I am the walrus. At various times, I have utilized a number of monikers on this site. There are stories behind each moniker change...
Actually, the moniker changes I have had to assume were all quite closely related to defending coaches, or, in the case of the unfortunate brewball chapter of Golden Gopher Football history, I strongly opposed the entire set of circumstances in which the administration extended, then one year later bought out and fired a coach only to bring in a young and inexperienced, unqualified coach to usher in the launching of the New Stadium. (Because I choose to be honest about what I saw happening and what I thought the outcome of the experiment most likely would be....I suppose you could say that I represented a voice that many on this board did not want to hear. I was adamate...didn't back down...and pretty much forced the issue and management here eventually decided that I should be gone. So, I was gone.) I had utilized the monikers of wren, renegade rambler, Roskolnekov, Major Major, and finally , and currently, Imthewalrus... You must realize that these incidents occurred over a LONG period of time....and covered and overlapped a number of sites. It all started back during the Jim Wacker days...This site used to be merged and a part of another currently relevant site: that has itself split off from another current site. From GOPHER GOAL POST through the entire progression of where GOPHER SPORTS SITES are today...I have been around under one moniker or another.
I do know LOON and even saw him at a game last season. He is perhaps one of the most informed football fans I have ever had the opportunity to meet. He is passionate about Gopher Football. He is intense and he was for the most part correct about the insights on football that he shared on line. During the many impassioned battles that have occurred on this site over the decades, he strongly stated his opinions about what was happening with Gopher Football. You all know what happens when wars of words occur. People on this board and other sometimes "go the extra mile..." in insulting each other. Over the years I saw how effective LOON was in sometimes getting under the skin of posters who were much less than civilized toward him and his views. Let's just say that both the Loon & I have been: "...voted off the island..." historically through the various Gopher Football Coaching Sagas , changes and incidents...not to mention views on the incompetence of various administrators at the University of Minnesota. loon is a good person and is a very interesting individual to carry on a discussion of Gopher Football with. I am but a Gopher Football Fan who wandered through the WILDERNESS following my GOPHER Football Team from the mid-1950's through the NC (1960...13 years of age) form the BRICKYARD...to the damn dome....back to TCF BANK STADIUM on campus. (Actually, I wrote much of the origional WILDERNESS YEARS SAGA...And Jason G. is probably still trying to recover from the LOUD, GOLD, HATED T-SHIRTS that were sold on line here prior to the building of the TCF! I coined that phrase because I was SO tired of Hawkeye Fans taking over the dome and chanting their HORRIBLE L(et's) Go Hawks LGH cheer And, it was when they switched the Student Section into wearing GOLD rather tahnb Maroon to home games. The idea was to make GOPHER FANS "loud, gold and hated" by visiting fans...it didn't work. So many memories....
Every time I was "grounded and taken out of commission on GOPHERHOLE: I made sure that I richly deserved it. Every time I snuck back on using a different moniker, I know that every one knew who I was...but...they were usually starting to get bored because there was too much company line agreement and not enough contrast, gamesmanship and activity going on, so they would tolerate me again for a while before I would be voted off the island again. I can honestly say I have gotten everything I deserve...and what a wonderful chance I have had to engage in discussion, provide contrast and have lots of fun all over the various Golden Gopher Football Web sites other than GH. Over the years I have interacted with a lot of folks here and, even during times I was absent, I would read GOPHER HOLE to kind of judge, assess current points of view, spins, and make mental notes of things that I would need to contrast upon returning some day. I feel as though I kind of "get" where some of you are coming from as a result of keeping an eye on what goes on here even when I have been away doing duty on other Golden Gopher Football Message Boards around the town. I'm getting old...and possibly a bit forgetful...but I still am a bit of an historian for the Gopher Web Sites I have known, participated on, been kicked off and have always found a way to return to in spite of it all. I never take any other posters too seriously and certainly never take myself seriously too often. Above all, I will never let the ba$tards get me down.
Hello to BleedGopher and Gopher Lady and Jason G. What ever happened to Dave Christiansen? And the spin offs and schisms that would find people packing their bags and going to one site or the other. It has been an eventful 20 plus years!
Of course Kelly Leeks has been around most of that time. I believe he got to know LOON at a football game in Toledo, if I am correct. And, among the few other monikers I recoginze on today's GOPHER HOLE is the GREATEST GOPHER FOOTBALL FAN I have ever known: 6 November, 1999. He and his family have known my family and I since those Jim Wacker Era days and Loon, 6, November 1999, my brother and I sat together in the HORSESHOE in C-BUS for that 2000 Golden Gopher Victory over the Buckeyes. And, I don't know if he would like to admit it or not, but my brother reads GOPHERHOLE and we attend games together...have for decades now...and he is my "spy for Gopher Spring Practice... Hello Bro! I won't give his moniker away though. Don't blame him for me being the way I am.
I recall a Rugger 14, I believe it was. Would that be you? I think you were in the Military, if I am not mistaken. It has been a long time. If I am correct: how the hell have you been? Well I assume and hope.
Enough of this for now...take care: Beat the stinking badger, GOPHER! Everyone should take this most recent coaching change however they believe I think. But, there needs to be room for people to voice dissenting points of view as well. So, it goes...