A Message to the Faithful, We have heard your pleas...

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I was in El Paso and Juarez for both trips, but my sister wasn't there. Which is a good thing, because I don't need witnesses.

Plus, it would make this awkward, given what the sister in question and I did that night.


Go ahead and try faking your own death in real life and see how people react to your joke. If you think the reaction here was hostile, it would be a lot more hostile in real life.

Go ahead and try faking your own death in real life and see how people react to your joke. If you think the reaction here was hostile, it would be a lot more hostile in real life.

In his defense, it has been done many times in television with hilarious consequences. Boss Hogg did it on "The Dukes of Hazzard," so one of his rivals would forget about him. Krusty the Klown did it when he became Rory B. Bellows. Homer Simpson did it to get a day off of work & the result led to him finding out his hippie mother was still alive. Many more examples.

I find GopherHole a form of media entertainment, like television.

I understand your anger. Hopefully you can turn the other cheek & accept this posse for who they are.

This whole thing seems a little self indulgent if not narcissistic to me. I realize I wasn’t here when the big funny joke took place so I certainly could be missing the actual humor in it, but from what I can see it really isn’t very funny. Certainly not worth the ‘pride’ I am seeing from the jokesters.

Go ahead and try faking your own death in real life and see how people react to your joke. If you think the reaction here was hostile, it would be a lot more hostile in real life.

I am in. Are you willing to help? For my plan to work I'll need your bank account info, a van and a sample of your semen (John Daski can help you out there). Thanks.

Here's a secret. TV ISN'T REAL. People who ACTUALLY go about doing to stunts that the characters on TV do don't fare so well. Why not try to jump your car over a river, they did that on Dukes of Hazard too?

This whole thing seems a little self indulgent if not narcissistic to me. I realize I wasn’t here when the big funny joke took place so I certainly could be missing the actual humor in it, but from what I can see it really isn’t very funny. Certainly not worth the ‘pride’ I am seeing from the jokesters.

I was here, and I can say you are 100% correct.

It wasn't funny but it was interesting. Perhaps if it had gone on long enough to get to the return of the Ghost of Kelly Leeks, it may have been funny.

I have heard rumors that Brewster is considering faking his death to get out of his current mess.

Perfect attitude! What the hell is wrong with the rest of you people? This isn't reality, it's the internet.

What did you expect? "Welcome, sonny"? "Make yourself at home"? "Marry my daughter"? You've got to remember that these are just simple Gopher fans. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.

This whole thing seems a little self indulgent if not narcissistic to me. I realize I wasn’t here when the big funny joke took place so I certainly could be missing the actual humor in it, but from what I can see it really isn’t very funny. Certainly not worth the ‘pride’ I am seeing from the jokesters.

It's not narcissism if everyone loves us.

I could piece together a quick document with all of the private messages I've received thanking me and expressing how great it is that we've returned to this fine community, but that's not necessary. I don't need to flaunt how great I am. The trophies, commendations, press clippings, plaques, awards, ribbons, and letters of gratitude I've received for professional and personal accomplishments and which adorn the halls of my home remind me everyday.

Simply put, this forum is more awesome with Dr. Lloyd, Mr. Leeks, and myself. If you don't like our brand of fun and feel that this place is "reality" than add us to your ignore list. That vast majority of the people here recognize us for what we are - simply awesome.

Now that we have that behind us, who wants to watch our tailgate from behind the velvet rope this weekend? We may offer a couple of VIP passes to a lucky few.

It's not narcissism if everyone loves us.

I could piece together a quick document with all of the private messages I've received thanking me and expressing how great it is that we've returned to this fine community, but that's not necessary. :cool02::cool02:

Go ahead. Piece that baby together. Please.

This announcement has turned into a


I hope it keeps going. It is entertaining to watch.

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