file charges. After an investigation the police did not make an arrest and the DA declined to file charges.

Also, and this is a big sticking point for me, what authority did the EOAA have to demand messages/videos from these players? This interview situation looks like a power hungry board taking advantage of kids who don't know what their rights are in a number of circumstances.

The report was obviously very one sided if someone could explain to me the reasoning behind this passage:

We do not find that these behaviors indicate that RS did not experience the sexual misconduct that she describes. Rather, we find that RS' conduct during the sexual encounters likely resulted from her shock, confusion, and inability to focus because of the events she was experiencing.

Again I understand the bias of the office that commissioned and completed this report, but this kind of stuff seriously flies when we are talking about something as serious as kids lives and reputations?

The report was incredibly bias. It's exactly what you would expect.

The vast majority of the report is her side of the story.
The story contained things like the players texts to eachother (none of which was illegal but didn't make the athletes look good).
Look at the things the report brushes over, like you pointed out, and you can see why the police report is the better report to look at it.

This is a good detailing of her side of the story.

I would say some on this board are seeking confirmation of their bias against the EOAA. Reggie Lynch seems to have come out ok after his brush with them.

The ship has sailed on this one; these guys are gonzo. If the program needs a total reboot, which it probably does, so be it.

The report was obviously very one sided if someone could explain to me the reasoning behind this passage:

We do not find that these behaviors indicate that RS did not experience the sexual misconduct that she describes. Rather, we find that RS' conduct during the sexual encounters likely resulted from her shock, confusion, and inability to focus because of the events she was experiencing.

Again I understand the bias of the office that commissioned and completed this report, but this kind of stuff seriously flies when we are talking about something as serious as kids lives and reputations?

Interesting point. To draw that conclusion, the board members better damn well have the medical or professional certification to back that conclusion. If not, they are really exposing the U liability wise.

This whole story can be summed up pretty easily with one question.

What type of student athlete just goes and has sex with a gal they never met before?

Yes. As a woman, I could not believe some of the things posted prior to the reports being released (and even some after). While there may not have been enough evidence for a criminal prosecution, there is certainly enough to say this is not the conduct we want from individuals receiving a free education from the University of Minnesota.

As an aside, I think Claeys is a dead man walking.


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The smoking gun in the report is when one of the players admits that she told them to stop. He probably didn't realize it, but that means he basically admitted that they raped her.

And they will have their chance at due process. They are not kicked out of school yet. That was the recommendation from the EOAA, but they don't have final authority. It makes sense to not allow them to play with this type of thing hanging over their head though.

I see your point, but don't agree that your last paragraph should apply to all 10. I have an issue when someone is punished for "likely knowing something they didn't share."

Besides the lie about it being TC's call and his poor handling of the players that caused the boycott - Coyle allowing all 10 to be painted with the same brush has exposed him as a terrible leader. I hope they take him out with Claeys and the players that are going to be taken out.

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This whole story can be summed up pretty easily with one question.

What type of student athlete just goes and has sex with a gal they never met before?

Plenty of college students have sex with people they just met. Definitely common.

However.....the gang sex and the onlookers.....seems very odd to me. In the span of one year.....we have had players on both the football AND basketball team engage in this. I simply do not see the appeal....

The smoking gun is in their behavior.

Consensual or not, mass sexual encounters with a lone female displays a cultural issue I'm not fond of.

Plenty of college students have sex with people they just met. Definitely common.

However.....the gang sex and the onlookers.....seems very odd to me. In the span of one year.....we have had players on both the football AND basketball team engage in this. I simply do not see the appeal....

Do you have to see the appeal to to defend their right to do it?

Plenty of college students have sex with people they just met. Definitely common.

However.....the gang sex and the onlookers.....seems very odd to me. In the span of one year.....we have had players on both the football AND basketball team engage in this. I simply do not see the appeal....

I get the one night stand deal, but usually that's at least hours of flirting, courtship, conversation, dancing, etc....

I think most people would find it odd to see a half naked woman and think... "Hey! My turn" as if that is normal.

Also, and this is a big sticking point for me, what authority did the EOAA have to demand messages/videos from these players? This interview situation looks like a power hungry board taking advantage of kids who don't know what their rights are in a number of circumstances.

I won't get the details right, but the KSTP reporter on KFAN today said the players claim they were misled on what the interviews were about and how it was conducted. I'm not sure what that means but nothing about this process screams impartial in the least. Again, I'm not defending anyone, but folks have to understand this report is about as impartial as CNN. As I said in an earlier post, they could have written the same report with the assumption the victim was lying and it would have read 180-degrees different. Once again, I'm not defending anyone or saying they got anything wrong I just don't see the smoking gun some others do.

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I would say some on this board are seeking confirmation of their bias against the EOAA. Reggie Lynch seems to have come out ok after his brush with them.

The ship has sailed on this one; these guys are gonzo. If the program needs a total reboot, which it probably does, so be it.

Are you advocating that the U bypass the players right to respond to these allegations? This is what I don't understand. It would be the same as letting the police investigate and then that is the end of it, no trial, no anything just go with whatever they say.

I know everyone has a little different idea of due process, but this seems to advocate for more of tar and feather type of situation.

I won't get the details right, but the KSTP reporter on KFAN today said the players claim they were misled on what the interviews were about and how it was conducted. I'm not sure what that means but nothing about this process screams impartial in the least. Again, I'm not defending anyone, but folks have to understand this report is about as impartial as CNN. As I said in an earlier post, they could have written the same report with the assumption the victim was lying and it would have read 180-degrees different. Once again, I'm not defending anyone or saying they got anything wrong I just don't see the smoking gun some others do.

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You just won't admit you're clueless and in denial.

I would say some on this board are seeking confirmation of their bias against the EOAA. Reggie Lynch seems to have come out ok after his brush with them.

The ship has sailed on this one; these guys are gonzo. If the program needs a total reboot, which it probably does, so be it.

So you want all 10 gone? What about those that didn't participate or wasn't there? Why must all 10 be lumped together here?

I suspect you will get your wish. I would guess those that don't get booted will leave on their own.

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Taken right from the book Big Brother by George Orwell. Next there will be cameras in all the dorm rooms. You even make a romantic jester to a women and the a angry women at the EOAA
will put you under the gun.What a revolting development that really when all is said and done will be equiv to the Death Penalty.

As sad as this is to say, I think every freshman class needs to listen to Dominic Jones' story about a pretty similar situation that he put himself in that ruined his NFL chances.

The smoking gun is in their behavior.

Consensual or not, mass sexual encounters with a lone female displays a cultural issue I'm not fond of.

Hey I am in complete agreement, but there does seem to at least a certain portion of the population that is partial toward it. I have never been with a woman and thought "hey I wish all my buddies were here watching."

Not one of the 10-12 men had the moral decency to think, "hey, this ain't right, this girl is being taken advantage of." If they thought it, they didn't act. Sad.

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The smoking gun is in their behavior.

Consensual or not, mass sexual encounters with a lone female displays a cultural issue I'm not fond of.

Agreed. However.....if it was in fact consensual.....whatever.....not my business.

Do you have to see the appeal to to defend their right to do it?

Absolutely. As long as rape and/or intimidation isn't part of it. Doesn't seem like we'll ever know the truth.

I get the one night stand deal, but usually that's at least hours of flirting, courtship, conversation, dancing, etc....

I think most people would find it odd to see a half naked woman and think... "Hey! My turn" as if that is normal.

True. Definitely a different situation. However...."at least hours" still isn't exactly true. It can happen much quicker than that. Especially when alcohol is involved. Some see that as a big issue......some don't. That's why this idea that sex cannot be consensual if alcohol is involved makes NO sense. It always makes a victim out of the girl and a perpetrator out of the guy. It's a dangerous precedence to set.

What is more important? The reputation of the University of Minnesota or winning a bowl game?

I see your point, but don't agree that your last paragraph should apply to all 10. I have an issue when someone is punished for "likely knowing something they didn't share."

Besides the lie about it being TC's call and his poor handling of the players that caused the boycott - Coyle allowing all 10 to be painted with the same brush has exposed him as a terrible leader. I hope they take him out with Claeys and the players that are going to be taken out.

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It is my understanding after listening to the attorney break this down on Kstp, neither Coyle or any other admin at the U can comment on this matter except in the most basic way.

I won't get the details right, but the KSTP reporter on KFAN today said the players claim they were misled on what the interviews were about and how it was conducted. I'm not sure what that means but nothing about this process screams impartial in the least. Again, I'm not defending anyone, but folks have to understand this report is about as impartial as CNN. As I said in an earlier post, they could have written the same report with the assumption the victim was lying and it would have read 180-degrees different. Once again, I'm not defending anyone or saying they got anything wrong I just don't see the smoking gun some others do.

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And the KSTP investigative reporter is almost definitely more unbiased than the EOAA. He also said that the report coming off as "opinionated" was being generous.

I have never been with a woman and thought "hey I wish all my buddies were here watching."

I think pretty much every guy has been with their friends at a strip club dropping dollar bills on the same girl. Yeah - not exactly sex but differently a sexual charged atmosphere w/ friends. That is not my scene either - but these kids grew up in a different time and place and I would bet that this was not the first time a majority of them had sex with the same girl at the same time. Even per the girl - she agreed to the initial 3-some.

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