A coach sighting...

I saw Chaka Khan in Vegas once...not sure what she knows about basketball.

I work about 10 minutes from MSP. Anyone want to call my boss for me?

I can confirm that Shaka Smart is NOT on the light rail train that left the Airport approximately 15 minutes ago. At least not in the first car. Again, definitely NOT riding the first car of the light rail to switch to the 16 bus to get to the U for a press conference, so I guess we can forget about Smart.

Any updates on Flips 20?

I was at the airport once, and I saw Lindsay Whalen.

I have a picture of myself with Bob Martin at the airport. Does that count?

Though I seriously doubt Flip is under consideration, one benefit of him would be his ability to develop the guard play.

He's going to be delayed getting to campus. He's currently ninth in line at Cinnabon.

I keep staring at the google maps image of the airport! Nothing is changing!

Well did you look hard enough?!?!?!

I was waiting so patiently for this thread. Who wants to volunteer to hang out at the airport?

I've got the AB corridor covered. Monorail is out, so crappy regional and small planes covered. Someone else needs to take CDEFG.........


This thread is epic, even if it isn't true.

Though I seriously doubt Flip is under consideration, one benefit of him would be his ability to develop the guard play.

He was fantastic for T Hud, and John Wall just blossomed under his tutelage.

In fact, I can't think of a single guard who wasn't an established player who developed under Flip. His only good guards were Chauncy, Rip, Brandon was OK, Sam I Am, and Spree.

Marshall Henderson
I think he looks more like Samir from Office Space. "No, not again. I... why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam? I swear to God, one of these days, I just kick this piece of xxxx out the window."

I am in a men's bathroom at MSP and can confirm that Shaka Smart has a wide stance.

You better take one for the team here, he's Shaka freakin Smart, read the que and close the deal for U.

We'll see just how sick and tired you are of losing to WI.

Lock the thread before Madtown has an aneurysm!!! No rumors allowed on GH

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