After 25 years… I’m out

This is probably better directed towards the athletic department. I don't plan on renewing my season tickets next year unless there's a drastic change in the performance of the team or who's leading it. It's a significant personal investment in a product that's regressing heavily.

I’m not *that* invested but I feel ya.

There’s zero reason to be optimistic. Not about this season, but about this program and Gopher sports in general. The deck of modern college athletics and the dynamics of the U (pro sports town, lots of transplants, mediocre recruiting base, etc) are heavily stacked against us.

I’m not mad, just demoralized and becoming apathetic. It’s a cost-benefit thing now. Do I get more joy or entertainment from Gopher football than I would doing other things on my Saturday? Increasingly no. So why stay invested?

That’s a crappy feeling OP. I’ve been there. It’s a really hard program to cheer for. I love them dearly but we survive on fucking crumbs.
Please tell me that seat is at least warm PJ.

After 64 years, the joy is gone. I can no longer put in the effort to be a full-time fan—the return is no longer acceptable.
The joy I feel is in hanging with friends. They’re always impressed with my seats and the first half is fun…. But we lose every big game.
I really can’t remember the last big game we came through on. We beat Iowa last year but it felt flukey af.

The joy I feel is in hanging with friends. They’re always impressed with my seats and the first half is fun…. But we lose every big game.
I really can’t remember the last big game we came through on. We beat Iowa last year but it felt flukey af.

The Gophs haven't had anything resembling a big win at home since Wisconsin 2021, almost three years ago. Fleck is toast. It will take a huge comeback this year to save him, but that won't happen.

I’m not mad either. Just sad. It’s over. It’s a new world and MN is a second tier football school at best
Honestly I’m not mad either. I was mad and sad last year. Now I just feel like a chump gopher fan who just cheers for this club because I’m a Saint Paul kid that saw a magic final four run in 98.
Maybe our next coach will figure it out.

Honestly I’m not mad either. I was mad and sad last year. Now I just feel like a chump gopher fan who just cheers for this club because I’m a Saint Paul kid that saw a magic final four run in 98.
Maybe our next coach will figure it out.
It was 97 BTW lol.

I’m a 98 grad and been suffering for a long time

I'm just done, too. The rivalry trophy game losses are enough for me. It's shameful being Iowa and Wisconsin's b#tch 80-90% of the time. Then there is the dodging of Michigan for a Nationally known and respected rivalry trophy: The Little Brown Jug.

No more money from me until we establish regional dominance again.

Honestly I’m not mad either. I was mad and sad last year. Now I just feel like a chump gopher fan who just cheers for this club because I’m a Saint Paul kid that saw a magic final four run in 98.
Maybe our next coach will figure it out.

The magical run to the 1998 NIT Final Four at Madison Square Garden?

Turned to my buddy and said, “I held my season tickets one season too long.” Should have been a sign when not a single family member wanted to go tonight.

I grew up being a fan of the Vikings and Seahawks equally. After 41-donut, I said FU to being a Vikings fan. I stand by that decision. I got to see my Seahawks win a Super Bowl, and even though they lost one the next year, I can be happy I saw my team win a title. I cheered the Seahawks on the Blair Walsh missed kick. I'd be happy if the Vikings won a title, because it would make so many people here in this state happy, but I just don't care much about them.

Gopher Football has always been the team/sport I've loved unconditionally since I was a kid. And I became a fan during the Salem era, so lord knows I'm a glutton for punishment. But I'm close to my 41-donut decision with this team.

Turned to my buddy and said, “I held my season tickets one season too long.” Should have been a sign when not a single family member wanted to go tonight.
I was on the fence this year. I’m glad I got them - but it’s getting embarrassing to host friends at these games. If PJ is around next year I will be hesitant.

Tens of thousands of dollars spent. Traveling to 9 bowl games. Putting my heart into this. I’m done.
I beat you to it. I have 42 years in and finished the Coyle/Fleck, row the sinking ship last year. Now go only for the tailgate. No doubt we lose tonight.

I grew up being a fan of the Vikings and Seahawks equally. After 41-donut, I said FU to being a Vikings fan. I stand by that decision. I got to see my Seahawks win a Super Bowl, and even though they lost one the next year, I can be happy I saw my team win a title. I cheered the Seahawks on the Blair Walsh missed kick. I'd be happy if the Vikings won a title, because it would make so many people here in this state happy, but I just don't care much about them.

Gopher Football has always been the team/sport I've loved unconditionally since I was a kid. And I became a fan during the Salem era, so lord knows I'm a glutton for punishment. But I'm close to my 41-donut decision with this team.
I just turned 55 and this is all I have ever known about Gopher Football. How does one feel a sense of disappointment when you never have true expectations?

Nope. Still in.

It was a great night for football and a great atmosphere for 30 minutes of a 60 minute game. The first 30 minutes to be exact.

The Hawks around us in 211 and 212 were particularly insufferable this year out of the gate but they were mostly quiet until the last 60 seconds before halftime. There some interesting lack of defense gave them the spark they needed for the next 30 minutes.

But like I said still in. Nowhere near as bad as Brewster and no one is comparing PJ's teams to Mase's collapses at least yet.

I think most of us see 2019 as the "best" year under Coach Fleck but the first three wins were flukey to say the least and we still lost to I-O-W-A and Wisky at the end as I recall. Beat Penn State though that year plus Auburn that will always be good memories.

Winning is better to be sure.

I just turned 55 and this is all I have ever known about Gopher Football. How does one feel a sense of disappointment when you never have true expectations?
I turn 52 in a little over a month. I don't know. I guess some kind of weird hope. Like I said, a glutton for punishment or something?

Thing is, I really find myself loving college football more and more every year. I'm staying up late watching west coast games every fall. I just love the game - just hate rooting for a disappointing team.

I was worried about this season but once I heard how connected this team was and how fun they are to coach, I checked to see if I could pay more multiple seasons worth of season tickets. Unfortunately I could only keep on the tab for this season so I guess I’ll see how fun these boys are to coach into November.

You have to chill out. At the end of the day, after all the BS of how bad we played, I was able to take my 8 year old to the game on a beautiful Saturday night, tailgate with friends and family, etc. once you realize the sun is coming up tomorrow, it was a good night.

With that being said, PJ needs to figure this thing out ASSp. In my world his seat is officially hot.

PJ ends his presser by telling the fans not to give up on this team, he knows. He was able to hire the right people once but he can’t seem to figure out how to do it again on offense. Maybe Ciarocca is just that good. It truly is sad. This program is worse than since before Kill was hired at this point. There’s no hope right now.

You have to chill out. At the end of the day, after all the BS of how bad we played, I was able to take my 8 year old to the game on a beautiful Saturday night, tailgate with friends and family, etc. once you realize the sun is coming up tomorrow, it was a good night.

With that being said, PJ needs to figure this thing out ASSp. In my world his seat is officially hot.
Hard to know how Coyle thinks about this.

On second thought probably not...

PJ ends his presser by telling the fans not to give up on this team, he knows. He was able to hire the right people once but he can’t seem to figure out how to do it again on offense. Maybe Ciarocca is just that good. It truly is sad. This program is worse than since before Kill was hired at this point. There’s no hope right now.
Take a look at the bios of our assistant coaches, and then peruse the bios of the assistant coaches in the rest of the big 10. It’s an absolute joke. The staff that he’s put together here.

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