9/1 Football Thread


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Notre Dame and Navy on now. Don't forget at 11:00 Northwestern is playing Syracuse, if you want to see two future opponents play. Should be an interesting game...

Don't be surprised if Northern Iowa keeps the game at Wisconsin somewhat close until late.

And the big question of the day. Will Michigan be over or under 5 first downs against Bama?

Well that game is over. Notre Dame crushing Navy.

Also Western Mich. playing Illinois. ESPNU for those who have it.

Anyone want to give an over/under on how many weeks we'll need to hear the stupid helmet rule explained? I'm hoping it is done by week 8...

NW runs back a punt. Anyone remember when the last time a Gopher scored on a punt return TD?

Miami of Ohio playing Ohio St tough so far (although I'm 20 minutes behind). I've got 3-0 Miami.

Alex Carder (WMU QB) has made some decent throws. The potential is there. But they look sloppy right now

The Penn State game is showing exactly why something as disgusting as Sandusky preying on young kids can happen, especially at a place like Happy Valley. The announcers were talking about JoePa statue being removed and they said, the student body is mixed. We talked to three kids, the first one said that he's sad because his entire family went to Penn State and JoePa is part of the tradition, the second kid said that the statue had to be removed because it would be vandalized and the third kid said I just hope this doesn't mean we forget about all that JoePa has done for Penn State.

I think they might be missing one pretty big reason. . .

What is the deal with all of the hurry up offenses I've been seeing?

I saw it out of Boise State last night, Syracuse and NWestern today, it seems like I saw another team running the hurry up. . .

The Penn State game is showing exactly why something as disgusting as Sandusky preying on young kids can happen, especially at a place like Happy Valley. The announcers were talking about JoePa statue being removed and they said, the student body is mixed. We talked to three kids, the first one said that he's sad because his entire family went to Penn State and JoePa is part of the tradition, the second kid said that the statue had to be removed because it would be vandalized and the third kid said I just hope this doesn't mean we forget about all that JoePa has done for Penn State.

I think they might be missing one pretty big reason. . .

They'll never get it.

Anyone want to bet me on tonight's game? I'll take Hawai'i, you can have USC, but I want 78 points.

Boy, Syracuse has walked up and down the field on Northwestern. Not been even close. One punt return for a TD has kept Northwestern in it. Although I've seen Northwestern win this exact type of game before, so not counting them out. They likely have Syracuse right where they want them.

What does everyone think of tonights Michigan/Bama game? I got Bama. Saban is too good when he has extra time to prepare.

Why are the refs in Ohio St not interested in reviewing any replay that might go against OSU? I hate that.

What does everyone think of tonights Michigan/Bama game? I got Bama. Saban is too good when he has extra time to prepare.

Michigan has no chance. Like I said earlier, they may not get 5 first downs. Bama will win, and will win big. I'll be surprised to see anything else.

Illinois all over WMU. Wonder if the whole "decent coach takes place of a good recruiter" will work in favor of Illinois this year.

Is it really worth EMPHASYZING when a guy makes a catch early in the 2nd quarter today that it's his first catch of the year? DUH!

Illinois all over WMU. Wonder if the whole "decent coach takes over a decent recruiter" will do wonders for Illinois this year.

Maybe. Didn't work for Kill last year though. Illinois had been good enough this time of year under Zook, they just couldn't finish (except for one year). So it will be interesting to see the Illini in November.

Syracuse is looking much better than I thought they would. Looks like that will be a tougher game for the Gophers than I origianlly thought.

The 'Cuse were walking down the field for a 4th score and sure enough, ball bounces off a Orange receiver right into Northwestern's hands and he returned it to 20 of Syracuse.

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