A Message to the Faithful, We have heard your pleas...

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I want to punch you. Don't worry, I won't, because picking on tools who fake their own death on a message board just isn't very nice; but, I still want to punch you.

You're the reason the gag was funny. You should probably settle down, as you're allotted 15 minute break is about to expire, so you'll need to put on your orange vest and get back out to the paint department.

I can't imagine a better description of a tool, than someone who feels the need to throw a punch over an Internet message board posting. Although, I do applaud the fact that you have more of a mean streak than any of Brew's players.

Please remember I am here at the request of the admin and members. The people have spoken, so it's time to shut your mouth and be gracious in defeat.

ChinaGopher before any of these clowns. What he claimed to do with that chair to that Badger fan was awesome. If you are going to make up a story, make it something funny.

Seriously, if it were socially I would wade through the ocean of fat chicks these guys try to get drunk during their tailgate and and punch each of these dudes in the face. BUt it is not socially acceptable.

I mean c'mon man. Who fakes their own death on a message board? Who returns to a message board that banned you for faking your own death? Such a public admission of lacking a life is kind of far out, but still doesn't absolve a needed punch in the face. Not that I am advocating violence as it is socially unacceptable.

And dude, don't worry, I'm not going to punch you. And it isn't over an internet post. I just want to punch people in the face who have absolutely no common sense. You, Mase, and a few others. Conjuring up faking ones own death on a message board is right up there with Mase's 4th quarter defense against Michigan. Anyone who witnessed either of those events wants to punch you guys in the face.

Thank you, Gopherhole!

Just when this locale was getting a little dark and foreboding, the Mods invite back this famously infamous and always entertaining gang of GopherHole legend.

Welcome Home!

I am truly overwhelmed by the warm welcome and all of the well wishes expressed to me both in the thread and through the dozens of private messages you all have sent. Although, 8 is enough, Studwell. I know you're happy, but you don't need to send me any more messages.

The outpouring of support has been incredible and validates all of the conversations we’ve had about the ‘hole while being our typical awesome selves on Tailgate Saturdays. Occassionally we would peruse the site. I must commend those of you who persevered through these dark times - long time posters, Studwell, FireDaveLee, Winnipeg, Jike, Drunken, Zales, Sour, amaturedwarftosser, tikited, spermy, Bleed, Husker and some newcomers who don’t know how awesome this place can be - Unregistered User, Mr. Gopher, and a few others... even in the dark times, you fought to keep this community together and create an environment where Gopher fans could find a little respite from the on field woes. For that, I salute each of you.

Now that we’re back, you can expect a new and improved Gopherhole. That is what the moderators were hoping for when they came to us and asked us to reconsider our boycott and promised to lift our ban from the community. A lot has changed in in the digital world since we left and Dr. Lloyd has mentioned just one our great new ventures into the new era of the ‘hole - The Tailgate Podcast. We promise to bring you a lot of new and exciting content to this forum. Yet, we undertake this challenge with great humility. We know that none of this would happen without you, the loyal Gopherhole community. We look forward to making you world great again!

Go Gophers!!!


In addition, we are trying to secure some special quests for the inaugural and subsequent recordings.

The negotiations for my cameo on the inaugural podcast are progressing nicely, but I cannot stress enough how crucial it is that the Cristal in my limo is chilled to just the right temperature; lukewarm simply will not cut it on Homecoming.

Hey Rain Man,
Good to know you have a set of "socially acceptable" standards you abide by. Just keep reminding yourself of your rules and you won't violate your probation.

Two questions for you:
1. What's more disturbing, faking one's death on the GH or still being worked up about it over two years later?
2. Do you find it odd that you are the only one here that is doing their best to restrain themselves over this?


somebody is going to have to give us newbies a history lesson here. This sounds like fun.

I must commend those of you who persevered through these dark times - long time posters, Studwell, FireDaveLee, Winnipeg, Jike, Drunken, Zales, Sour, amaturedwarftosser, tikited, spermy, Bleed, Husker and some newcomers who don’t know how awesome this place can be - Unregistered User, Mr. Gopher, and a few others... even in the dark times, you fought to keep this community together and create an environment where Gopher fans could find a little respite from the on field woes. For that, I salute each of you.

Thanks for the nod, Tips!

It's a shame that we had no real interaction before you guys left. I was a lurker for far too long.

Good to have you back.

Thanks to all for the outpouring of support, especially to those that have taken time to send me heartfelt PMs.

A note on the PMs, however, because this has already come up three times. While I am interested in medicine and medical research, I'm not that kind of a doctor. Please, if you are seeking medical advice first consult your family physician, proctologist, or medical hair replacement specialist.

I feel like the guy at a party where everyone around him is telling inside jokes. But instead of asking for an explanation he just laughs along with everyone and bobs his head to the music.

Thanks to all for the outpouring of support, especially to those that have taken time to send me heartfelt PMs.

A note on the PMs, however, because this has already come up three times. While I am interested in medicine and medical research, I'm not that kind of a doctor. Please, if you are seeking medical advice first consult your family physician, proctologist, or medical hair replacement specialist.

But it itches and sometimes there's discharge.

somebody is going to have to give us newbies a history lesson here. This sounds like fun.


though from the sounds of it, they liked shenanigans, and thats my kind of people :cool02:

im surprised no one has asked them their opinions on brew and maturi yet..lol

I feel like the guy at a party where everyone around him is telling inside jokes. But instead of asking for an explanation he just laughs along with everyone and bobs his head to the music.

Ditto bro! Pass the Jagermeister.

Hawkeye approved.

It seems only yesterday I sobbed in my tiny Minneapolis apartment on the corner of Park and Franklin over the loss of an internet brother, albeit a Gopher. I now sob tears of joy at his/her return!

The negotiations for my cameo on the inaugural podcast are progressing nicely, but I cannot stress enough how crucial it is that the Cristal in my limo is chilled to just the right temperature; lukewarm simply will not cut it on Homecoming.

Oh Jike....We're working on some very special guests for the podcasts. Among them is an RV enthusiast and suspected swinger, a former player or two, and the looniest Gopher fan of all time.

If Loon comes back, i may punch somebody...or maybe i'll wait for his ill-informed racicst diatribe and wait for him to ban himself again. Whichever.

Oh Jike....We're working on some very special guests for the podcasts. Among them is an RV enthusiast and suspected swinger, a former player or two, and the looniest Gopher fan of all time.

The negotiations may have hit a snag, but I'm hopeful both our sides can come to an agreement.

This speed bump will not prevent me from lending my input on ways to lure a massive online audience. Her posts are always a magnet for attention in this particular Gopher community. Combined with the hot tub....

The negotiations may have hit a snag, but I'm hopeful both our sides can come to an agreement.

This speed bump will not prevent me from lending my input on ways to lure a massive online audience. Her posts are always a magnet for attention in this particular Gopher community. Combined with the hot tub....

We will try not to pander to the lowest common denominator, but we certainly aren't above doing so.

It's good to have you guys back, even if it is sans Hungry Sailor. It just goes to show that there can be a little ray of sunshine through the darkest storm clouds.

Thank for the kind words, G. Ben

If I recall, you and you sister staggered around the streets of El Paso/Juarez with Tipsy, Lloyd, & Co. Same Ben, or am I confusing you with someone else?


If I recall, you and you sister staggered around the streets of El Paso/Juarez with Tipsy, Lloyd, & Co. Same Ben, or am I confusing you with someone else?


This is why I mourn the loss of the Sun Bowl tie-in. Though Juarez is kind of a war zone right now, I would relish a return to the Kentucky Club, Club 15 and The Cave Bar and meeting other brave Gopher faithful.

Favorite Kelly Leeks memory? That's easy.

It was when we had to leave the visitor's tailgate site at Madison one year. Why? Because Leeks can't be within 200 yards of any public school. True story!! I'll leave it at that!!

If I recall, you and you sister staggered around the streets of El Paso/Juarez with Tipsy, Lloyd, & Co. Same Ben, or am I confusing you with someone else?


I was in El Paso and Juarez for both trips, but my sister wasn't there. Which is a good thing, because I don't need witnesses.

I've been trying, I mean really, really racking my brain since Tuesday at 12:11 PM to think of something that I care less about than this event.

And...sorry, I've got nothing.

This is why I mourn the loss of the Sun Bowl tie-in. Though Juarez is kind of a war zone right now, I would relish a return to the Kentucky Club, Club 15 and The Cave Bar and meeting other brave Gopher faithful.

Juarez was a slightly edgy place to be in 1999 and 2003. 7,000 murders into 2010 and I don't think you'd see other brave Gopher faithful (maybe their decapitated heads, complete with tacky sombreros!)

Juarez was a slightly edgy place to be in 1999 and 2003. 7,000 murders into 2010 and I don't think you'd see other brave Gopher faithful (maybe their decapitated heads, complete with tacky sombreros!)

I have never been to Mexico and never will go. It offers nothing. If North America is the parent then Mexico is the worthless child who never moves out of his parents house, works part time at some worthless job and contributes nothing. Not to mention, Spanish is a poor man's English. It is not spoken in the world's largest board rooms, in the world's most powerful military nor in international airports.

I've read the backstories on these guys and I still don't fully get it. But their humor is right up my alley so I say welcome back!!

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