A Message to the Faithful, We have heard your pleas...

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Sir Tipsy McStagger

Legend & Gopherhole Watchdog
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score

At this historic hour, we Golden Gopher faithful pledge ourselves to the principles of Fall Saturdays, of Tailgating, and of all things Maroon and Gold. No Hawkeye, nor Badger can destroy ideas which are eternal and indestructible. Sacred too are the principles of discourse which emphatically declare that no body of this digital age can quiet the roar of the people when their voices call out in unison. No moderator wielding his sword of censorship can turn back the people when they hunger for a new direction. My fellow Gopher Faithful, we have spent these past years suffering an unjust persecution by a powerful few. From this persecution too, we UNITED Maroon and Gold Brothers can draw new strength. We send greetings to the persecuted and oppressed. We greet our old friends in the Gopherhole . Their steadfastness and loyalty deserve admiration. The courage with which they maintain their convictions and their unbroken confidence in we, the banned, guarantee a brighter future.

While we have been absent from this virtual village of brothers, we have not stopped living, we have not stopped believing in our Alma Mater, and we have not stopped tailgating. We continue to tailgate better than anyone else. Our style dazzles the west endzone each and every day the Gophers take the field at TCF. Those that have the pleasure of tailgating with us count themselves amongst that luckiest of Gopher fans.

We have spent these years in isolation, pondering with great care what accommodations must be made before we grace this fine community with the wit, wisdom, recruiting insight, polls of pumped-ness, tales of our travels, and once again entertain one and all. After much soul searching, Mr. Kelly Leeks, Dr. Lloyd Christmas, and I, Sir Tipsy McStagger, have unanimously concluded that the time is right for our triumphant return. The people have spoken and the pleas have not fallen on a deaf ear.

To begin the dialog, I must first say to the moderators of this board, apology accepted. It was very gracious of you. I speak for Mr. Leeks and Dr. Christmas when I say the maroon and gold bouquet that we each received was a very nice gesture. However, prior to our return to the community on a probationary level, we need the following changes to be made to the Gopherhole as it currently operates.
  • The "how hot is your chili" polls each week MUST stop. Only then will the Pumped Poll return.
  • Kelly Leeks must be the initial inductee in the Gopherhole Hall of Fame.
  • The moderators must formally recognize that Kelly Leeks is the only poster in the history of message boards to be banned for not posting.
  • Also, Chris Monter the recruiting guy must report to Kyle Kesell
  • Gopherhole has to host the Kelly Leeks Podcast
  • All threads started by one of us must be thumbtacked for 48 hours.
  • The current Lloyd Christmas must be banned or forced to change his name and apologize for defaming the true and honorable Lloyd Christmas.

People of the Gopherhole, we, your People's champion, have heard your calls. Together we can bring a new direction to this board, to this great society of the faithful, and to Golden Gopher football. Make your voices heard, for we are on the doorstep of a a new tomorrow! We'll kick down that door and be greeted by a Golden ray of light this Saturday and all of our yesterdays will be forgotten!

Go Gophers!!!!

Bring back the Pumped Poll, and I will eagerly retire the How Hot Is Your Dad Gum Chili poll.

I never really understood that one anyways. Was it my internal chili, or the actual chili I was serving?

It's metaphorical chili. You get it in the existential aisle at the grocery store. Actual chili is never "dad gum".

Bring back the Pumped Poll, and I will eagerly retire the How Hot Is Your Dad Gum Chili poll.

With that being that quintessential Brewster-ism, it should be retired anyway.

If we are fine with changing the Board from "Brew's Crew" to "6 National Titles" then the Hot Chili references should only be brought up as a joke.

Kyle Kessell likes this idea.


At this historic hour, we Golden Gopher faithful pledge ourselves to the principles of Fall Saturdays, of Tailgating, and of all things Maroon and Gold. No Hawkeye, nor Badger can destroy ideas which are eternal and indestructible. Sacred too are the principles of discourse which emphatically declare that no body of this digital age can quiet the roar of the people when their voices call out in unison. No moderator wielding his sword of censorship can turn back the people when they hunger for a new direction. My fellow Gopher Faithful, we have spent these past years suffering an unjust persecution by a powerful few. From this persecution too, we UNITED Maroon and Gold Brothers can draw new strength. We send greetings to the persecuted and oppressed. We greet our old friends in the Gopherhole . Their steadfastness and loyalty deserve admiration. The courage with which they maintain their convictions and their unbroken confidence in we, the banned, guarantee a brighter future.

While we have been absent from this virtual village of brothers, we have not stopped living, we have not stopped believing in our Alma Mater, and we have not stopped tailgating. We continue to tailgate better than anyone else. Our style dazzles the west endzone each and every day the Gophers take the field at TCF. Those that have the pleasure of tailgating with us count themselves amongst that luckiest of Gopher fans.

We have spent these years in isolation, pondering with great care what accommodations must be made before we grace this fine community with the wit, wisdom, recruiting insight, polls of pumped-ness, tales of our travels, and once again entertain one and all. After much soul searching, Mr. Kelly Leeks, Dr. Lloyd Christmas, and I, Sir Tipsy McStagger, have unanimously concluded that the time is right for our triumphant return. The people of spoken and the pleas have not fallen on a deaf ear.

To begin the dialog, I must first say to the moderators of this board, apology accepted. It was very gracious of you. I speak for Mr. Leeks and Dr. Christmas when I say the maroon and gold bouquet that we each received was a very nice gesture. However, prior to our return to the community on a probationary level, we need the following changes to be made to the Gopherhole as it currently operates.
  • The "how hot is your chili" polls each week MUST stop. Only then will the Pumped Poll return.
  • Kelly Leeks must be the initial inductee in the Gopherhole Hall of Fame.
  • The moderators must formally recognize that Kelly Leeks is the only poster in the history of message boards to be banned for not posting.
  • Also, Chris Monter the recruiting guy must report to Kyle Kesell
  • Gopherhole has to host the Kelly Leeks Podcast
  • All threads started by one of us must be thumbtacked for 48 hours.
  • The current Lloyd Christmas must be banned or forced to change his name and apologize for defaming the true and honorable Lloyd Christmas.

People of the Gopherhole, we, your People's champion, have heard your calls. Together we can bring a new direction to this board, to this great society of the faithful, and to Golden Gopher football. Make your voices heard, for we are on the doorstep of a a new tomorrow! We'll kick down that door and be greeted by a Golden ray of light this Saturday and all of our yesterdays will be forgotten!

Go Gophers!!!!

i am so sick of wading through the garbage on this site, that if this post isn't recognized and implemented, then I will renounce my GH account.

So, here's my counter-demand. Post a pumped poll, or the Dad Gum Chili Poll gets postedc again.

How can we be sure you are the real Typsy McStagger? After the Dr. Don incident, I don't know if I can take another jolt like that.

Best. Post. Ever. :clap:




Is this real?

He knows that the real Lloyd is Dr. Lloyd.

Pop question: What backwards Scandy country are you from, Tipsy?

Consulting....processing....results generated....


To quote the brilliant Joe Esposito in The Karate Kid, "You're the Best....around!"

Finally good news. If this is what it takes to bring back Kyle Kessel, the 1-3 record is well worth it.

Moderators, please thumbtack. I'm afraid the curse bestowed upon us by Detlaf's Bavarian grandmother will not be broken until the Becky faithful fulfill their obligation to return to us our Slab of Bacon, but we CAN follow these simple directives to bring back the Pumped Poll and lead us to a new "Golden ray of light!" :cool02:

Tipsy sounds like the type of Gopher fan

that would steal my family's precious stein. Let him rot in internet purgatory. Make him the Pete Rose of the GopherHole. Lifetime ban.

Finally good news. If this is what it takes to bring back Kyle Kessel, the 1-3 record is well worth it.

Kessel and Leeks were always good for a laugh. I'd love to see them back to lighten the mood.

Since it has been so long, the obvious question is:

Does Kyle Kessel still love recruiting?

It is less than two weeks to the Wisconsin game.....not a bad time for Detlef & the stein to come in with both guns loaded.

The best part about Detlef's plea for the return of the stein is the end note consisting of The Essen Haus' happy hour times.

Well, its been a long time coming and the Holy Trinity of the Gopherhole has returned!!! I can feel the excitement and the energy!!!! When I was notified earlier today that this board had fallen apart and there was a need for my return, I really wasn't that surprised. I had a few drinks with Sir Tipsy and Dr. Lloyd and decided to accept the admin's apology and move forward together, as a team. The citizens of Gopherland put together an online petition and in a true grassroots style, made it happen. I want you to know that we heard your cries and sensed your desire for a message board that was fun and exciting. We are here to give that to you. I think I may be one of the few individuals walking this planet who truly knows how Nelson Mandela felt when he was released from prison and reclaimed not only his homeland, but also his people.

I want to take a few minutes to say that I am truly grateful to be the first member of the Gopherhole Hall of Fame. It's been a long ride, but I more than anyone else deserve this. I remember the days of the old Gopher Gridiron. There were only a few of us, but we were the strong founders on what you see in front of you today. I really miss the Russian guys from that site who only posted pro-communism propaganda. Then there was the first GH, where after the victory at Ohio State, Dave C awarded me the "post of the day". A true honor. I remember when we signed AAK and Tapeh and husker70 proclaimed that we had two individuals who would be Heisman finalists. Still a favorite of mine. Then the dark days of Rivals. However, out of that abortion of a site, Kyle Kesell was born. While I won't give up my source (but still have all of the emails), I am certain some of you here would be quite surprised (not as surprised as Matty and Zach though) as to who was emailing me the premium info. I digress. Once the current GH was formed and the Holy Trinity were the stars of the show, it seemed as if it could not get any better. Then there were all of my awesome posts about RUSH. Not to mention my overall wit and humor that was found in every post. I fondly remember creating a username ("Grade School Girl") and pretending to be a 13 year old female Gopher fan. I found it very strange that G4L sent her numerous private messages inviting her to his house for a fashion show and sending pictures of himself in his birthday suit. And then I was banned for not posting. If you stop and think about it, how does one get banned for not posting? Well, once again thank you and remember that I mean more to this board than any of you.

I look forward to our future together, but I must get going, as I am off to get me a nice Chinese Sex Worker. I am not sure who I favor tonight, maybe Ting Jin Jang with her messed up yellow and black teeth that point straight at me or possibly Qi Qa Li and her disfigured breast (the left one in case you were wondering). Until next time.

Regards, Kelly Leeks

I look forward to our future together, but I must get going, as I am off to get me a nice Chinese Sex Worker. I am not sure who I favor tonight, maybe Ting Jin Jang with her messed up yellow and black teeth that point straight at me or possibly Qi Qa Li and her disfigured breast (the left one in case you were wondering). Until next time.

Welcome back guys. I only copied the end of your post because, quite frankly, it was really the only part that really caught my attention. I do have a question though! Why yellow and black? Isn't that a little reminessant of Iowa football? Again, welcome back.

Well, its been a long time coming and the Holy Trinity of the Gopherhole has returned!!! I can feel the excitement and the energy!!!! When I was notified earlier today that this board had fallen apart and there was a need for my return, I really wasn't that surprised. I had a few drinks with Sir Tipsy and Dr. Lloyd and decided to accept the admin's apology and move forward together, as a team. The citizens of Gopherland put together an online petition and in a true grassroots style, made it happen. I want you to know that we heard your cries and sensed your desire for a message board that was fun and exciting. We are here to give that to you. I think I may be one of the few individuals walking this planet who truly knows how Nelson Mandela felt when he was released from prison and reclaimed not only his homeland, but also his people.

I want to take a few minutes to say that I am truly grateful to be the first member of the Gopherhole Hall of Fame. It's been a long ride, but I more than anyone else deserve this. I remember the days of the old Gopher Gridiron. There were only a few of us, but we were the strong founders on what you see in front of you today. I really miss the Russian guys from that site who only posted pro-communism propaganda. Then there was the first GH, where after the victory at Ohio State, Dave C awarded me the "post of the day". A true honor. I remember when we signed AAK and Tapeh and husker70 proclaimed that we had two individuals who would be Heisman finalists. Still a favorite of mine. Then the dark days of Rivals. However, out of that abortion of a site, Kyle Kesell was born. While I won't give up my source (but still have all of the emails), I am certain some of you here would be quite surprised (not as surprised as Matty and Zach though) as to who was emailing me the premium info. I digress. Once the current GH was formed and the Holy Trinity were the stars of the show, it seemed as if it could not get any better. Then there were all of my awesome posts about RUSH. Not to mention my overall wit and humor that was found in every post. I fondly remember creating a username ("Grade School Girl") and pretending to be a 13 year old female Gopher fan. I found it very strange that G4L sent her numerous private messages inviting her to his house for a fashion show and sending pictures of himself in his birthday suit. And then I was banned for not posting. If you stop and think about it, how does one get banned for not posting? Well, once again thank you and remember that I mean more to this board than any of you.

I look forward to our future together, but I must get going, as I am off to get me a nice Chinese Sex Worker. I am not sure who I favor tonight, maybe Ting Jin Jang with her messed up yellow and black teeth that point straight at me or possibly Qi Qa Li and her disfigured breast (the left one in case you were wondering). Until next time.

Regards, Kelly Leeks

There are so many awesome things about this post.

But no doubt the most awesome is that nobody will ask if it's really Kelly.

Welcome home.

That's two of three...

I await Dr. Lloyd!

(I hope I didn't miss him somewhere in all the traffic.)

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