Honest Question... Why do some think this report is such a smoking gun? Isn't it still a he-said she-said situation? We knew what she was accusing them of so why does seeing it in print make it more believable or is it that you agree with the EOAA's determination that she is more credible? I guess I could see that, but the report is slanted in how it is written as that is clearly what the EOAA thought. Even the KSTP reporter heading this called the report "very opinionated".
I get those that morally object to the actions, but that isn't really the point here. I am sincerely interested why some are no longer interested in due process and letting the players having the chance to have their side told. This report didn't do that.
Also, don't draw conclusions on where I stand. I mainly feel bad for this girl and a few players that are being grouped with others that (potentially) did things in a whole different level. And, I'm thinking TC likely should be fired for putting a 17-year old in that environment on his watch.
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I have copy and pasted some of what the players said.
from page 55 of the report:
entered A2 bedroom while AS was having vaginal sex with RS from on
top of her. The lights were turned off. RS saw A12 and then said, "I don't want to"
and "this is too many people" and "don't send people in here." RS repeatedly said that
she was in pain. A5 did not respond by stopping or changing his activities. A12
reported that it did not look like A5 was doing anything out of the ordinary with RS
A12 did not think tl1at RS . was trying to physically push AS away. A12 ultimately
concluded that "it didn't feel right , .. Sometimes it didn't seem like she was into it."
A12 left the bedroom after about twenty seconds
At another point, these men were listening to A5 and RS engage in sexual contact from
outside of the bedroom. A12 recalled, "from the stuff she said, it didn't seem like she
was into it. She said something and [the men present] decided it was messed up . . . She said
something that made it. seem like it wasn't the right thing to be d